Company Scholarships

The cost of higher education is enormous. College expenses can leave a person in debt for years. Students attempting to pay for higher education are better off when they know and understand financial aid assistance programs. Financial aid, scholarships, loans, reimbursements, and grants are available to help students pay the astronomical tuition fees and costs associated with higher education. With a large number of options to consider, including employer benefits available, undergraduate and graduate students are able to succeed in their fields of study.

In keeping pace with modern technological advancements, companies benefit when employees obtain higher education, especially in studies that provide additional skill-sets and knowledge beneficial to the employer. Additionally, classes that develop professional, management level skill sets guarantee upward mobility and long-term employee, employer relationships. With advancing fields of study such as green innovations, companies are more than willing to reimburse students for coursework, provide generous scholarships, and financial aid assistance, especially for work-related courses.

Currently, several companies, large and small, provide scholarships, grants, loans, and/or tuition reimbursement programs, tailored for student employees attending colleges and universities. Providing employee financial aid and tuition assistance programs build company moral, secures long-term, loyal personnel, increases profit margins, and promotes company growth and advancement. With a vested interest in employees, employers are creatively financing students working toward earning higher degrees.

Woman handshaking company employee for school grant

Employment Services

Campus employment office staff members maintain ongoing relationships with public, private, and non-profit organization job recruiters, staffing managers, and employment personnel representatives. Using campus employment services offers students access to employment opportunities, work study programs, and apprentice or internships positions. Financial aid provides employment services to help students find both full and part-time jobs.

Campus employment resources include career counseling. Working closely with students and employers, campus employment counselors help students identify potential occupations, create academic timelines, and develop strategies for setting attainable career goals. Special projects and temporary positions allow students to concurrently explore higher education and employment opportunities. The career job fairs, forums, and workshops offered are invaluable.


Generally used for school expenses, a grant is a gifted monetary amount that is not paid back, similar to a donation. Grants are provided by schools, organizations, institutions, foundations, special interest groups, private companies and associations, in addition to city, state, and Federal Government grants.

Recipients must follow a prescribed set of standards and meet specific qualifications to apply. Available funds are based on a student’s achievement and financial need. Students are offered such privileges as housing, room and board, as well as funds for tuition fees and miscellaneous school expenses.

Students can take advantage of one or more of the following available Grants:

  • African American Student Grants
  • Aid for Part-Time Study (APTS) Grant
  • Asian American Grants
  • Ecological Studies Grants
  • Educational Incentives Grants
  • Grants for dependents of fallen firefighters, police officers, and veterans
  • Grants for Journalists and Authors
  • Health Care Studies Grants
  • Job corps/Service Corps Grants
  • Medicine and Dentistry Grants
  • Mexican American Student Grants
  • Native American Student Grants
  • Pell Grant
  • Regents Awards Grants
  • Religious Studies Grants
  • State and Federal Higher Education Grants
  • Supplemental Educational Grants
  • Veteran and National Guard Grants

The above-mentioned grants are just a few in a larger number of grants that are available to undergraduate and graduate students. Visit for financial aid information and an application for Federal Student Aid. Students can Google any of the above-mentioned scholarship and grant awards for additional information.


Group of young interns

Workplace exposure, skill development, and academic credits are just a few of many benefits offered in internship programs. Internships are experiential opportunities. Students gain valuable skills and experience while meeting career goals. Professionals instruct, guide, and supervise interns, giving them a competitive edge on the job and in their fields of study.

School counselors are available on most campuses to work closely with students, helping with academic timelines and career development strategies. Internships allow students to build knowledge, and gain hands-on experience in addition to work-related expertise. Internships are extremely beneficial to students and rewarding the hiring employer.

In working closely with campus counselors and prospective employers, students are able to develop internships in specific fields of study. There are paid and unpaid, credit and non-credit, short-term and long term internship positions, some funded by outside interests, tailored to help students with not only financially, but with their domestics needs as well.


Similar to grants, scholarship funds are provided to students for tuition, fees, and miscellaneous living expenses, and do not have to be repaid. Scholarships are awarded based on academic performance in specific areas of study. Students who maintain grade point averages 3.0 or greater are offered scholarships for their accomplishments. Sports scholarships are often awarded for excellent athletic abilities. The Natural Science Scholars Program generously awards outstanding student science achievements.

Colleges, universities, non-profit organizations, small companies, large corporations, private associations, and group affiliations such as political parties and special interest groups all provide scholarships for various student accomplishments, talents, and academic excellence. There are a number of special scholarships awarded to students with dependent children, students from needy families, and to students who struggle financially.

Campus counseling and financial aid offices are great resources with detailed information about the many types of scholarships available, application timeframes, and how to apply for assistance. Scholarship amounts vary. Financial aid specialists are available to help students understand scholarship programs and cash awards offered by government, businesses, and private parties. Visit, a website that lists various scholarship opportunities.

Student Work Study Programs

In addition to offering employment opportunities, most campuses provide on and off-campus work study programs in which student tuition fees are deferred while attending school, and when their job is in their fields of study. As well as Federal and institutional work study programs, city, state private organizations, and businesses offer work study programs to help students succeed educationally and pay for school/living expenses.

Federal Work-Study (FWS) programs are supervised by campus financial aid administrators and participating employers who manage student work study programs. School financial aid offices are responsible for paying students standard wages according to skills, previous experience, and capabilities. The FWS awards students funds based on academic progress, school schedules, job hours, and the type of job performed. For more information, students should visit

Student Assistance Programs

Hand giving money in exchange of graduation cap

Student employees are often faced with family and social challenges that can have an effect on academic performance and progress. Student assistance programs typically provide students a network of knowledgeable professionals with helpful resources. Campus student programs offer both undergraduate and graduate students career tools, personalized counseling, academic guidance, emotional support, and help with social issues. Students are encouraged, productivity is increased, and their jobs are maintained.

Most colleges and universities provide students and employees with solutions to help reduce stress and limit health care costs. According to an ENI Dynamic Works Life Center, a private student/employee resource center study, “The college experience presents every student with enormous opportunities for personal and intellectual growth. As exciting as this time may be, it can also cause a great deal of stress, anxiety and confusion.” (Reference: )

Tuition Reimbursement Programs

Even though most students have difficulties paying tuition and fees, surveys indicate that students aren’t aware of the various types of tuition reimbursement programs offered by companies. A few interesting points were made by researchers in an article in the “Interactive Business Network Resource Library, at Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), as follows:

  1. College Boards report that, “…the average annual cost of attendance at a public in-state four-year institution is $17,131, and at a private college is $38,589, while average aid is $12,455,” and,
  2. “Tuition is often a significant obstacle for adults weighing the decision to go to school. People’s first instincts seem to drive them to government loans or using personal funds. These are great options, but employer tuition assistance programs can be a great resource too.”
  3. Read more at:;col1

Students generally apply for government grants and loans, unaware of scholarships, grants, and reimbursement loans available through employer education and tuition assistance programs. These comprehensive reimbursement programs are generous. Employers are more than willing to loan thousands for costs associated with higher education, tuition, expenses, and fees. Larger companies, corporations, institutions, and organizations offer help with college tuition and fees.

Studies indicate that leading companies offer some type of tuition reimbursement assistance. Even though loans, grants, and scholarships are provided after student enrollment periods, tuition reimbursement funds may be ongoing, disbursed in small or agreed upon increments, deducted from the employee’s wages or salary; or, students may be required to pay for their education in advance, and the employer promises to reimburse the employee after graduation.

Working closely with employees, companies and affiliated foundations eagerly provide funds for an infinite number of reasons; however, every company expects to be fully or partially reimbursed, and they typically require graduating employees to commit a number of years working for the company after completing school. Some employers are willing to pay the total cost in return for extended, long-term commitments. Contractual terms, conditions, and student/employer agreements vary.

Company Scholarships and Financial Assistance

Innovative companies understand the significance of higher education and additional training for their employees. Apple, Ford, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), McDonalds, Pepsi, and Target are all progressive companies that provide financial assistance in the form of scholarships, grants, internships, and miscellaneous educational quirks for student-employees.

Rated “Number One,” Google is leading the way, advancing computer technology and sharing profits with employees in excellent benefits packages and comprehensive scholarship programs. Highly educated, technological professionals advance within their areas of expertise, building outstanding company portfolios, loyal employees, clients, and business associates.

Several companies offer employee benefits packages including education along with general benefits such as health insurance, 401k programs, profit sharing, bonuses, paid time-off, sick-leave, and vacation pay. Generally, scholarship programs are funded by outside interests and private foundations partnering with leading companies that offer employees financial assistance such as loans and grants.

Special interest associations, foundations, and non-profit organization team-up with various companies to collectively fund grants and scholarships to needy families, children of deceased veterans, and financially disadvantaged students. By providing high quality benefits packages, including education advancement opportunities, companies and employees are guaranteed operating success and financial gain.

Apple Computers, Incorporated

Apple company logo

With creative invention and innovative reinvention, Apple is a leading company in information technology. Apple Computer, Incorporated, is a model company with cutting edge technological advancements second to none. Headquartered in the infamous Silicon Valley, the “Apple Campus” is the parent company to more than 360 stores nationwide, in addition to a large number of worldwide retail outlets.

Apple Computer, Inc. has grown in leaps and bounds, competing with industry giants, and expanding its influence. Founded in the early days of computer technology, Apple has a proven track record, boasting several accomplishments and successes. A recent press release announced that Apple’s net profits have increased almost 100 Percent:

“April, 24, 2012; Apple today announced financial results for its fiscal 2012 second quarter ending March 31, 2012. The Company posted quarterly revenue of $39.2 billion and quarterly net profit of $11.6 billion, or $12.30 per diluted share.

“The Company sold 35.1 million iPhones in the quarter, representing 88 percent unit growth over the year-ago quarter. Apple sold 11.8 million iPads during the quarter, a 151 percent unit increase over the year-ago quarter.”


Not only is Apple a leader in information technology, the company also rewards scholarships to deserving students. The company provides outstanding internship programs and excellent tuition reimbursement assistance for students and employees seeking higher education. Advanced degrees and academic achievement are well-received as Apple sets the pace with a host of undergraduate and graduate financial assistance scholarship programs.

Extraordinary Financial Aid

Advanced degree opportunities avail at Apple Computer, Inc. Student and employees working toward bachelor, master, and doctoral degrees can expect Apple’s strategic business networks and global reach to carry them far into the future of advanced information technology. Graduates experience upward mobility as they put their skill-sets, knowledge, experience, and education to work.

There are several job opportunities in advancing industries such as finance, marketing, and software development and design for graduate students. U.S. News’ Money website ranks software developer job openings as number two out of 25 with median salaries of more than $85,000.00 per year. Software and design professionals are in high demand with expected job growth reaching far into the future.

Apple Grants, Scholarships, and Financial Aid

The Apple Scholars Program

Apple rewards high school students based on academic achievement, providing up to $2,000 in cash and in Apple products, to help students further their education. Scholarships are limited and awarded to seniors with above average grade point averages.

Apple Distinguished Educator Program

Apple Distinguished Educator scholarship recognizes outstanding teachers who develop creative curriculums that teach students about computer and information technology in extraordinary ways, advancing collegiate study techniques and opening doors of opportunity for students.

Apple Scholarships

Not only does Apple Computer, Inc. provide scholarships, innovatively, the company has a financial aid program that rewards students, colleges, schools, non-profit organizations, institutions, associations, and universities in the form of discounts for products such as computers used for higher education.

Apple’s Internship Program

Apple provides all-inclusive exposure to business sciences, computer information, and software technology, developing superior internship programs; modelling excellence to interns and small businesses alike. Thousands of students from colleges and universities nationwide look forward to participating in high-powered and rewarding internship programs.

Apple is a leader in the industry, offering extensive financial aid. Apple is highly acclaimed for its contributions to continuing education. The company is thriving and is on the list of “Fortune 500” companies. Apple scholarship awards take into consideration the priorities, finances, and needs of students, providing innovative, affordable computer technologies and designs to students and higher learning institutions worldwide. Visit

Ford Motor Company

Ford company logo

Ford Motor Company is a worldwide automaker and American Icon. The company’s founding father, Henry Ford, envisioned a future in which owning and operating an automobile is pleasurable and affordable.

Today, Ford is an industry leader, instrumental in mass producing cars since its meagre beginnings in 1903. Headquartered in Dearborn, Michigan, Ford is one of the largest auto makers, boasting profits of more than $6.6 billion in 2010.

Ford is recognized for the following makes and models:

  • Aston Martin (United Kingdom);
  • Lincoln, Mercury and Jaguar (America); and,
  • Mazda (Japan)

Ford Motor Company Scholarships

Ford Motor Company is recognized for its philanthropy as it paves the way to progress with scholarship and financial aid award programs that provide large sums of money for tuition assistance to students, based on merit and need.

As a philanthropic company, Ford is known for its enduring contributions to human potential, developing not only fine products but fine people, as the company creatively advances into the future of automobile production and modern technology.

The Ford Motor company, and it associates, focus not only on quality products, goods, and services, but it also works toward public good as it focuses on higher education for students and employees. Ford is continuously involved in a large number of private initiatives to provide educational assistance for needy students who are dedicated, outstanding, superior achievers.

Need, dedication, and academic success are privy to one or more of the following excellent scholarship and financial aid opportunities:

Manufacturing Engineer Scholarships

Up to $10,000.00 is offered to students graduating high school through “The Ford Partnership for Advanced Studies (PAS)” in manufacturing and engineering. The scholarship is typically awarded to underprivileged individuals who excel in various fields of study such as science and technology.

Henry Ford Academy Scholarship

The Henry Ford Academy Scholarship is awarded to students who are alumnus of the Ford Academy – a charter school located in Michigan providing advanced education curriculums students excel in. The scholarship is for $10,000 toward completion of an undergraduate program.

Ford Motor Company maintains trust in communities nationwide as it leads the way with altruistic concern for its employee’s welfare and advancement, manifested in financial aid programs that cater to cultural diversity. Ford offers a number of scholarships programs for minority groups; listed below are a few of many scholarships available:

Ford American Indian College Fund

With a focus on the future, minority students who maintain a 3.0 grade point average or above can apply for Ford’s American Indian College Fund, Corporate Scholarship. Sophomores seeking degrees in business, environmental sciences, math, teaching studies, and basic sciences may apply.

Involvement in American Indian community services, proof of enrolment in the above-mentioned fields of study, and demonstrated leadership are prerequisites for applying. Additionally, applicants must be American Indian, Native Alaskan, or Hawaiian descendants to be eligible for $5,000.00 to $10,000.00 in scholarship awards.

Hispanic College Fund; Ford “Mi Fuerza” Scholarship

$500 to $5,000.00 dollars are available to Hispanics graduating high school and attending accredited four-year colleges to obtain undergraduate and graduate degrees. Additional scholarships are available for Hispanic students, including grants that awards up to $2,500.00 toward degree programs.

The Ford Motor Company is committed to higher education, philanthropy, and financial aid for worthy and needy individuals seeking degrees in various fields of business, science, and technology. In turn, graduates press-on into a future complementing Ford’s continued efforts. For more information about the company’s scholarship programs, visit

Google, Incorporated

Google company logo

Google, Incorporated, is recognized as the “Internet’s most visited website.” Introduced in 1996 and incorporated in 1998, Google is now a multinational corporation headquartered in California’s Silicon Valley – the technology mecca of the world. A Fortune Magazine “top company” survey ranked Google in first place, in comparison to competitors.

Google is a leader in the manufacturing, development, and information management technologies. The company produces goods and provides services related to the internet. Google’s motto is to, “organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Listed below are a few of Google’s internet management tools and software product line:

  • Advanced Software and Hardware Products
  • Advertising Technologies
  • Android Mobile Operating Systems
  • “Chromebooks” Specialized Notebook
  • “Cloud Computing – Secure Storage Capacity Service
  • Computer Organizational Programs
  • Desktop Computer Products
  • Email Management Website
  • Google Chrome OS Browser
  • Instant Messaging
  • Internet Search Engine Application
  • “Office Suite” – Productivity Programs
  • Online Productivity Software
  • Photo Editing Software
  • Social Networking Website
  • Worldwide Web Browsing Applications

Google’s headquarters office is fondly referred to as a “Googleplex,” a workplace environment that caters to its employees. Employee benefits include health care coverage, along with an on-site nursing staff and full-time physicians providing all-inclusive health care to Googleplex employees and associates. Attorney services are also offered to Google staff members.

Extensive travel service, including traveller insurance covering both employee and family members is an excellent employee benefit. One of the greatest forms of financial aid is paid time off for mothers. Google is a firm believer in giving mothers the opportunity to spend quality time with their new born bundles of joy. Google regularly promotes higher education with its tuition reimbursement program.

Google Scholarships

Computer Science technology studies have advanced in leaps and bounds, inspiring individuals around the world. New, exciting, innovative computer sciences are focused on technology and engineering. Google’s science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) scholarships are regularly awarded to thousands of “Google Scholars.” The company recently awarded more than “8.8 million” to over 2,000 students, nationwide.

Leading the way, providing multiple academic scholarship programs for students and employees, Google is committed to higher education, especially for individuals such as females and minorities who are typically underrepresented in science, technology, and mathematics. Listed below are a few of Google’s scholarship programs and financial aid benefits:

Google offers a number of additional scholarships, including “Travel Scholarships”; funding is provided to student groups outside of the United States to attend Google’s Grace Hopper computer science and technology conferences. For additional, detailed scholarship award, tuition and fee reimbursement programs, and financial aid information, visit

Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation

KFC company logo

Colonel Harlin Sanders introduced his special recipe in the 1930s; the Colonel’s original blend of 11 herbs and spices is used to prepare KFC chicken recipes today. As the only fried chicken restaurant during that time, KFC quickly became a household name. Innovative concepts such as chicken in a bucket and ingenious cooking methods gave KFC a reputation tasty, southern-fried chicken.

The Kentucky Fried Corporation (KFC) maintains over 15,000 restaurants located in most major cities around the world. Headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, KFC is known as, “the world’s most popular chicken, advertising such popular logos as KFC “Original Recipe,” “Kentucky Grilled Chicken,” “Extra Crispy,” and “Finger Licking Good Chicken.” The Colonel’s “Special Recipe” is KFC’s trademark.

Education gifts, financial aid, and generous scholarship awards exemplify KFC’s commitment to education. More than 75 scholarships are awarded yearly to high school students who excel in their academic studies. KFC scholarship awards can reach up to $20,000.00 per student. KFC employs, and works closely with an independent foundation – the Kentucky Fried Chicken Foundation – to administer funds for KFC scholarship programs.

KFC Scholarships

The KFC Foundation’s focus is on education and diversity, including aggressive, comprehensive financial aid programs. The corporation’s philanthropy efforts are funded by KFC, its affiliates, franchises, patrons, and its employees; all providing various contributions, charities, and support measures, awarding more than $5 million in scholarships.

There are a number of outstanding programs for struggling, low-income families, funded by the KFC Colonel’s Kids Charity scholarship. Collectively, KFC and its affiliates provide excellent scholarship programs and a large number of benefits to high school seniors for college tuition – continuing education.

In a highly competitive manner, students are required to demonstrate qualifying academic standards, excellent grade point averages, and must have a sincere desire to succeed. Students must be United States Citizens to apply. Students can apply utilizing the following scholarship timelines:

  1. Application Period: Begins in December and ends in early February, yearly;
  2. Simi-Finalists: Required to prepare additional information no later than March;
  3. Scholarship Notifications: Students are notified in May.

Scholarship awards generally cover books, fees, tuition, and room and board. Awards begin at $5,000 for undergraduates and can reach to as much as $20,000 for graduate degree programs. Visit for more information, and to submit an application; or, email For additional information and detailed application instructions, contact KFC at (866) 532-7240.

McDonald’s Corporation

McDonalds company logo

Recognized as the most popular fast food chains in the world, McDonalds serves almost 70 million anxious customers per day, operates more than 30,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries, and employs over one million people, worldwide. McDonald’s is also known as one of the best companies to work for.

The corporation continues to expand, striving to satisfy its customers, staff members, and the communities it serves. According to a 2010 Bloomberg “Businessweek” Magazine report, McDonald’s Corporation stock was rated as one of the “Top 50 Performing Stocks” for five consecutive years.

McDonald’s was founded in 1940, by brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald. The company was incorporated in 1955 and is headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois. The innovative idea of producing hamburgers using an assembly line catapulted McDonald’s to its current, world renowned status, as the world’s leading fast food restaurant.

McDonald’s is an iconic, model corporation. “At McDonald’s, we strive to be more than just a restaurant – we’re a first job for many, a community partner, a model for other restaurants around the world, and a company seeking new ways to fulfill our brand promise of ‘Quality, Service, Cleanliness, and Value.’”

(Reference: McDonalds Corporation)

McDonald’s Corporation Scholarships

McDonald’s corporate objective is to, “give back to the best and brightest of the communities that it is immersed in.” In an effort to help students obtain higher education degrees and meet career goals, McDonald’s provides a number of tuition assistance, financial aid, and work-study programs, as well as a host of scholarship opportunities offered to high school students, employees, families, and to the communities it serves.

To date, with a major network of restaurants and affiliates, McDonald’s has awarded more than $40 million in scholarships. Top academic achievers are awarded grants according to their grade point average, community involvement, leadership skills, and/or financial need. Veterans and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. McDonald’s is affiliated with philanthropic chapters, such as Ronald McDonald House Charities to assist employees, children, students, and needy families.

Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) sponsors scholarship programs for McDonald’s Corporation, both in the United States and in other countries. As a chapter of the McDonald’s Corporation, the foundation is responsible for overseeing and administering McDonald’s scholarships as well as managing programs such as the “Ronald McDonald House,” the “Ronald McDonald Family Room,” and, the “Ronald McDonald Care Mobile.”

Listed below are a variety of scholarship awards and financial aid programs available through the McDonald Corporation and affiliates:

  • Exceptional McDonald’s Employee Scholarship: Awarded to employees who excel at work and in school, and provide community service;
  • McScholar Scholarship: Awarded yearly to high school senior employees for outstanding academic achievement;
  • Scholarships for Outstanding Students: Provided to students under 21 years of age; must have 2.7 grade point average and exhibit financial need;
  • McDonald’s USA National Employee Scholarship: Rewards student-employees for accomplishment and excellent customer and community service;
  • RMHC Scholar’s Scholarship: Open to all students exhibiting extraordinary academic achievement;
  • RMHC Asia Scholarship: Applicants must be of Asian descent, with either parent of Asian-Pacific heritage;
  • RMHC African-American Future Achievers Scholarship: Awards are provided to applicants of African-American and Caribbean descent;
  • RMHC HACER Scholarship: Applicant must have at least one parent of Hispanic/Latino heritage.

Educational Assistance

As a form of tuition assistance, McDonald’s is dedicated to its mission, training students and employees for decades. McDonald’s “Hamburger University,” introduced in 1961, provides exemplary, world-renowned education and restaurant career development programs.

The Corporation’s extensive management programs and creative curriculums are exceptional, helping students earn college credits awarded by the American Council on Education for studies in various academic fields. McDonald Scholarships range from $2,500 to $100,000 per grant award.

For more information, job opportunities, and application instructions, contact a McDonald’s representative:

  • Telephone Number; 1-800-244-6227
  • Hours of Operation; 7 days per week; 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., CST
  • Corporate Website Address;
  • Ronald McDonald House Charities Global:
  • Mailing Address: McDonald’s Corporation, 2111 McDonald’s Dr., Oak Brook, IL 60523


Pepsico company logo

PepsiCo is a company with vision. With more than 280,000 employees, the company is on a serious mission to train, educate, and develop highly skilled individuals – leaders who work hard, value education, serve their communities, and contribute to the enrichment of society as a whole. Pepsi’s vision is, “to continually improve all aspects of the world in which we operate – environment, social, and economic – creating a better tomorrow than today.”

PepsiCo is well established – a worldwide, leading producer of food and beverages, boasting company revenues above $60 billion per year. Truly an iconic company, PepsiCo was founded in 1898, introducing a refreshing drink referred to as simply, “Brad’s Drink.” With the introduction of its new name in 1903, “Pepsi-Cola,” the popular drink became a familiar, household name, in addition to receiving notable financial success.

Accordingly, PepsiCo strives on integrity, value, and superiority. The company’s goals are straightforward; According to company operating policies and procedures, PepsiCo is on a mission to “drive shareholder value by addressing social and environmental issues,” and to deliver a “purpose agenda which consists of human, environmental, and talent sustainability.” Committed to success, education, and opportunity, PepsiCo is a leader in the soft drink industry.

Periodically, PepsiCo hosts contests to involve community members in the company’s innovative and interactive approaches to advertising and promotion. In addition to aggressive advertising campaigns, PepsiCo provides millions in grants, scholarships, loans, and financial aid for high school students, to disadvantaged families, veterans, and to charities around the world, providing grants of up to $250.000.

As noted below, PepsiCo has numerous scholarship opportunities available:

Pepsi Refresh Project Grant

Exciting, interactive, and challenging describe the Pepsi Refresh Project Scholarship opportunity. The goal is to get community members involved and to recognize positive change. The monthly rewards are scholarships ranging from $5,000 to more than $200.000, granted to selected participants.

Trust & Growth Scholarship Program – “Get a Sweet Award”

This $10,000 renewable scholarship award is open to excellent students attending City College of New York, Howard, Northeastern, Penn State, Saint Joseph’s, SUNY Binghamton, and Temple Universities; as well as students of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Virginia Tech.

Pepsi Scholarship Fund

Funded by the American Hotel and Lodging Educational Foundation, scholarships are awarded to top achieving graduates of Washington, DC’s Marriot Hospitality High School. Students majoring in hospitality programs, and who have job experience in the industry are awarded $500 to $3,000 in grants.

The Pepsi Bottling Group Scholarship

$10,000 is offered to Baltimore City Public School System’s graduating students; the Pepsi Bottling Group Scholarship awards students enrolled in a college, university, or technical school located in the state of Maryland. A 2.5 grade point average is required as well as community service activities.

Pepsi-Cola Public Affairs Scholarship

Missouri State University students who exhibit leadership skills, maintain a 3.25 grade point average, submit an essay, and present a letter of recommendation are eligible for this outstanding $10,000 scholarship. Students involved in community public services are encouraged to apply as well.

Mid-Del Technology Pepsi Scholarship

Graduating students of Oklahoma’s Mid-Del Technology Center who enrol in an Oklahoma college or university are privy to this handsome, $10,000 scholarship award for excellent academic achievement and “moral character.” Personable, financially disadvantaged students are encouraged to apply.

Pepsi/Phi Theta Kappa Transfer Student Scholarship

Students transferring from Nebraska Community College to the University of Nebraska, Kearney, are eligible for this $2,000 scholarship award, granted to high achievers who are community leaders with a 3.0 grade point average, and who are members of the “Phi Theta Kappa” Honor Society.

Pepsi Service Scholarship

Recognizing the academic achievement of freshmen students attending the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, PepsiCo offers a $1,000 scholarship to high school students who demonstrate above-average leadership skills, excellent community service, and innovative, progressive community activities.

Pepsi/Frito-Lay Scholarship

Detroit Michigan’s Wayne State University invites students involved in the university’s Upward Bound Program to apply for the Pepsi/Frito-Lay Scholarship granted to outstanding students achieving “Honor Roll” recognition, and who are enrolled in a post-secondary education program.

Contact PepsiCo for additional information, application requirements, FAQs, and detailed instructions.

Target Corporation

Target company logo

The Target Corporation operates more than 1,000 retail stores catering to a youthful, upscale demographic. Located in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota, the company was established in 1902. Target is a “Fortune 500” company and America’s second largest “discount” store. Target leaders promote excellence and exemplify “corporate responsibility.”

As a leader in philanthropy, Target sponsors a number of scholarships, grants, and financial aid programs for its employees and members of the communities it caters to. Target and its affiliated foundations provide grants and awards for studies in the arts and sciences fields, as well as award programs for social services, and exceptional volunteerism efforts.

The guiding criteria for Target Corporation scholarships are community involvement and service-oriented, extracurricular activities. Every year, “Target Education and Beyond, All-Around Scholarships” provide millions of dollars in educational aid and funds to needy students and families. Undergraduate students with above-average grades are awarded on a monthly basis.

Target offers tuition assistance to its employees seeking higher education in job-related fields of study. Targets Tuition Reimbursement Program provides $3,000 per year toward undergraduate degrees; and, $4,000 to $5,250 per year for graduate degrees. Additionally, Target offers loans to its employees and their dependents, up to $25,000 per year, through the ConSem Loan Program.

Target is further involved in communities, hosting family book club reading programs for both children and adults. Referred to as, “Your Time for Your Wealth,” is another benefit that awards employees with “Love” – a 10 percent discount to employees and their family members on all Target merchandise, including food products.

Target also provides funds for employees adopting children, granting $5,000 to eligible staff members. Target also provides legal representation to its employees through a reputable legal firm, and also provides additional discounts to employees doing business with affiliated companies and associations. Visit for more information.

Financial Aid is Trending – Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe company logo

Adobe Systems Incorporated is a worldwide company that now invests heavily in scholarship opportunities and financial aid for its staff members. Headquartered in San Jose, California, Adobe introduced its innovative computer software in 1982. The company’s popular “Photoshop” program is nationally recognized and highly respected as number one.

In an aggressive effort to educate the next generation of software and hardware designers, Adobe provides a number of financial aid and scholarship opportunities geared toward underrepresented groups such as women and minorities. Internships are offered to eligible Adobe employees.

Billions of dollars in grants, loans, scholarships, tuition reimbursements, and financial aid are available through company philanthropic efforts and charitable foundations providing need-based grants, loans, and graduate, undergraduate, and doctoral education assistance. For more information, contact the U.S. Department of Education

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8 Comments on “Company Scholarships”

  1. Cherilyn Mallari wrote:

    I need help grants for my tuition fee in enrolling Juris Doctor (law)Thank you

  2. ulaze kelvin wrote:

    hi am kelvin, a Nigerian…i have always believed that all things in life are possible .i came from a very poor home.i struggled and pass out from college for over 4yrs now yet i couldnt afford to further more. i have alwayswanted to be educated, be more relevant to my society and get a better job so i could help mom.and now am homeless and hopeless…if its really true that life is possiblelord send your helper to locate me heres my email:

  3. Terryfearon wrote:

    hello my name is Terry fearon I am from hobb new mexico USA would you help me to get sponsor to attend school.

  4. Moses ebere wrote:

    Please I need a sholarship

  5. Niharika wrote:

    Sir this is niharika I am an Indian girl who belongs to a poor family of four we are two sisters I study in engineering college whose fees are high I am studying by loan and my father is an employer in small company and we don’t have home we have to pay the rent which are very high and fees of my younger sister and it is very difficult for me to pay the amount for other courses but I cannot ask him because he have to pay for his medicines.

    Please help me so that I can learn and withstand to support my family financially.

    Your help will bless my life.

    Mail :—

  6. Hannah Wruck wrote:

    Hello my name is Hannah Wruck. I’m 18 years old Mexican-American and senior in High School graduating this May. I’m working a part-time job to save up for college. I always heard that there are grants out there that can help people to pay for school. I’m just wondering how can I apply for this grant so I can have to opportunity to go to school to became a ultrasound technician. My email: wruckh00@gmail,com

  7. Bhavik Shah wrote:

    Is there anyone who can help me with my tuition in Pharmacy School in Temple University.

  8. Rizza Ong wrote:

    Hi, I am Rizza Ong. I live in the Philippines and I am hoping for sponsoring my college tuition fee due to financial issues in my family also I came from a poor country wherein scholarships are limited. I hope someone can see this and might help me.

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