Idaho Scholarships and Grants

Scholarship and grant programs are available all over the country and, while some of them will be open to students from every state, others will be restricted to students from just one state or even from just one or two counties in one state.

Grants are mainly used to fund research projects, while scholarship monies are used to pay for course tuition, to buy textbooks and other school supplies, and to pay for living expenses.

Idaho Scholarship and Grant Programs

Grants and scholarships that are available in Idaho are administered and funded by such diverse organizations as state universities and colleges, private universities and colleges, and community colleges.

Educational organizations, memorial trusts, philanthropic societies, private individuals and private businesses are also responsible for setting up and administering various programs. Scholarships and grants both are defined as ‘gift monies’, which means that the money paid to a student does not have to get repaid by them as is the case with a loan.

Although each scholarship and grant program will have its own criteria in terms of which students are deemed eligible to apply, those found specifically in Idaho include such terms as:

  1. Being an Idaho resident;
  2. Living in a particular county in Idaho;
  3. Graduating from one of several high schools in Idaho; and
  4. Graduating from one specific Idaho high school.

By no means does this list mention all grant and scholarship programs that are available for students in Idaho. Students who are interested in obtaining funding through applying for a grant or a scholarship should do their research and should start with a thorough inspection of the websites for the following Idaho based entities:

  • All postsecondary, tertiary and graduate schools;
  • All technical career schools and community colleges;
  • All educational organizations (including both general associations, like the Idaho State Board of Education, and associations specific to different fields of practice);
  • All philanthropic and cultural societies; and
  • All large Idaho-based corporations.

There are scholarships and grants available for students majoring in every subject and at all levels, so it’s just a matter of finding the right one.

Public Colleges and Universities

Idaho State University

Idaho State University (ISU) administers around $10m in scholarship and grant money every year and offers programs for all different types of students, including new transfer students and multi-ethnic and minority students. Students who are interested in obtaining further information concerning the various scholarship and grant programs offered by ISU can contact them directly at The Office of Financial Aid, 921 South 8th Avenue, Stop 8077, Museum Building, Room 337, Pocatello, ID 83209 (tel: 208-282-0211 and website).

Larry Eckenrode Memorial Scholarship

The amount that is awarded in terms of this program differs depending on the available funds, and the deadline for submitting applications is March of any given year. This program has been developed specifically for students wishing to pursue studies in the sporting fields and eligibility requirements include:

  • Applicants must have performed a service of some sort in the ISU Athletic Department, including part-time employment or simply volunteer work;
  • Applicants must be majoring in a field that is related to athletics, including, but not necessarily limited to: sports equipment management, health education, sports management and sports medicine; and
  • Applicants must be full time students and must have maintained a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 (for undergraduates) or 3.00 (for graduates).

Students who receive financial aid through other athletic grants cannot apply for the Larry Eckenrode Memorial Scholarship, and those who do apply must require financial assistance. Idaho State University can provide further information concerning this program (see above contact details).

Detailed Examples of Further Scholarships and Grants available through Idaho State University

Helen Lucille Smith Hayes Scholarship

This program is open only to female students who are from Idaho and who are full-time juniors or seniors majoring in the performing arts or music with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50. One award of $570 is made every year;

Idaho Garden Clubs Scholarship

Especially tailored for horticulture students who can maintain a 3.00 cumulative GPA, this program is open to both junior and senior full-time students. Financial need is not an issue and various amounts are awarded;

Image de Idaho del Studeste Leadership Scholarship

This scholarship awards various amounts to those part-time or full-time students who have made significant contributions to the Hispanic community. Again, a cumulative GPA of 2.50 is required for undergraduate students, and one of 3.00 is required for graduate students;

Pacific Seed Association Scholarship

Here applicants are required to write a 500 to 1,000 word essay on “Why you are interested in agriculture, particularly as it relates to the US seed industry?” and also be a full-time student with a specific cumulative GPA. Financial need will be considered during the selection process for this scholarship; and

Steele-Reese Foundation Scholarship

This is specific to graduates of high schools situated in Idaho’s Custer or Lemhi Counties who are full-time students maintaining a GPA of at least 2.00. A student must require financial assistance and the number and amounts of the available awards vary each year.

Representative Programs available through other Public Colleges and Universities in Idaho

University of Idaho: contact details are C/O Student Financial Aid Services, SUB 101, P O Box 444291, Moscow, ID 83844 (tel: 208-885-6312 and website) and representative programs include:

  1. Alpha Delta Kappa-Alpha Chapter Teacher Education Scholarship; and
  2. Anton F., Katherine and Kathryn Ann Mautz College of Law Scholarship;

Lewis-Clark State College: contact details are 500 8th Avenue, Lewiston, ID 83501 (tel: 208-792-5272 and website) and representative programs include:

  1. The Jimmy Guild Memorial Scholarship; and
  2. The Laura Ann Peck Memorial Endowed Scholarship Foundation Scholarship;

Boise State University: contact details are 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID 83725 (tel: 208-426-1000 and website) and representative programs include:

  1. Langroise Research Scholarship / MBA Graduate Assistanceship; and
  2. Margie Van Vooren Student Leadership Development Scholarship.

Private Colleges and Universities:

Brigham-Young University Idaho

Brigham-Young University Idaho (BYUI) separates its scholarship and grant programs into those for which applications are needed and those for which they are not needed (here students will be automatically considered when they apply for enrollment). Further information concerning all available programs can be obtained from BYUI C/O The Student Financial Aid Office, 100 Kimball, Rexburg, ID 83460 (tel: 208-496-1015 and website).

Heber J. Grant Scholarship Program

This is a program for which an application is required and it has been developed to provide financial assistance to those students who are in need of it. There is no set age at which a student has to apply and application can be made once a student turns 13. Should such a young student be successful in his or her application, the funds will then be set aside until they can be put towards BYUI tuition fees. Students prove eligibility by meeting at least two of several requirements, which include:

  1. Being part of a family where few family members ever attended college;
  2. Being raised in a single parent home; and
  3. Having parents who did not graduate from college.

The program provides a two-semester half-tuition award, but students can re-apply after the initial term is over. Further information regarding this program can be obtained from BYUI at the above address.

Detailed Examples of Further Scholarships and Grants available through Brigham-Young University Idaho

Thomas E. Ricks Award of Excellence

Here the successful student will receive a full tuition scholarship plus $250 towards textbook purchases for his first two semesters. This program is open to new freshmen only and factors like extra-curricular activity, leadership potential, church involvement and academic achievement will be considered.

Robert R. Lee Promise Category A Scholarships

These programs are available to both professional-technical students and academic students and comprise an annual $3,000 award that is renewable for up to three years. Eligibility requirements include being a resident of Idaho, enrolling as a full-time student at an eligible Idaho college or university (including BYUI) and maintaining a cumulative GPA of at least 3.50;

Talent Awards

These programs select deserving students who are pursuing dance, music, art and theater arts and are awarded in various amounts and by different departments; and

Variable Step System Academic Scholarships

These programs do not require applications and all students will automatically be considered for them if they (a) register for classes and if they (b) have at least 30, but not more than 130, cumulative credits at the start of any semester.

Representative Programs available through other Private Colleges and Universities in Idaho

New Saint Andrews College

Contact details are 405 South Main Street, P O Box 9025, Moscow, ID 83843 (tel: 202-882-1566 and website) and representative programs include:

  1. The Jan-Louis du Plooy Scholarship; and
  2. The Joyce Grey Memorial Scholarship;

Northwest Nazarene University

Contact details are 623 Holly Street, Nampa, ID 83686 (tel: 1-877-NNU-4YOU and website) and representative programs include:

  1. Montgomery Missionary Dependents Grant; and
  2. Phelps Book Grant (Endowed).

Community Colleges and Universities:

College of Southern Idaho

The College of Southern Idaho (CSI) offers several different classes of scholarship and grant programs including those developed specifically for athletic, cheerleading and dance students. Further information about their innovative programs can be obtained directly from their Scholarship Coordinator at Taylor Building, Room 150, 315 Falls Avenue, Twin Falls, ID 83303 (tel: 208-732-6227 and website).

Representative Scholarship or Grant available through The College of Southern Idaho

Idaho Minority and “At-Risk” Student Scholarship

Awards of up to $3,000 can be made in terms of this program, which is renewable for four years and which was developed specifically for those whose personal, financial, economical, physical or cultural situations make them “at-risk” of not achieving a college education. Eligibility requirements state that:

  1. Students must be graduates of an Idaho high school, residents of Idaho and US citizens; and
  2. Students must meet three of several possible criteria including:

being disabled;

  1. having a substantial financial need; and
  2. being a migrant farm worker or the child of a migrant farm worker.

Further information regarding this program can be obtained from CSI at the above address.

Detailed Examples of Further Scholarships and Grants available through the College of Southern Idaho

Honors Program Scholarships

In order to apply for one of these scholarship programs, students must complete a general application form as well as an Honors application. They must also have maintained a high school GPA of at least 3.50 and have Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) or American College Test (ACT) scores of 88% or higher;

Idaho Promise B Scholarships

Only those students who are under 22 years of age can apply for these scholarships and they must also be able to maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 and have a qualifying score on the COMPASS test;

Families from the Fields Scholarship Program

This program has been specifically developed to provide opportunities to students who are or have previously been farm workers. Applicants have to be either college bound high school students or students already enrolled in college and have to reside in either Idaho or Eastern Oregon. Nine scholarships are usually awarded under this program, being four of $2,500 and five of $1,000;

CSI Forensics Scholarships

These are awarded to CSI’s new and returning speech and debate students and cover a portion of resident tuition and fees. All students who apply must, however, be willing to compete with the CSI Intercollegiate Speech and Debate Team; and

Presidential Scholarships

In order to be eligible for these programs’ awards, students have to be part of at least one student leadership organization and also maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00.

Representative Programs available through other Community Colleges in Idaho

Eastern Idaho Technical College

Contact details are 1600 South 25th East, Idaho Falls, ID 83404 (tel: 208-524-3000 and website) and representative courses include:

  1. Workforce Development Training Fund Grants; and
  2. Coursey Enterprises Inc. Scholarship;

College of Western Idaho

Contact details are C/O Aspen Creek Administration Offices, 6056 Birch Lane, Nampa, ID 83687 (tel: 208-562-3000 and website) and representative courses include:

  1. J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Foundation Scholarship; and
  2. The Public Safety Officer Dependent Scholarship;

Representative Programs available through other Educational / Philanthropic Organizations in Idaho

Tschudy Family Scholarship

This scholarship is one of many that is administered through the Idaho State Board of Education and, here, an award of $2,500 is paid to the selected student and it can be renewed for up to five years of study on an undergraduate level and two years on a graduate level. Eligibility requirements would include:

  1. A student must be a resident of Idaho;
  2. A student must have graduated from Emmett High School within the last seven years or be a graduating Emmett High School senior;
  3. A student must enroll as a full-time student at one of several eligible universities and colleges in Idaho.

Financial need and academic merit are the two factors that are taken into account when it is decided who this scholarship will be awarded to and further information can be obtained from the Board at 650 West State Street, P O Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720 (tel: 208-334-2270 and website). Further scholarships administered by the Board include:

  1. The Robert C. Byrd Scholarship; and
  2. The Governor’s Cup Scholarship.

NASA Idaho Space Grant Consortium

This scholarship is renewable for four years and, if a student does renew for the full four years, he or she will receive a total of $6,500 ($1,000 the first year, $1,500 the second year and $2,000 both the third and the fourth years). The program has been developed for identifying and recruiting students who have a natural aptitude for math, science and engineering and also to increase people’s awareness of NASA-related activities in Idaho. In order to be eligible for consideration:

  1. Students must be US citizens with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00;
  2. Students must be studying full-time and have as their major one of the following: mathemathics, science, a science / math education discipline or engineering;

Students have to submit various documents together with their application forms, including the following:

  1. Official high school and college transcripts;
  2. A letter of recommendation and a full resume; and
  3. A 500-word essay stating how their personal study and career goals tie in with those fields that are of most use to NASA missions.

The deadline to submit applications for this program, which can be done online, is March of any given academic year. Further information concerning this program can be obtained directly from the Idaho Space Grant Consortium, P O Box 441011, Moscow, ID 83844 (tel: 208-885-6438 and website).

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3 Comments on “Idaho Scholarships and Grants”

  1. Rebecca Roberts wrote:

    I am a senior at LCSC and am out of funding for my last semester which is in Fall 2015. I am looking for grant funding that will allow me to complete my last semester of student teaching.I am desperate and afraid of not being able to finish my bachelor’s degree due to lack of funding. Please help!

  2. Eric wrote:

    Sounds like Idaho doesn’t want people to succeed look how hard it is to be eligible for some of these scholarships

  3. Gwendolyn Drake wrote:

    Hi there! I was hoping you might be able to help me- I know a very talented young lady who is wanting to advance her dance career- she needs to get a grant or funding to advance her dance career – she currently attends Eagle school of Arts but needs to do more training and needs to attend a studio to advance her dance career- would you be able to suggest any paths for her.. her parents cant afford to pay for her to attend a studio but the young lady is so gifted and needs that training to advance her talents and her goals.. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Gwen

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