North Dakota Scholarships & Grants Programs

Grants and scholarship programs are offered throughout the country to students on all levels who are majoring in all fields of study. Some of these programs will, however, be state specific and will either be offered only in one state or will have been developed specifically for residents of that one state.

General Information regarding North Dakota Scholarship and Grant Programs

Scholarships, grants and loans all fall under the heading of financial aid but grants and scholarships are different from loans in that they do not have to be repaid. Grants, furthermore, are specifically for research projects – like a master’s degree thesis or a doctoral dissertation – while scholarship funds are made available to pay general course fees and expenses as well as, in some cases, living expenses.

In North Dakota, most available scholarship and grant programs are offered through the public and private universities and colleges located in the state. There are, however, further programs that are available through the state’s tribal colleges as well as those that are funded and administered by private education organizations and philanthropic societies.

Even though all programs will have their own individual eligibility requirements, most of them take note of academic achievement and specify a specific Grade Point Average (GPA) that a student is not allowed to fall below. Other factors that are usually taken into account include community involvement and leadership capabilities.

This list is not meant to be exhaustive and students who are interested in finding out what other scholarship and grant programs are available should review websites belonging to the North Dakota postsecondary educational institutions, trade and career schools, educational organizations, large private corporations and philanthropic societies.

Public Colleges and Universities: The University of North Dakota

The University of North Dakota (UND) has many differed grant and scholarship programs that its students can apply for, and most of them will require a student to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. Further information about the university’s many programs can be obtained directly from their Student Financial Aid Office at Twamley Hall, Room 216, 264 Centennial Drive, Stop 8371, Grand Forks, ND 58202 (tel: 701-777-3121 and website).

Representative Scholarship or Grant available through The University of North Dakota

  1. North Dakota Knights Templar Educational Foundation ScholarshipThis program awards an amount of $1,000 every year and, in order to be eligible for the award, students must:Be residents of North Dakota who are also US citizens and must be enrolled in a postsecondary educational institute within the state;
  2. Provide transcripts of either their cumulative or institutional GPA and must already have completed at least 15 quarter credits or 12 semester credits; and
  3. File certain supporting documents in hard copy format along with their application.

No preference will be given to any particular student due to any reason whatsoever and the awards are made solely on the basis of merit and academic achievement. Financial need is not considered for this program and applications have to be filed by March of any academic year. Further information can be obtained from UND’s Student Financial Aid Office at the above address.

  1. Detailed Examples of Further Scholarships and Grants available through The University of North DakotaNorth Dakota Association of Counties Scholarship Fund: this program has been developed especially for students attending an accredited technical school or college in North Dakota and two amounts of $1,000 each are awarded each year. Eligibility requirements include having a parent or grandparent currently being employed by a county in North Dakota or being an elected official in a county in North Dakota;
  2. 164th Infantry Scholarship: this program awards $500 every year to students who submit the winning essays on the history and campaigns of the 164th Infantry of North Dakota and who major in the social sciences or in history;
  3. Dakota Indian Foundation Scholarship: this program provides an annual award of $1,000, and all applicants must provide, among other things, copies of their tribal registrations. Priority will be given to those from the Sioux nations;
  4. Montana Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society: this program is only for students enrolled at educational institutions in North Dakota or Montana who are agricultural or natural science majors and who maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00;
  5. Bigsun Scholarship: this is an athletic scholarship open to undergraduate students who participate in any form of sports. $500 is awarded annually and the deadline for the submission of applications is June of each year; and
  6. Cass County Area Retired Teachers Scholarship (Ethel R. Hansen and Don Papke Scholarships): this program effects one award of $1,000 per year and the deadline for application submissions is late March of any given academic year. To be eligible for this award, a student must have graduated from a high school in North Dakota’s Cass County, must be enrolled in an education program on a graduate level or be a college sophomore or junior majoring in education and must maintain a B average.

Representative Programs available through other Public Colleges and Universities in North Dakota

  • Minot State University: contact details are 500 University Avenue West, Minot, ND 58707 (tel: 1-800-777-0750 and website) and representative programs include:
  1. Peggy Wittliff Memorial Scholarship; and
  2. The Pat and Mary Kay Jones Scholarship;
  • Lake Region State College: contact details are 1801 College Drive North, Devils Lake, ND 58301 (tel: 701-662-1600 and website) and representative programs include:
  1. Alan Martin Cooperative Management Training Scholarship; and
  2. Florence Lake Service Scholarship;
  • Dickinson State University: contact details are 291 Campus Drive, Dickinson, ND 58601 (tel: 701-483-2507 and website) and representative programs include:
  1. Marva Anderson Elementary Education Scholarship; and
  2. American Association of University Women / Dr. Catherine Brand Memorial Scholarship;
  • Mayville State University: contact details are 330 Third Street North East, Mayville, ND 58257 (tel: 1-800-437-4104 and website) and representative programs include:
  1. Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarship; and
  2. Robert C. Byrd Scholarship.

Private Colleges and Universities: Jamestown College

The financial aid available through this private college includes academic and merit scholarships, state and institutional grants and financial loans. Further information concerning all financial aid programs offered by this school can be obtained from their campus at 6000 College Lane, Jamestown, ND 58405 (tel: 701-252-3467 and website).

Representative Scholarship or Grant available through Jamestown College

The Melvin R. Arnold Scholarship

This program awards a total of $10,000 to a student over a period of four years and may be awarded together with other Jamestown College scholarships (especially the Wilson Scholarship). Eligibility requirements include:

  1. Students have to be enrolled in Jamestown College; and
  2. Students must major in either (a) biochemistry, (b) chemistry or (c) biology, math or a pre-professional science subject with a minor in chemistry.As applications for this program are generally submitted along with those for the Wilson Scholarship, they need to be filed by November and February of any given school year.

Detailed Examples of Further Scholarships and Grants available through Jamestown College

  1. Jamestown College Sibling Scholarships: these have been developed especially for families with two or more siblings attending the college on a full-time basis and, here, $1,000 will be paid to each of them if they are living on-campus and $500 if they are living at home;
  2. Alumni Referral Scholarship: students are eligible for a payment of $500 for their first year’s study if they have been referred to the college by a Jamestown alumnus;
  3. Wilson Scholarship: this program pays a student’s full tuition for four years and is awarded to a student on the basis of their leadership skills and academic achievement;
  4. Presbyterian Clergy Scholarship: in terms of this program, if a student’s parent is a member of the Presbyterian Clergy, the student will receive a $500 scholarship award every year;
  5. Theater Scholarships: students will have to audition for these scholarships, which are awarded and renewed at the discretion of the college’s theater director; and
  6. A. F. Zipf Fellowship in Information Management: here a student must already be enrolled in graduate school but still be completing the initial part of his or her program and must excel in information management technical achievement and leadership.

Representative Programs available through other Private Colleges and Universities in North Dakota

  1. University of Mary in Bismarck: contact details are 7500 University Drive, Bismarck, ND 58504 (tel: 701-355-8030 and website) and representative programs include:
    1. Emerging Leaders’ Academy Scholarships; and
    2. Sister Thomas Welder Leadership Scholarship;
  2. Trinity Bible College: contact details are 50 Sixth Avenue South, Ellendale, ND 58436 (tel: 800-523-1603 and website) and representative programs include:
    1. Amy Deyo / Paul Keith Memorial Scholarship; and
    2. J. Robert Ashcroft National Youth Scholarship.

Tribal Colleges: Sitting Bull College

Sitting Bull College is one of the several tribal colleges in North Dakota and it receives its funding from the American Indian College Fund. SBC has set aside a portion of the funds that it receives to create several scholarships for its students and further information concerning these scholarship programs can be obtained from the college at 1341 92nd Street, Fort Yates, ND 58538 (tel: 701-854-8000 and website).

Representative Scholarship or Grant available through Sitting Bull College

Carol S. McKissack Scholarship

This program consists of two awards of $500 (each paid out in two payments of $250 per semester) that must go towards tuition costs for students who wish to be enrolled in SBC. The deadline to submit applications is September of every year and the eligibility requirements include:

    1. Students must not yet have earned either a certificate or a bachelor’s degree and they must be enrolled at either a certificate or an associate degree level;
    2. Students must be either a Business Education / Grantsmanship major or a Teacher Education major;
    3. Students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 and must require financial assistance; and
  1. Students must also hold leadership positions in community organizations or college clubs.This program is available for those students who are enrolled either on a full-time or a part time basis and further details can be obtained from SBC at the address given above.

Detailed Examples of Further Scholarships and Grants available through Sitting Bull College

  1. Theodore R. and Vivian M. Johnson Foundation Scholarship: this program has been developed specifically for Native American students at SBC who wish to start their own business, or expand an existing business, on their reservation. Up to $2,500 will be awarded in terms of this scholarship and awards will be made twice a year;
  2. Dakota / Lakota Scholarship: here preference is given to Standing Rock enrolled members and, in terms of this program, up to ten scholarships of $100 each can be awarded every year. Only students who have completed 12 credits in their last term at the college and who have a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher are eligible for these awards;
  3. The Joe Flying Bye Scholarship: this program was developed for students who are majoring in Native American studies, who have already completed 30 credits towards their degree and who have maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.00. Students also have to be an active member of the Ikce Oyate Culture Club at SBC;
  4. Barbara Cameron Scholarship: this program awards $100 to the author of an outstanding original composition and all entries are judged on style, language use, form, content and method of publication;
  5. Heisner-Baker Scholarship: this program provides financial assistance to full-time Native American students who were raised without a father and the submission deadline here is during September of any given financial year; and
  6. Helen D. Hull Teaching Scholarship: students who are majoring in the field of teaching and who have experience in community service will be on the priority list to receive this scholarship, which pays two awards of up to $750 per year. Students must also be enrolled for full-time study at SBC and be able to maintain a GPA of at least 2.00. The deadline to submit applications is in late September of any given school year.

Representative Programs available through other Tribal Colleges in North Dakota

  1. Turtle Mountain Community College: contact details are 10145 BIA Road 7, P O Box 340, Belcourt, ND 58316 (tel: 701-477-7862 and website) and representative programs include:
    1. Truman D. Picard Scholarship Program; and
    2. Jackie Robinson Scholarship;
  2. United Tribes Technical College: contact details are UTTC, Attn: The Office of The Registrar, 3315 University Drive, Bismarck, ND 58504 (tel: 701-255-3285 and website) and representative programs include:
    1. Indian Health Services Scholarship; and
    2. North Dakota Space Grant Consortium.

Representative Programs available through other Educational / Philanthropic Organizations in North Dakota

Hattie K. Tedrow Memorial Fund Scholarship

This program is administered through the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of North Dakota, and the maximum award that can be made is $2,000. Applications must be submitted by mid-April of every school year and eligibility requirements include:

  1. Students must be legal residents of North Dakota and high school seniors who want to further their education at any accredited university, college, technical school or trade school;
  2. Students must submit a 500-word essay along with their application forms, as well as proof of acceptance into an accredited post-secondary educational institute; and
  3. Students must be direct descendents of any veteran of honorable service in the United States armed forces.The successful applicant will have up to two years to utilize all of the scholarship monies, and any unused monies must be refunded to the Memorial Fund. Further information concerning this program can be obtained directly from the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of North Dakota, P O Box 1060, Jamestown, ND 58402 (tel: 701-253-5992 and website). Further programs available through the Legion include:
    1. The Lung and Respiratory Nursing Scholarship; and
    2. The Samsung American Legion Scholarship.

The Bill Oban Special Education Scholarship

This program is administered through the North Dakota Education Association and aims to provide students in North Dakota with financial assistance in order to obtain a qualification in education. The deadline for submitting an application is March 1st of any given academic year and eligibility requirements include:

  1. Students must be members of the North Dakota Education Association;
  2. Students must be full-time undergraduate students in a teacher education program and must want to major, and then practice, in special education;
  3. Students must have maintained a GPA of 3.00 or higher; and
  4. Students must submit several documents along with their applications including a 500-word essay on their own strengths and weaknesses, college transcripts and three letters of recommendation.Those who wish to obtain further information concerning this program can contact the Association directly at 410 East Thayer Avenue, Suite 1, Bismarck, ND 58501 (tel: 701-223-0450 and website). Further programs available through the Association include:
    1. The NDEA Foundation Education Scholarship; and
    2. The Annual Ethnic Minority Affairs Scholarships.
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