Medical School Grants

The healthcare profession, as a whole, will be one of the fastest growing fields over the next 10 years. Employment is projected to increase by 22 percent during this period. The demand exists because of the aging population.

Many students are encouraged to pursue the medical field because the conditions are favorable for employment. Medical schools are responding in kind by increasing their acceptance rates based upon the projected increased demand. Physicians who are willing to work in rural or low income environments have an even greater chance of securing viable employment.

Becoming a Physician

Becoming a physician is not an easy task. Although medical schools are accepting more applicants to meet demands, acceptance into medical school is still competitive. The medical school student must commit themselves to 4 years of undergraduate work, 4 years of medical school, and 3 to 8 years of residency depending upon the chosen medical discipline.

Physicians must be self-motivated, have a good bedside manner, work long hours under a significant amount of pressure, have emotional stability, and be able to make sound decisions under pressure. Because the job is demanding, the pay is also high to compensate for the grueling hours and pressure associated with the job.

According to a 2008 study, primary care physicians were able to obtain an average median income of $186,044. For those physicians practicing specialized medicine, the average median income was $339,738.

Medical Career Paths

The potential medical student can become either a Medical Doctor (M.D.) or a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.). Most individuals are familiar with the responsibilities of a Medical Doctor; however, a growing number of individuals are learning more about the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.). The Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) uses all other forms of medicine, but emphasizes the importance of preventative medicine, holistic healthcare, and the body’s musculoskeletal system. Doctor’s of Osteopathic Medicine can be found in general practices, internal medicine, or pediatrics.

Physicians are employed in several different specialty fields, such as family and general medicine, pediatrics, anesthesiology, obstetrics, surgery and psychiatry. Residency programs assist medical students in fine tuning and learning to practice professionally within their chosen field of study. As technology advances and consumer awareness increases, physicians will have to become even more astute to remain abreast of the changing times.

For a private four year college education, the student can expect to pay $20,000 per academic year. The average student will need assistance with the costs if they desire to attend school. Several scholarships and grants are available for students considering the medical field. Obtaining a scholarship or a grant is equally as competitive as getting into medical school. Therefore, the student should be prepared to present their best impression to the reviewing committee.

Grants Available to Medical School Students

Research Medical Student Grant

This particular grant was designed to encourage students who have interest in the field of radiology.

Medical students who currently have research experience in medical imaging will receive preference when applying. The recipient of the award will sharpen their skills in research, hypothesis testing, and objective definition. Recipients will also be expected to participate in a research project for 10 weeks. The research will be conducted under the guidance of an advisor.

The research can be integrated into the curriculum as a research elective or alternatively, may be conducted during personal time or while on summer vacation.

The student will be awarded $3,000 by the grant committee and $3,000 will be matched by the sponsoring department. The student will receive in total a $6,000 stipend. The funds may not be used for non-personnel research expenses.

Eligibility Requirements

The student must be a member of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) when the application is submitted. The applicant may apply as a Member-in-Training or a non-dues paying member. However, the advisor or co-investigator must be a member who pays dues.

  • The prospective applicant must be registered as a full-time medical student at an accredited medical school in the North American continent.
  • The research should be in one of the following fields of study: radiology, nuclear medicine, or oncology radiation. The research, however, does not have to occur in the same educational institution where the student is attending school.
  • The applicant must not have a history of being a principal investigator or receiving a contract for $60,000 or more in a single year.
  • The applicant may not be employed by a for-profit company in the radiology field.
  • The applicant may not receive grants in successive years and may not submit more than one application to the RSNA Foundation per year.
  • The applicant must not receive support from another source for the same project, unless one form of funding provides salary support and the other funding source provides non-personnel research expenses.

Application Process

Students interested in the grant and meet all the eligibility requirements are encouraged to apply using the Online Grant Application System. The deadline is February 1, 2010. A signed and dated copy should be received by the RSNA Foundation office no later than this date.

The National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (SMART)

The National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) Grant is accessible to undergraduate students within their third and fourth years of undergraduate studies. Often, medical students pursue undergraduate studies within the sciences or engineering prior to enrolling in a medical school. This grant will assist those students who are interested in the field of medicine, but need financial assistance at the undergraduate level.

Eligibility Requirements

The student should be enrolled in a program of study at least half time and be eligible for the Federal Pell Grant. The student must major in engineering, mathematics, technology, physical sciences, life sciences or computer sciences to be eligible for the scholarship. Students who are majoring in a critical foreign language or a liberal arts program are also eligible. However, this is a non-traditional route to medical school.

The student must maintain at least a 3.0 in the course work required for one of the aforementioned majors. The National SMART Grant award is a supplement to the student’s Pell Grant award. The student must also be a United States citizen or an eligible non-citizen.

The student majoring in biology will still be eligible to receive the National SMART Grant if the student is not taking any classes related to biology in a particular semester, if the classes are a requirement for the course of study.

The National SMART grant recipient will receive up to $4,000 for the third and fourth years of his or her program of study. The total amount received from the SMART grant and the Pell Grant may not exceed the total cost of the student’s attendance. The student’s grant may be reduced if the number of students eligible exceeds the budget allowance for the fiscal year.

Application Process and The Federal Pell Grant

To become eligible for the SMART Grant, the student must first apply for the Pell Grant. To begin the application for the Pell Grant, the student must prepare the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This application will determine the Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) for college. The EFC number will then be assigned to the application. The number will be based upon the amount that the prospective recipient has disclosed about the household financial information.

The receipt of the Pell Grant is dependent upon the EFC number, the student’s enrollment status (full time or part time), and the student’s participation in scholastic programs.

The Pell Grant is awarded primarily to families whose annual household incomes fall below $20,000 per year. Most private institutions have tuition costs of $20,000 per academic year, and public institutions are half that amount. Therefore, financial hardship is placed upon families who wish to pursue an academic education who earn less than $20,000 per year.

Pell Grant Awards

The Federal Pell Grant usually awards students about $4,000 per academic year. After the student becomes eligible for the Pell Grant, the student can apply for the SMART Grant online. The deadline for the FAFSA is June 30, 2010. State funds vary. Check the website to determine the specific deadlines for the state in which the applicant is applying.

National Institute of Health (NIH) Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA)

The Academic Research Enhancement Award Grant was established to award students participating in small research projects within the biomedical or behavioral sciences field. The research should be conducted by students who are currently attending a health professional school.

The goal of the grant award is to promote the following principles:

  1. To support research in the health profession
  2. To increase and strengthen the educational institution’s research environment
  3. To increase student’s exposure to the research environment
  4. To encourage studies in the biomedical sciences


The student cannot have received a NIH research grant within recent history. The student must be enrolled in one of the following academic health programs to be eligible:

  1. School of Medicine
  2. Podiatry
  3. Veterinary Medicine
  4. Nutrition
  5. Dentistry
  6. Nursing
  7. Osteopathy
  8. Pharmacy
  9. Optometry
  10. Public Health
  11. Allied Health
  12. Chiropractic Medicine

Each year the eligible educational institutions are updated. When the student applies, the reviewing committee will determine the eligibility of the particular educational institution.

Each year three million dollars is awarded to support research within the biomedical field. The deadlines vary depending upon the type of grant submitted. Deadlines for a standard application are as follows: February 25, June 25, and October 25. AIDs related research deadlines are as follows: January 7, May 7, and September 7. Grants can be submitted electronically through the website.

For more information about this particular grant, the applicant can contact the Office of Extramural Research at the National Institutes of Health. The contact for this particular grant is Mary Ann Guadagno, Ph.D.

Herbert W. Nickens Medical Student Scholarships

This scholarship was designed to assist in the qualification of quality medical school candidates. This screening process will help the medical schools achieve their diversity requirements while eliminating disparities in health care.

Five scholarships will be awarded to students who have exhibited leadership within their field or program of study. The leadership efforts should address societal, educational and health care needs of minorities within the United States.

Each medical school may nominate one student per year for the award. The application should include 10 stapled sets. One original copy of the application and nine photocopies of the application should be included.

Each set should include the following:

A letter of recommendation from the dean of the school.

The letter should discuss the applicant’s leadership abilities in the health care profession and within the minority community in the areas of societal, educational and health care.

  1. A letter of recommendation from the minorities affairs representative
  2. A letter of recommendation from a member of the faculty
  3. A personal statement of 250 words or less.

The statement should discuss why the student is interested in the medical profession and how he or she hopes to improve health care of minorities

  1. A Curriculum Vitae (CV) stating the applicants experience and pertinent contact information
  2. The applicant’s transcript should be included

Completed applications should be submitted to the Herbert W. Nickens Medical Student Scholarships Award Committee in the Association of American Medical Colleges Department. Any questions regarding the scholarship should be addressed to Angela R. Moses.


The recipient must be entering their third year of medical school. Again, the applicant must exhibit leadership and a commitment to health care in the minority communities. The recipient should be a United States Citizen or a permanent resident. Those students who are pursuing a dual degree program, such as the M.D./Ph.D. program are only eligible in their third year of medical school.

Award Amount and Deadline for the Scholarship Application

The deadline for the scholarship application is May 3, 2010. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Each recipient will receive a $5,000 scholarship. The award will be given in November of each year.

Biomedical Vacation Scholarships

This award aims to provide undergraduates with research experience during summer vacation that may later be used within a graduate level program, such as medical school or a M.D./Ph.D. dual degree program. The scholarship encourages a career in research that can be combined with a medical career.

Scholarships will award recipients up to 190 pounds per week for eight weeks of research during the summer holiday. Expenses associated with research are not provided.


To become eligible for the scholarship, the student must be enrolled at a university in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland. The student may either be an undergraduate enrolled in their second or third year of studies in the field of science, dentistry, or veterinary school. Alternatively, a medical student can apply at the end of their second or third year of medical school.

A medical student who has completed the BSc year or graduate entry medical students who have completed an undergraduate degree in a science related subject is not eligible to apply for this particular scholarship. Students who desire to complete their research requirements outside the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland are not eligible for this particular award. The applicant may only apply once and awards are not transferable.

Application Process

The application process should be a joint effort between the student and the supervisor. The proposed research project should be completed within the 8 week time frame. The student should be the primary investigator and not just help around the laboratory.

The application will be reviewed according to the candidate’s academic record and the research project idea submitted. Past recipients have studied in the field of biological sciences, pharmaceutical science, dentistry, optometry, veterinary sciences, sports sciences, and medical sciences. Students studying in the natural sciences or computer sciences are welcome to apply. However, the proposed research project should be within the biomedical research field.

Undergraduate students with no prior research experience will be given preference. Students are encouraged to conduct their research studies at a university that is different from the current university that they are attending.

The West Virginia Rural Health Education Partnerships

This scholarship program is designed to financially assist individuals who are interested in the medical profession and reside within the West Virginia state boundaries.


Students in their senior year of any school of medicine or osteopathy are eligible for the West Virginia Rural Health Education Partnership. The student must also be entering the internship or residency program in West Virginia.

Students who are completing their primary care educational program for nurse practitioners or physician’s assistant are eligible to apply. Alternatively, the student can apply if he or she is pursuing a graduate program in physical therapy or a master’s degree in nursing.

Twenty thousand dollars of scholarships will be awarded to medical students. Students in other fields of study are eligible for $10,000 of financial assistance. Students are required to practice for two years in a health care facility that is in need of health care professionals.


The list of grants and scholarships and grants available to medical school students and potential students of the medical profession is not exhaustive. An interested student should search online to locate other opportunities that are suitable to the participant’s particular academic and financial situation.

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59 Comments on “Medical School Grants”

  1. Marguerite Pippin wrote:

    I have been accepted at Medix West school in Md. The reason I am going back to school is that my husband of 27 yrs passed away in Jan. 2011 and left very little money. I need to increase my income to care for my daughter and myself. I have been in child care for 15 yrs but it doesn’t pay my bills. I am 51 yrs old and have always loved caring for people. I have cared for my elderly aunt (terminally ill and end of death care) and worked for BARC (Baltimore Association of Retarded Citizens). I have had some experience with various types of care but want to learn the right ways to care for people. I would appriciate any financial help you can give me. Thank you

  2. Jacob Ricarldo McQueen wrote:

    I am inquiring about some type of free financial help in regards to attempting to get my life back on track. I am a 36 year old male who has lost a lot and do my best to put my best foot each and every day. I have lost my grandmother, father, brother and a sister (which I was very close to them all), I have also suffered a very bad divorce of 15 years and within the that time help raised two that was not mine and just recently got one sent off to college in daytona. I have one of my my own who is 11 years old but it’s hard to stay positive when I’m around them considering that I’m unemployed and have health issues and at this time no insurance to cover any visits or meds. I was laid off of my job of 9 years with Baptist Medical Center in Jacksonville, Fl. on july 14th 2011, and i will tell you it has been hell on earth. I have a car which I have monthly payments of $526.00 each month, and it has been a struggle to think of where my next check or piece of change is going to come from just to keep me riding. I had to make some major changes to my life style right now, and considering that i’m trying to tend to my mother who is all I have left right now, I try my best to just make sure that i keep the car just to get her back and fourth to her appointments. I chuckle a few times throughout the day, just for the simple fact that i know it is going to get worse before it gets better. The divorce was a lesson learned, my ex really did a number on me, throughout our marraige and at the end left me holding the bag (which all of it was her doing). This was not meant to be a pity party, right now as i wait to hear back from jobs my best bet is to presue a career in the medical field which I have been in all my life (just about). I have already started the process on my end with the college here in Jacksonville, Fl. (FSCJ) for Radiography. I have already done my Financial Ad which I did not quilify for any free grant. For whatever reason any of this needs to be verified I am more then happy to provide whatever documation needed.

    Thank You

  3. Endigo Harper wrote:

    I am looking for grants to help me to pay for my education. I am currently enrolled in Long Island University as a full time student. My major is Health Care Administration. My mother has been unemployed for a year or little more time than that. I myself only worked part time as an assosciate at a clothing store before going off to school to help offset some costs. I am struggling to pay my tuition and need help. I would gladly accept and appreciate anything sum awarded to me. I am a hardworker and I just some financial support to help me achieve.

  4. Rose-Marie LaBar wrote:

    I am seeing if there is a program that can help unemployed students that are trying to better themselves by doing on lline college classes but can not afford to pay for the tuition that is required of them to pay. I need to get my computer back and make payments to my college in order to restart and finish my college course. I am taking Medical Assisting with an Associates Degree in Office Management. I have been struggling for some time now so if there is such a program out there please send it to my email address above. I will accept any help for grants or anything to help me out.

  5. clare kweka wrote:

    I am from Africa, a woman of 34, I hold background of clinical medicine. wishes to study radiology for better diagnosis and treatment of patients who currently can not. please only if you can assist in payment.I am not financially stable.

  6. Jarred Penn wrote:

    I am looking for grants to help me to pay for my education. I am currently enrolled in The University of Phoenix as a full time student. I have three children an am divorced. My oldest lives with me and the other two are with me a lot. My major is Health Care Administration. I am working full time but the pay is not that good. I am struggling to pay my tuition and need help. I would gladly accept and appreciate anything sum awarded to me. I am a hardworker and I just need some financial support to help me achieve.

  7. Samantha Jones wrote:

    I am only a Sophomore in highschool but I am getting really exited about going to college and becoming a radiology therapist. I’ve always been interested in enrolling in nursing school but when I came upon radiologist’s I was really happy. My great grandma and my great aunt got and passed away from cancer and my grandmother right now has it. It’s upsetting to know that my mother and I could possible get cancer as well. But it is a great feeling to know that I can one day be able to help those who have cancer and take them throught kemo.
    The only problem is is that my parents are pretty unstable. My mom lost her job and my dad has lost many hours. I’m working very hard in school right now and have A’s and B’s. It would be really amazing if I got this grant. 🙂

  8. sunday john wrote:

    i’m keenly looking for assistance to fund my tuition fee, i’m a second year student taking Doctor of Medicine in some university in Africa. The problem comes that all the grants are directed to usa and europe based students! it will be of great value if i got that grant because my current schooling status is not so favourable for a medical student!! much thanx to anyone who reads my post and replies!!! God bless you all.

  9. Ricardo Martinez wrote:

    I have already completed my Pre med. Have not been able to continue due to lack of funds.Worked at Jackson Memorial for more than a year.Loved it.but had to return to my home because of an emergency.I know that I wil be an excellent Physician.

    After completing a Bachellor’s Degree in Science, the plan was to go to Med.Shcool.

  10. Louis Villas wrote:

    I am a high school study very interested in a career in dentisty. I would love to receive a grant to assist in my tuition. My parents both work but the money they make will not be able to support my college education. I would love the chance to be able to bring happiness and comfort to those who don’t smile because of bad teeth. I want to bring comfort to those who are not comfortable in their own smile.

  11. Cortney Walters wrote:

    I am seventeen, and going to Winfree Academy. I really want to go to college to be a Psychiatrist, however with my parents income, and me working with my mom, i’m not going to have enough money to pay for college. My calling is really photography, i mean that is what i desire, however i’ve been wanting to be Psychiatrist since i was real young, and i know that i can do this. I would just need information on getting a free grant. Please HELP ME!!


  12. Patricia wrote:

    I am looking for grant money so that i can go back to school. i am out of work and i want to go back to school for something that there is a need for such as nursing. I am a nontraditional student and out of work. I am trying to get in to something where i can help other and my self as well.

  13. Rondrell D. Holmes wrote:

    I am currently Attending Miller-Motte Technical College and i am studying Medical Billing & Coding. But, Because i had no recollection of Select System Service (SSS), i am being punished and on the verge of being removed from school because the government would not pay for my schooling. I have come to far in life and in school to just lay down and not do anything. If anyone know anyway or anyone i can talk to, please let me know, I am in desperate need and i want to continue to stay in school and get my education. Thank You!

    email(s) or

  14. Tori M. Swindle wrote:

    My name is Tori M. Swindle. I am interested in physical therapy. I’m enrolling in The University of West Alabama this fall. I graduated from Northside High School with a 3.2 gpa. Please if you can help me find a grant toward my college education I would appreciate it. Thanks

  15. tigist benti endalaw wrote:

    i am 28years old from ethiopia .i gradduated from in town of addis by clincal nursing i work in private sector i have two years expriance but i want to improve my educational status alwaya wanted to go to school to be registered .i am having problem of financial finding grants andd more i would like some help finding them to get in school

  16. Kimberly Thompson wrote:

    My name is Kim Thompson, I will be attending Logan college of Chiropractic in the fall to obtain my DC degree. I have just graduated recently with a Surgical tech degree also. If you have any information on grants that will help me towards my goal of graduation it would be very helpful! I appreciate it! Thank you.

  17. alycia wright wrote:

    Is this scholarship available in 2012? Where else may i look for medical Scholarships

  18. Oloya Johnson Nyeko wrote:

    I am a medical student at Kampala International University in 3rd year, Here by request you to inform me if i qualify for any of the grants, because i need support towards rent and purchase of medical equipments for practice.

    Hope to here from you

  19. Obunga Ruth Kerubo wrote:

    I am an 18yr old girl from kenya who got an acceptance letter fron Texila American University to study a bachelors degree in medicine and lack financial support.I am requesting for a sponsorship so that I may study and bring education in my village.Just to let you know,I am the only one in my village who has studied up to high school level and passed with excellently I intend to finish my education and show my village the importance of education.
    wish to hear from you soon.
    Obunga Ruth Kerubo

  20. Pristine De Jesus wrote:

    I am an 18 year old female, from Hawaii. I am applying for any kind of financial help. I am going to be graduating Kauai High School in May of 2013 and I am looking forward to going to college where I want to study medicine. I am thinking about applying at Kauai Community College, even though the costs will be cheap, I will be the one in charge of paying for my tuition. I am a full time high school student and also a full time worker. I am looking for help because I can’t afford the costs of my school. I have risen myself since the age of 16 and I am now officially on my own, I do not have family to help pay for my college, so I have been raising money for college, but even that isn’t enough to have me start in August of 2013. Thank you for your time.
    Pristine De Jesus

  21. Jenn Baker-Miller wrote:

    I am a 34 year female looking to go back to school to better myself for alot of diffrent reasons. I was raised in a children”s home due to my parents being depended on drugs and alcohol, before I went to the home I took care of my brothers and sisters at a young age. As I grew up to adulthood I refused to let my children go though what I had to go though. Well life suprises you… two children later and a broken ankle due to domestic volence, I refused to be a statistic. So I had to make some hard decissions, and now I am working 2 jobs just to make ends meet. I researched going back to school. I have finally decided on what I want to do as a career. I want to go back to for Mortuary Science. I want to be a sucess story and prove to myself and others that think I cant do it to do it. I dont want to get loans I want to try to get grants and pay for the rest myself. I am a hard worker and I have very good work ethics.

  22. Lakeshia wrote:

    Now realizing how expensive school has become; Just simple things having transportation, supplies, and food to eat. After analyzing this few issues I’m in need of extra funds. There’ll always be people in need of keeping up with health that’s the reason why I’ve chosen medical as a career. Pharmacy Technician, an place in medical health that continues helping people after the doctor has diagnoses the problem. By having this grant I can go forward in having the promising career in Medical field.
    To Whom This may concern: Thank you

  23. sabina jovanovic wrote:

    Hello, my name is sabina and i am currently enrolled at Ambria college of nursing, i have been a cna for over four years now and i am very dedicated to taking care of the elderly, i decided to go back to school and pursue my dream of being a nurse. I am a sinlge mother doing the best that i can on my own. Getting help with my schooling will make my and my sons future brighter! I am a hard working individual and i am struggling paying for bills but i need to get my education and i dont want my finantial situation to keep me from making a better life for myself. I would greatly appreciate it if i can get any kind of help.

  24. Wollelaw eniyew wrote:

    I am 26 years old male from ethiopia .i got my degree in medicine this year.i have commulative score > 3.5.i want to specialize in surgery and bring palpable change in my countries practice .i need help to realize my dream.i will wellcome if any one …..

  25. Andrew C. wrote:

    This may sound ridiculous, but I am a 49 year old man looking to return to school. I already have a great education and a great growing new career. However, my first love has always been medicine. I have Post 9/11 G.I. Bill (which will cover 80% of my tuition). I have a family,, and have discussed my desires and they support me. My goal is to be a primary care Podiatrist caring for the general population. What I need is to fill the 20% tuition and other costs associated with school. I also need to take care of my family’s housing, food and living expenses. I don’t want to be the multi-millionaire Hollywood dude that burns more money in their fireplace than they actually spend. My desire is the prevention of foot disorders and disease that are precursors to other life threatening conditions. I don’t need a long drawn out residency. Just a clerkship and a year or two of post graduate experience to qualify me to practice. I’ve served my country for over twenty-one years, now I want to serve her people, particularly veterans. Thank you.

  26. Wunna Kyaw wrote:

    I am 22 years old male from Myanmar.I am a final part 2 medical student at University of Medicine Mandalay.I am lack of financial support.I have a dream to become a physician and to complete my dream,help me please.
    My email address is

  27. S.Q. Harris wrote:

    I am inquiring about any charitable trusts or any available type of financial assistance in an attempt to stay on track in medical school. I’m an American student studying medicine as a second degree. I am a MD-1 (first year medical student) attending a Caribbean medical school. I have chosen to study medicine as a second degree, I want to teach and practice medicine while continuing my biomedical research. I have completed my PhD in Public Health (where I published research as a co-investigator in: RNAi Regulation of Autologous Stem Cells and Prospect for Biomedical Informatics Therapeutic Development; MicroRNAs in Cell Proliferation, Cell Death, and Tumorgenesis; Internet APRS Data Utilization for Bio surveillance Applications; and Plasticity in the Transdifferentiation of Stem Cells; and Development of a Multi-organ Rodent Model for Assessment of the Efficacy of Chemopreventive Agents [references available upon request]). I have numerous presentations, workshops and publishable manuscripts, and build up relevant work experience which all my experiences have been very rewarding.

    As graduate medical students there are serious financial considerations to take into account, I have to make a significant contribution to the funding of my medical training (in which as a medical student and on an academic visa, I am unable to work). As a graduate-medical student in the Caribbean, I am not entitled to any government maintenance grant or a tuition/fee loan for my medical education, although I am eligible for US student loans. This means that as a graduate medical student I have to make my own arrangements to finance my tuition fees and maintenance costs for these years of medical training.
    After graduation, I will have the skills to help those in need, and make a real difference in people’s lives practicing translational and regenerative medicine. For whatever reason any of this needs to be verified I am more than happy to provide whatever documentation needed.

  28. Deshannae Edwards wrote:

    Dear Sirs/Madam,
    My name is Deshannae Edwards. I am eighteen years of age. I am a Black Jamaican National. I heard about this Medical Grant programme via a U.S citizen who gave me advice about taking the next step towards my future.
    I am of a very poor back ground and often times loan have to be taken out in order to keep me in school. I am very determined and dedicated towards achieving my aspiration of becoming an E.R Physician. My inspiration came from my passion for people and my heart felt and sincere love for my fellow man`s health and well being.
    I am asking for information on how I can benefit from this initiative. I am not a U.S citizen but I do have some one that lives overseas that would be my care giver and financial guarantor . Her name is Susan Mincey and she lives in Jacksonville Florida.
    Please send a response to this message as I will be very much appreciative of your support and assistance in helping me to take the next step to be closer to my dream.
    Your Sincerely,
    Deshannae Edwards

  29. Brandy wrote:

    My son wants to be a doctor. I am a single mother and I have been very blessed with my children. They are wonderful students in school and amazingly well rounded young men. My oldest son wants to go into the medical field and he has started taking all the required courses possibly available to him in high school. I of course can not afford medical school and I am wondering what in the world do I do to help put this child through this type of education? Any advice is appreciated thank you…..

  30. Franklin wrote:

    Am a ghanaian i need help to help me do my medical course please see me through

  31. Nassiwa Shamim wrote:

    I am a female student in Uganda,Africa aged 23 already in medical school left with two years to complete my Bachelors of medicine and surgery but my financial status has deteriorated and i am not sure anymore if i will complete my course.My parents are peasant farmers so my tuition was being covered by my brother who is a primary school teacher, he has struggled throughout my education but he cannot do it anymore because his income cannot meet the university requirements.I Please request for your help because my dream of serving human health is fading away when i am almost there.I will be very grateful for any assistance and support.Please reply me.

  32. Thalia Perez wrote:

    I am an 18 year old female, I have been accepted to the University of Arizona. Although I received a scholarship for partial tuition, I am having a difficult time applying for more then a pell grant to defray the cost. My major is medicine, with a I have been an honor student in Solano County California with a certificate for my college courses I completed while in High School. How do I apply for a grant to help with costs?

  33. Adeyemi Okunola wrote:

    Iam a man of mid-fifty years that is deeply optimistic about becoming a practicing physician one day, since my youth. I have been successfully by the help of almighty God gone to, and graduated from an accredited but foreign medical school. Thus far, I have been granted an opportunity for clinical rotation in an accredited associate hospital. I need financial assistance, be it grant, loan or aid of any kind will greatly be appreciated. Being a doctor has always been my childhood dream. And God has helped me thus far. I now need someone out there to point me inot the right direction concerning the help.


    I am An 18 year old Namibian.I completed my High school last year and I have always dreamed of studying medicine anywhere in the world.My mother is unemployed and cannot afford to pay for my fees.Please help me with any information on available scholarships or barsaries.Thank you

  35. FB Willis wrote:

    PLANE CRASH SURVIVOR After the crash and 3-year series of 16 orthopedic operations to rebuild my legs (while also recovering from TBI), I earned three degrees. Now I have been accepted in an interntaional medical school and I need funding of any kind! Where can I apply for a private grant or loan?

  36. DE Stanton wrote:


    My wife and I are both accepted to study medicine in the Caribbean. We have spent some time working as missionaries in Africa and Asia before coming back to the United States. We started working as missionaries in rural America and had first-hand experience with how dire the shortage of primary care physicians in rural United States is! We had to travel 20 miles to see our son’s primary doctor, and the average waiting time was unbelievably long. We never thought the United States would ever come to a point where finding a primary physicians took a lot of footwork. Rural America is not well-served, and the prospects for the future are gloomier.

    As missionaries to rural America, we decided to do something about it and resolved going to medical school. Our plan is to work as missionaries while serving the community as primary care physicians. While we have been accepted to start this fall, getting funding has been a battle. We chose a reputable Caribbean medical school with lower tuition fee, but our projected funding source has been altered due to some unavoidable inconveniences.

    We are looking for sponsorship, be it individual or even a rural hospital that would like to help us go through the MD program and serve at the hospital. Any help would greatly be appreciated. Please come on board and let’s help serve rural America. We are naturally passionate about helping others. This is shown in our past missionary work teaching to support ourselves while assisting the local people with employable skills. We are both U.S citizens.

  37. Ethel Rivers wrote:

    Hello, I’m currently attending CTU for Medical Administration in pursuit of my Associate Degree. I plan on Starting a statewide Job Placement Agency. I have at least 25 years of experience in this area. I worked for one of the oldest and largest school’s in Michigan, my placement rate was always above 80 %. If there’s any grant money out there to help with computers, websites, one part time employee to start. I would appreciate any help. God bless us all. I have a dream.

  38. Jordan Smith wrote:

    Hi! I am a 19 year old dedicated young female who has recently been accepted to a Caribbean medical school! As I have searched and searched to find some help and support in paying for school to no luck I have found nothing. My parents and family are not in good financial situation and I even with my full time job I am unable to pay for the tuition. I am looking for anything that will potentially help me out! Any info at all on loans, grants or scholarships will be so greatly appreciated!

  39. Ishmael Chakale wrote:

    I’m a medical student enrolled at University Of Malawi, College Of Medicine. I lost both parents and its hard for my guardians to pay my tuition fee and support my daily needs. I am looking for financial support. Annual fees is K275 000, which is close to $620. I would appreciate any help

  40. kelly inambao wrote:

    Hello, i am in need of a full scholarship to study medicine at texila american university i recently got an eligibility letter but i cant afford to pay 14000USD per year. I really want to take up the place if your help can be granted.Thank you in advance kelly from Zambia

  41. salma alkharrat wrote:

    hello i am salma iam from syria i need a full scholarship to study medicine at any university we can not paid for studying because we have war at our country and we can not study comfortably so i really want take up the place if your help can be granted thank you and i would appreciate any help

  42. Kareem Olatunji Ibraheem wrote:

    I write to appeal for a scholarship from your esteem Institution to avail me the opportunity to benefit from your institute to study Doctor of Medicine from both All Saint University.

    I am a practicing medical laboratory scientist who had been involved in diagnosis of different diseases in laboratory. My passion for service to humanity was drawn from the fact that after diagnosis of a known disease, patient management follows which can be best managed by the one who knows the disease condition and has seen it.

    I therefore, see a blessed future for my career and patient management as this will aid and enhance professionalism at its best..

    Please, send me a international scholarship application form in order to meet up as my admission is January 2017.

    Thank you,

    Kareem Olatunji Ibraheem,

  43. Mujonko Angela wrote:

    Good morning sir/ madam
    I am medical Student who wishes to look for a grant from you.

    I have been working in the medical Research Institute as a Biomedical Technologist.

    I would peruse a medical course in the school of medicine
    I would grate full to hear from and to the consideration of my my requet.

  44. AZAN NZOMKUNDA wrote:

    My name is Azan Nzomkunda and I am from Tanzania looking for a sponsorship who will sponsor my education of degree of doctor of medicine at St. Joseph University college of and allied sciences school. Course cost and accommodation per year is $4500 & the education period takes 5 years. I am in need of my education because is my dream to pull into success. Please sponsor help me. My email is

  45. Jason Soares wrote:

    Hi, I am a Canadian citizen and I will be attending a Caribbean medical school in September of 2017. However, my financial situation does not necessarily allow for my dream. I am doing my best with working and saving money and getting loans, but I don’t want to be a medical doctor with a heap of debt to deal with later. It makes end goal extremely bitter-sweet, swaying closer to the bitter part of the spectrum… If anyone has information regarding grants that could help me out, please share! You can reach me at Thank you.

  46. Eithne wrote:

    I hope this letter finds you well. I would like to first take this opportunity to introduce myself I’m an undergraduate student I was invited to Pre-Med Shadow Program in Spain and I’m looking for a sponsor or charitable trusts
    Thank you

  47. Arianna Ramirez wrote:

    I am 17 years old, graduation high school soon. My dream is to be an oncologist, medical school is really expensive. I am unable to pay all that money. I am a latina women with a dream to be a doctor. Thank you Arianna.

  48. Onia Livingstone Solomon wrote:

    Hello, I am a medical student doing a Bachelors of Medicine and a Bachelors of surgery at Gulu University Medical School in Northern Uganda.

    I am currently sponsoring myself at school but since I can nolonger catch up with both looking for money and studying due to the full time program at school, I am at the verge of dropping out since I have not found anyone to help me with tuition yet. I will be very grateful if you people could reach out to me with a hand of help. Thanks

  49. mtasi mwaipopo wrote:

    hello, professionally am clinical officer who completed diploma in clinical medicine in August 2015. l have ambition to continue with studies that’s taking bachelor degree in medicine but the problem comes on fee. would you help me for scholarship so that l can fulfill my need. thank you

  50. Shantha wrote:

    Respected Team,

    Can a Inidian student avail this loan facility to study medicine in caribbeans… looking out to get admission at International American University Saint Lucia. Please advise.
    Best regards,

  51. Brianna O Griffith wrote:

    Hello, I am a nursing student. My parents have done the best that they can do to further my education. My father had a strok about three years ago, he have a feeding tube, this was my movitation to become a nurse. I need some assistance to remain in school. I just need about $5,000. I do realize that any help would be better than no help. Help me please. I live in a poverty city and I just want to make a better life for me.

  52. Victor wrote:

    Please I’m a medical student in my second year and I’m looking for a sponsor, coz I’m finding it difficult to pay my dues, I don’t have any sponsor and I don’t mind being adopted, I promise to study hard and make my sponsor proud, this is my digit +2347050358013. Please help my career, don’t let my dream be thwarted.

  53. Gabriel Kunkeyani wrote:

    Hi,I am Gabriel Kunkeyani a Malawian by nationality.Malawi is one of the poorest countries in Africa.I am looking for sponsorship to study medicine (bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery) at Taxilla American university after having accepted,I have no one/organization to sponsor. Becoming a physician has always been my dream so that I can help in saving the world regardless of whatever reasons as a physician, please help me and your help will be highly appreciated and mean alot to many.

  54. Gabriel Kunkeyani wrote:

    Hi!, I am Gabriel Kunkeyani a Malawian by nationality,Malawi is one of the poorest countries in Africa, I am looking for sponsorship to study medicine(bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery) at Texila American university after being offered a place. Becoming a physician has always been my dream so that I can save the world regardless of whatever as a physician, please help me, your help will be highly appreciated and will mean alot to many.

  55. Erick moshi wrote:

    Hello….., am tanzanian holding diploma in clinical medicine,,, I need full scholarship to study doctor of medicin (M. D) in china…, any one reading this pleace keep in touch

  56. seleman p mayala wrote:

    I apply for pharmacy scolarship

  57. Gabriel Kunkeyani wrote:

    Hello, am Gabriel Kunkeyani, Malawian by nationality. I got accepted to study medicine( bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery) at Taxilla American university. I have no one else to support me, please help me. Below is is my;

  58. Gabriel Kunkeyani wrote:

    Hello! I am Gabriel Kunkeyani, am a Malawian by nationality. I got accepted to study medicine( bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery) at Texila American University. I am looking for sponsorship, I have no one else to support me, please help me. Below is my email;

  59. Isaac Mensah wrote:

    Am a boy of nineteen pursuing to be a medical doctor in future. I am of good academic background but poor financial background.So please I write to you for help that will make me offer my course and achieve my aim. Looking forward to hear from you. Thanks

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