College Grants for Women

Women make up over 58 percent of the American college student body today.
However, it wasn’t too long ago that this wasn’t the case. Just a few decades ago, women were barred from enrollment at most American colleges.

Prior, American colleges were considered male territory. Well into the Mid-20th century, women were expected to fulfill traditional roles like motherhood. It wasn’t until 80s that America made any real progress in accepting women in colleges.

Today, women are enrolling and graduating from college in unprecedented numbers. The modern woman juggles important family life with high powered careers.

The availability of college grants and scholarships for high-achieving women played a critical role making this possible. A financial helping hand did its part in alleviating the unequal conditions and glass ceilings faced by women in tertiary education.

Many challenges still exist today. Women are still likely to face inequality in a society dominated by men. Fortunately, many grants and scholarships help women build their careers through college education

women reading on top of giant books


Although the are many college grants and scholarship programs open to all women, most programs look for women who come from non-traditional or underrepresented backgrounds, such as minority women or women who are not U.S. citizens.

Most programs look for applicants with especially strong academic records and glowing recommendations. Other programs, meanwhile, focus specifically on the financial needs of the applicant and her family. Given the great diversity of both private and public programs, most women can succeed in securing grant or scholarship funding with a little searching.

American Association of University Women (AAUW)

A top choice for women looking for college grants and scholarships is the AAUW. It is one of the largest sources of grants and scholarships for women looking toward college. The program looks for inspiring women who wish to pursue underrepresented careers, like teachers, scientists, and activists. The AAUW is especially interested in providing aid to financially distressed minority women.

The college grants and scholarships it offers are available for those pursuing both undergraduate and graduate studies. For instance, its Selected Professions Fellowship offers awards between $5,000 and $20,000 to women pursuing graduate studies in select underrepresented fields.

The AAUW also sponsors International Fellowships to non-U.S. citizens who would like to pursue graduate education and research in the United States. Log onto the AAUW’s website for a full list of the organization’s many college grant and scholarship opportunities, along with application requirements and deadline details.

Jeannette Rankin Foundation

The Jeannette Rankin Foundation Women’s Education Fund offers grants to disadvantaged women aged 35 and older. It awards $1,500 grants to qualifying applicants who have ambition and are in financial need.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Grants

Many organizations are very interested in helping women pursue education in STEM fields. For college applicants and current students interested in physics and the natural sciences, the Association for Women In Science is an excellent resource for college grants and scholarships.

Women interested in pursuing a career in the sciences should also consider the National Science Foundation‘s Women in Engineering and Computer and Information Science Awards. These scholarships are available to women studying STEM fields focused on computers and data science

Scholarships for Abuse Victims

Many organizations also seek to provide aid to battered-women and victims of violence. These programs are crucial for women who want to leave abusive relationships. Without the financial aid these organizations provide, some women might otherwise be forced to remain with men who hurt them and their children.

One example is The Sunshine Lady Foundation, which works to provide financial aid to victims of domestic violence through their Women’s Independence Scholarship Program. This national program provides much needed assistance to women who have overcome domestic violence and want to pursue a college education.

The R.O.S.E. Fund runs a similar college grant program for women who experienced violence. The R.O.S.E. Fund, however, gives first priority to women who have already completed at least a year of their college education.

Victims of violence might also seek help from the P.E.O. Program for Continuing Education.The organization provides financial assistance to needy applicants who postponed their college education to get their lives together, to support themselves, or to support their families.

Grants for the Arts

woman happily painting with her canvas

While many college grant opportunities are geared to women pursuing STEM education, there are several other college scholarship funds in place for women interested in the arts. The College Art Association provides financial assistance to nontraditional graduate students in their second-to-last year of their educational program.

The National Sculpture Society also offers scholarships to students pursuing art degrees in sculpture. You can either e-mail the organization directly ( or visit their website for additional program details.

Many women forget to check into professional organizations for college grant and scholarship information. What many women do not know is that these organizations usually have aid to give out, so women who are sure of their future career or major should look into their respective professional organization.

There are countless professional organizations in America; one example is the Society of Women Engineers. These financial aid programs can sometimes be competitive, so women who actively participate in the organization are most likely to secure funding.

Another example is the Women Chefs and Restaurateurs. This high-profile organization awards both scholarships and internships to its members. More details are available at their website.

Minority Grants and Scholarships

group of diverse women

While there are scholarships available for all women, many scholarships prioritize recruiting minority or underprivileged women. African American and Latina women looking for grant and scholarship opportunities should find them to be in abundance.They can find many of these from organizations like United Negro College Fund or the Hispanic College Fund.

Be Diligent

Many grant programs, especially those sponsored by better-known organizations, are extremely competitive. They award funding to a very small percentage of applicants. If you find a scholarship that you qualify for, why not apply?

Regardless of your gender, you would be wise to apply for as many college grants and scholarships as possible. Applying for a college scholarship or grant can never hurt you. In fact, the more grants you apply for, the better your chances of winning the financial aid you need to graduate with your degree.

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203 Comments on “College Grants for Women”

  1. Amanda Smith wrote:

    I am looking to go to college but I am a mother and wife with no income. I am looking for grants athat will help me get this accomplished. If you can help me find these grants or tell me what I need to do would you please call me at 334-465-1486. Thank You so much.

    Amanda Smith

  2. danielle foor wrote:

    I am wanting to attend college, and i want to be able to go this fall. My dad is the only one who works in my house hold and there is 6 people living in my house. Well i have a part time job but between both of us its not enough to put me through college. So if you could help me by doing anything at all, i would great appreciate anything.
    thank you so much. 443-693-2574

  3. Diana Davidson wrote:

    I am a senior empty nester.Raised large family and had to help support.I was never able to finish art school,and now really can’t afford the extra financial strain.I would be so thrilled to continue my education at this chapter in my life!Please let me know if there is anything out there for me. Thank You

  4. Ruth wrote:

    I am a college student and I am in great need for financial aid. I am in the Dental Assisting program for eight months, and the tuitions is far more expensive than what I can pay. I really want to finish this school and begin a new career. The worst way to begin my working career is with a huge debt, so I would greatly appreciate help! I am from Romania, and I am so thankful that I can be in the United States, and have all these wonderful opportunities. Thank you so much!

  5. Valerie Crawford wrote:

    I am a wife, I am look to get a new start in my life i am 34 and it is time to go back to college, I work fulltime just to make some money but it is not enough to go back at this time a am look around for a grant for my frist term.

  6. Marva Howard wrote:

    I have just completed my Assoicate Degree in Software Applications and Programming. I am looking for financial help for my continuation for B.B.A. Classes begian for me this fall 2011. Please let me know if there is any assistance out there for me.
    Thank You
    Marva Howard

  7. Christine Jordan wrote:

    I am a soon to be single mom of 3 children. I have been married for almost 20 years and will soon be on my own. I have a small business that I am starting of all natural bath & body products. I would love to be able to go back to school to become a massage therapist to incorporate the two fields. I feel by doing both of these I would be able to solely support my family and feel good about what I am doing for them and others. I would love to have guidance from those already experience to help me get on the path I need to take to make this a reality. Thank you so very much for your time.

  8. stephanie mcnaughton wrote:

    I am 18 years old and I am due to have my baby on February 20th 2012. i would like to go to college to become a neonatal intensive care unit nurse. I have no income because I can’t work because of the pregnancy. could you please let me know if there is anything out there other than loans that i could qualify for

  9. Farzana Staniczai wrote:

    I am currently enrolled in a University for BSN (Nursing). I need help ASAP because there is a chance that I might be dropped from school because I will not be able to pay the tuition that is $30,000. I tried various loans from banks but because of my bad credit history they could not give me loan.

  10. keyonna edwards wrote:

    i am 19…a single mother of 1 , a son who is 1 year old im trynna start the fall semester i have 10,000 dollars left to pay on my tuition…if there is any grants websites of scholarship that can help me..let me know please!!!! 6093461880 thank u

  11. Faith Garner wrote:

    I am looking for extra funding for my living expenses while I am in school.

  12. Stephanie Merricks wrote:

    Hello my name is Stephanie Merricks. I am currently enrolled in college to do my BSN nursing. I am in great financial need. I am currently unemployed and I need money to pay for the rest of my tuition before classes start. I need about $20,000 to pay for my tuition, I applied for many loans with cosigners but I still keep getting denied. So please if anyone out there can help me or give me advice on what I should do it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time and my number is 2484992690 to contact me thanks.

  13. Jenny wrote:

    Hello I am Jenny. I am a current senior in high school. I know I cannot pay for college. I am saving as much as possible to help out. My dad works at NOAA and is considered a government worker. My mom has stayed at home and is raising 3 kids and supporting 2 other of her children that are over 18. Because of my dad’s income I am not able for a lot of scholarship/grant offered by my high school. My dad, alone, cannot pay for 5 people to get through college. He has debts of his own. I would like very much to have some support in finding a way to help pay for school. Thank you so much!

  14. Amber Adkins wrote:

    I am a wife and mother of 2. My husband is a stay at home dad. I am going back to college this fall and I really do not want to take out any loans. Any help or guidence in this matter would be very appreciated.

  15. Bethany wrote:

    Hi, my name is Bethany Castle. I was in foster care in both Virginia and Tennessee. I was then adopted in Tennessee in 2008. I need grants and alot of them. I am the oldest and have moved out. I don’t have a job at the moment and can’t pay for my college. Please help.

  16. Carlee East wrote:

    I am currently a graduate student working hard to finish my degree. I am the oldest of five children and neither of my parents went to college, so they can’t really afford to help me out. I already owe money for my undergraduate degree and some for my graduate degree. It is difficult for me to find any grants since I don’t fit into most of the specifications (I am not a parent, non traditional student, etc.) If there are any grants I could apply for I would be more than thrilled!

  17. Chris Phillips wrote:

    Hello! I am 47 years old and have alot of experience in fundraising and resource development. Unfortunately, I do not have the degree to back up the 20 plus years experience and really want to go back to school. My children are grown and I am looking for a better quality of life for myself. My income is minimal and I care for my mother. Can you lead me in the right direction? Thank you so much!

  18. Melissa Rhett wrote:

    I am almost finished school, and was told the first day of classes I have no more financial aid. I dont know what to do. I am being turned down over and over. I am an education major.

  19. Lutricia Harris wrote:

    Hello, I attend Kaplan University obtaining a BA in Psychology -Substance Abuse. I’m looking for grants and scholarships to me cover my tuition so that I may graduate on time. I am a mother of 6. My husband and I are both students.My husband attends Ivy Tech Community College majoring in culinary Arts. We have very little income. Any information that I could use would be very helpful.

    Thank You

  20. Shirley McCullers wrote:

    I am a 59 yr old senior single mom who has a desire to return to school. I am disabled ,yet not unable to learn! I want to be an example to my grand-daughters, who’s mother also is now divorced and raising two children alone. Often our kids get the signal that life is over without both mom and dad in the home. I want them to see that even with a disability, being single , over average college entry age and black, they still have a chance to succeed. I have been ministering to incarerated women for over 15 yrs. and believe furthering my education will benefit myself, the women I minister to, while allowing me to leave a rich legacy to my family, proving that it’s never too late and there are no barriers to achieve your dream that cannot be dealt with. Please provide any information you have to assist me in obtaining grant money for college. Thanks ahead of time for being a positive force for change!

  21. Zhane Wright wrote:

    hello , i am a senior and i want to go to college , im looking for grants any amount will be more than grateful. THANKS!

  22. Florence Dilley wrote:

    I am a mother of 5 children. I am 2 quarters away from attaining my bachelor degree in business management and have just recently found that I have used all of the federal aid that I am allowed. I need about $7500 to finish up the two quarters. Please help me someone, I want to show my children how important a higher education is by completing mine.

  23. angelle goode wrote:

    I am currently enrolled in school. I need help ASAP because there is a chance that I might be dropped from school because I wont be able to pay for classes anymore because i cant afford them.So help me out please.Thank you!!!

  24. Alicia Sanchez wrote:

    I have just completed my Associates Degree in Healthcare Administration and will be continuing on with my Bachelors. I am in need of additional funds to continue my education. I do not seem to fall into many categories for assistance. Can anyone help me in the area of acquiring additional financial assistance? Thank You.

  25. Eden Fowler wrote:

    I am in the army reserves. I am currently unemployed and have been homeless since I was 16. I suffer from PTSD and major depression so it has been hard for me to have a stable job. I love art and computers as well as phlebotomy. I am unable to afford school and I am unable to complete a fasfa because I can’t get the information from my parents. Is there any kind of financial assistance that I may be able to apply for. Ive wanted to go to school so desperately. I would be very grateful for the opportunity to further my education. Thank you.

  26. Valerie wrote:

    I am a single, 34 year old woman who is looking to go back to school for a Nursing Degree. I already have a BS in Child and Family Development, but I will have to start over from square one because all of the credits from my previous college courses are too old to transfer. I am also still paying off my student loans from that degree so I am definitely not looking for another loan. If anyone has any advice or suggestions I would greatly appreciate it!

  27. alma wrote:

    I am a 25 year old hispanic wife and mother of two who recently got laid off.
    I have always wanted to go to college but with my kids and no income it seems impossible. i would like information about grants that will fund maybe a certificate 602-722-6775
    Thank you

  28. Nina wrote:

    Hi i am a mom my youngest just went to school and now that its time for me to find a job which i havnt atepmted to do in 8 years i realize i have zero skills imagine going to an interview or making a resume when i havnt worked in 8 years! I want to take this time and go to school i have no income and my husband makes to much money for me to recieve financial aide and cant afford college. Please any help would be great! Email me at

  29. Jonah wrote:

    I am a mother of 3 year old daughter. I am 35 years old (Asian-Filipina) married to American citizen and I have a Bachelor Degree of Accountancy graduate of 1997 in Philippines.I am a greencard holder soon to apply for US citizenship. Although I had a bachelor degree already but I can’t find a right job for me here in USA. I believed I need to meet the Accounting standard here in USA inorder for me to qualify to any certain jobs. It’s my humble request to go back to school, refresh, get more accounting subject if that will allow me so. Please help me to find a grant to pursue my career in Accounting. Please email me at or call me 803-767-5816. I really appreaciate your help thanks alot.

  30. tory wrote:

    Hi i’m also ready to go back to school to finish what i have started. It would really mean the world to me.I want to become a RN. I’m 34 about to be 35 years old ,married and no children yet. So i’m ready for a challenging career and a promising future.If given the right opportunity and chance, success is infinite a path, a doorway for all of my dreams.

    Thank You
    T. Bl

  31. tory wrote:


    OK..THANK YOU…:-)

  32. Danielle wrote:

    I just want to finish my degree. I don’t have enough funding to finish my BA. I am currently taken care of a sick mother with stage 4 cancer. She also has three types of Cancer. and working full time

  33. Kari Robles wrote:

    Hi, I am a full time student and only works part time. My mother doesn’t work because she is disabled and doesn’t make any money. My major is biology and would love to go to medical school to become a doctor. Any thing can help. Email me I’m always on it.
    Thank you much

  34. riza nuevo wrote:

    im from the philippines a mother of 3 kids i want to go back to college but cant afford it, can someone out there help me pls. Email me at Thank you!

  35. Anastasia Higgins wrote:


    I am a single female struggling very hard to survive while attended college. I have already completed my associates degree in Criminal Justice and I recently just started my Bachelors program specializing in forensic science. I take 9 credits every 5 weeks and cannot find work to provide the needed funding for school supplies or cost of living. What do I do, how can I survive while I attend college? School is being covered by pell grant and student loans.

    Someone please help me.

    Anastasia Higgins

  36. Joyce wrote:

    I am currently attending University of Phoenix and working towards my Bachelors in Web Design. I lost my job back in 2009 and when I couldn’t find work, I decided to go back to school. I have been relying on loans and the Pel Grant but I would like to find some scholarships and grants to help supplement my educational expenses. Does anyone have any ideas or good websites that I can go to? I can never tell what sites are good and what sites are scams. Any help would be appreciated.

    You can email me at

    Thanks again.

  37. mary f wrote:

    Hi I am a single Mom with a daughter in college full time. I am not earning enough money since the construction industry tilted in the economy. I was an interior designer. I would love to go to school to learn the Esthetician course. The only school in my town is private and it does not have financial aid. Owner says they don’t want the govt telling them how to run a school. So if anyone knows info on how to get money for school for this course i appreciate your time.
    Mary F.

  38. claudia wrote:

    well i am 20 and have 5 year old baby its been tough i did graduate from high school and i am looking for help… we are of latino origin so it also makes it hard for me i do live with my mother and dont know about my father …my mother is my wall thats helps me stand up on my feet everyday..i see how hars she works for little pay and i know she does enough for me …i love learning, i am very smart and want to go to school but i need help …i am a full time worker and i cant aford to do both at the same time my baby boy …if you have any advice or heard of anything out their let me know…

  39. Beth wrote:

    I would like to know what direction you would suggest I go to find assistance for getting my doctorate in Medicine .
    Let me explain my situation and myself a bit. I am 47 years old and have managed to work and save over the last many years, until I achieved a bachelors in Nursing and masters degree in Nursing from IU. I asked for no help-I did it myself. Unfortunately this took many years and I am now 47. I have been a Nurse Practitioner in the field of Nephrology for about 5 years now and love what I do; I am wanting in the worst of ways to go on to pursue a doctorate.
    Medical school at my age is quite dangerous when looking at the kind of expenses ahead of me. It is important to know I will succeed, and I truly believe I will. I have the verbal support from doctors I presently work with to pursue my doctorate. I also have the grades I need to get in – an undergraduate GPA of 3.8 and a Masters GPA of 3.5 from IU University. I have done well in my field.
    Unfortunately at 47 I am fearful of taking on large loans as medical school incurs. I have saved everything I could for the past five years since getting my NP license to help me get through my doctorate, but I do not think I have enough yet. -Unfortuanately I do not believe that I could work either – Medical school like my masters and licensure as an NP will require all my energies.
    I have put myself through everyting else living on my savings not asking for help – but now I must ask for any assistance that I can. I would not ask for help even now except for the factors I mention above (my age with taking on such large loans).
    If you could direct me to the the most likely programs that I could apply to, I am going to ask for their assistance. I know I am wanting to do studies in a field that is much needed (primary care MD)- and so will help meet a growing need in our society. I believe also that I have proven I will be a success and that I will be responsible with any help that I receive. If I am given help to get through my doctorate I will return the favor and give significant money to help others as well.

    Thankyou for your help in advance,

    Beth Rose, MSN, NP-C

  40. Rhonda wrote:

    Hi My name is Rhonda I have been attending college since 2010 and have done very well. my overall GPA IS 3.4, my mother had surgery and I was trying to take care of her and failed a course, I have no problem paying for the course but the school is saying that I owe them more money 2945 because that stipend me more money that I should have recieved. This is due but May 2012, I have no idea were I can get this money from I agreeded to pay them 100.00 dollar a month until my next stipend come in and that may be enough to pay what they say I owe, if this is not paid by May 2012 then I will not be able to take any classes until this is paid. Education is very importatn to me please help you can reach me @ 225-270-0601

  41. Edeb wrote:

    Why are there only grants for African American and Hispanic women? Is there any for Asian women? We are a minority group too.

  42. Meg Thomas wrote:

    I am in my freshman year of college and I am of Native American decent, studying in the field of Speech and Hearing with a minor in arts. My mother is a single mother of three, two of which are in college. I am in the Speech and Hearing program, with an interest in teaching arts to individuals who are speech and hearing challenged. It is my wish to teach arts to the speech and hearing impaired in addition to working in the health field of Speech and Hearing. My first semester of college I was only a few points shy of making the dean’s list. Keeping up with paying the monthly bills is a burden on her let alone trying to send two children to college. I truly need to find grants and scholarships to continue my college education in order to start my dream of helping others reach their dreams of learning to deal with Speech and Hearing disabilities.

  43. Yuvonne Anthony wrote:

    My name is Yuvonne, I am from South Africa, I am in an abusive marriage, I want to leave with my two babies but south africa is not equiped with the resources, I don’t know how to leave without finacial help.

  44. Sarah wrote:

    I am a mom of two and I want to go back to college! I still owe my school from my first semester. As time passed after my first semester LIFE happened, I need to find a way to pay what I owe so I can go back. Any information with be helpful thank you!

  45. Tabitha Windom wrote:

    I am a mom of two, I cannot afford the cost of a GED, but thats the only one I can enroll in college, but I cant afford college either. I have no income and I really need the schooling to better the life of my children. Any Information on If I would be eligable for help with both or not?

  46. Amaris Nogueira wrote:

    To whom it may concern, i am a 19 year old female finishing high school going off to college. I will be a first time high school graduate and college attendant. I am looking forward to getting my degree in Bachelors of Science as an RN. I have applied for FASFA and is the only type of money that is going toward college. My parents dont have money to give for me to college and arent even planning for it, so im doing this on my own. I need any type of information or help i can get. Please contact me Thank you for your time.

  47. Sheila Campbell wrote:

    I really would love to graduate from college to improve life for myself and my 6 kids. Please let me know what kind of help is out there. I would appreciate it. I have about 69 credits already. I need about 40 more credits to get my BA.


    Thank You


  48. christina stanley wrote:

    Hi I’m christina stanley I’m a 17 year old high school senior at Pace west. I graduate june of 2012 and was already excepted at ECPI universityand I’m going for my LPN unfortunitly the tuition is $38,000 for 14 months. I live in a house of 7 people but noone works and I’m unable to find one cause of my age my mom only collects 7,000 a year for her, My little sister, little brother, and me. I really need help to better my education and make something of myself. I will be the first one of this generation to graduate and go to college. I want the oppritunity to go to college and succeed please co nract me at 571 379 9956 thank you

  49. Marketta Straughter wrote:

    Hello my name is Marketta Straughter. I am 17 years old and is currently a senior at Southwestern High School. My plans for my future is to attend college to earn a masters degree in psychology. I am a a student with a GPA of 3.2 and ACT score of a 17. My only issue is my mom will not be able to afford me going to college simply because of financial problems. I really would love to be able to better my education to the maximum of my ability. Its hard when the economy is constantly downgrading itself. It make it difficult to get or even maintain a job you desperatly need. So with that being said thank you for your time and please take it into consideration to respond. I can be reached at

  50. Alice Plummer wrote:

    I am currently in college, through an online university. I am a mother and not married at that. I am looking to find grants that will help me pay for my school since the costs are very high! If anyone has any information please contact me at

  51. Tammy wrote:

    Hello, I only have 2 classes left to finish my Bachelor’s in Psychology. I have had some financial hardships and lost my job. I am in search of any kind of grants that will allow me to finish school so I can get a job. I will need them quickly, if possible. I can be reached at Thank you very much.

  52. Jamie Lea Eckert wrote:

    Hello, i’m currently in highschool about to graduate and move out of PA away from my entire family to go to school at tri county techincal college in pendleton, SC to hopefully transfer to Clemson University for a degree in Dental Hygiene, my mother has been single for many years and has been struggling ever since,because father hasn’t been in the picture since and i worked for a while and just recently got let off so with everything i really am trying to do it on my own because my mom also has epilepsy and a lot of other medical problems so most our money goes towards that which it should but i was wondering if anyone can help me hopefully it can be you guys because i havn’t been able to find grants for people who go out of state for college, please contact me at

  53. Krystyen Johnson wrote:

    I am a mother I work full time a correctional department as a jailer. I have been there almost 2 years. I am a single mother. My daughter is two years old an I am looking to enroll in online classes through the community college. For me to do so I need a grant to help me out. If anyone has info on what I can do please let me know. It will be greatly appreciated. My email address is or my cell number is 817-449-6413

  54. Felicia Rivera wrote:

    Hi, I am a 23 year old mother of 2 and I was laid off of work a little over a year ago and I have had no luck looking for work so I have decided to go back to school and better my education! I will be attending Esperanza College of Eastern University but I am unable to pay for school because it is very costly for me & the state grant just is not enough. If anyone knows of any grants that may help me please contact me at Thank you in advance!

  55. Kelly Murphy wrote:

    Hello to all,
    I am To begin my first year in a PhD program for economics. Being a woman, and a minority in that field, I am hoping that there are some scholarships or funding out there for women such as myself. If anyone knows of any, please email me at It is my greatest ambition to complete my PhD in economics, but being a student, with no support from family, and no financial aid from my school, financing my higher education is posing a real problem for me at this time.

    Thank you,

  56. Jacqueline wrote:

    hi i am looking for some grants to help with school. I am a mother to two children and my husband is disabled and I would reallly like to go to nursing school. I have been working as a CNA.

  57. Victoria wrote:

    I am 17 and just graduated high school. I graduated with high honors. I will be attending college in the fall of this year. I am aiming toward a Masters of Science majoring in Athletic Training. I have held a summer job for the past three seasons and have been putting as much as I can into savings. Once I start going to school again I am also going to find myself a part time job to help me with the cost of living and everything else I will need. I have looked for scholarship and grant oppurtunities but so far have not been able to come up with much. I will continue looking though. If you have any information to help me out I would be so greatful. Thank you!

  58. Alyson wrote:

    Hi…I am 18 years old and just graduated from high school on June 8, 2012. On paper my stepfather makes too much annually therefore I do not qualify for FAFSA. I graduated in the top 10% of my class and I hava already been accepted to Texas A & M University. I’m going to take my basics and then enroll into the nursing program. I work part time and I am planning on working two jobs this summer. I have received two small scholarships but I still need more help. My mother has Multiple Sclerosis and she still works…but I’m not sure for how much longer. On paper my parents income looks great but in reality what’s coming in verses what’s going out doesn’t match up. My parents have a lot of medical expense. Please send me any information that may help me out. Thank you.

  59. Robyn wrote:

    Hi, I am 34 year old married mother of two young children. I left school at a young age and received my GED and then started working. I am now a Senior Sales Manager at a full service hotel. I have gone much further in my career then I would have ever thought 17 years ago and I feel if I have made it this far I certainly could go much further. I would like to go to college to learn more and possibly even switch careers. I work full time and both of my kids are in daycare. I believe that my husband and I make too much money to get financial ad, however our bills owed (and we don’t leave in an outrageous house or anything like that) do not leave allot of room to pay for college. Is there any information that you could send that could help me on this new path? Any help is really appreciated! Thank you

  60. Lindsay Nyborg wrote:

    I am currently enrolled at GCU studying for my bachelors in Criminal Justice. I am 25 years old living in California with my father and I need help. I do not know where to turn, but I made the Deans list and from my recent grades will soon make the Presidents list. I need financial help to make it through the next three years of schooling. I am a good hard working student. Please anyone send me any help you can. Thank you.

  61. Sheniqua Adams wrote:

    My name is Sheniqua Adams. I am an 18 year old single parent who is currently attending Louisiana State University. I started working the 1st of June in order to help support myself and my 2 year old daughter. I will soon be taking on a second job because I’m living from paycheck to paycheck trying to pay for daycare,rent,bills,and my $34,000 tuition. My car recently broke so now that is another burden that I have to worry about. I was wondering if anyone knows of any grants that i could receive in the next couple of weeks or months? I need major help ASAP. So if anyone knows any information please please email me at! Thank you in advance and MAY GOD BLESS!!!!!(:

  62. Demetria Roberson wrote:

    My name is Demetria Roberson. I am a 33 year old single mother of three children. I have enrolled and been acceted int a nusring program. I am looking for some help finacially to finishing paying for my tuition. I need help to make it through this year of school. Please contact me by e-mail @

    Thank You

  63. Natalie Beckett wrote:

    I am a K-2 teacher that lives paycheck to paycheck and I am looking for Grants and/or scholarships so that I can go back to school to get my Masters in Education. I have taught in Title 1 schools all ten years and would like to be able to stand up for those kids especially those who are homeless. Please help me out!!

  64. Hope Klink wrote:

    I have been going to college but I have run out of student loan and I would like to finish. I need grant to be able to continue, I am working on my Bachelor of Science in Health Services Administration with the goal of becoming a medical biller. I have over 60,000 in school loan and i would like to pay them off and finish by paying off the rest. Can anyone help me, I am on disability trying to get off and help support me and my husband. We are also trying to foster but I would like to finish school at the same time. Thank you so much for any help you can give me.

  65. Abigail Majekford wrote:

    I am a mother and i have a bachelor degree in health science. I want to return to school to do nursing but unfortunately i do not have the money to pay for the school. i need help. any money is welcome

  66. Jessica Hubbard wrote:

    I’m a senior in high school and I really do not know where to start. I’m hoping to become a criminal justice major but I have no money for school. I know I have a year but its going to end fast. I need all the help I can get. So if someone can point me in some kind of direction it would be much appreciated! you can contact me on my email at :



  68. Crystal wrote:

    I am almost 30 years old & a single mom. I have completed all my course work in college & just recently been notified that our financial aid department denied my pell grant due to too many credit hours towards my major. I have this one last semester to go & would’ve graduated Dec. 14th of this year and now they’re telling me that all my hard work and dedication has been for nothing. I am recently divorced from an abusive husband & have no idea what I am going to do. I have to come up with $4,300 by the end of December to graduate. I already have my tests complete from the state board of education and everything. I am technically already a teacher just without the certification from an accredited college & the 14 weeks of student teaching. If someone knows anything that I can do to come up with this money in a legal way (scholarship programs, grants, etc.) please let me know by email. I have applied non-stop today trying to come up with something. Thank you.

  69. Ariana Hines wrote:

    I am in a senior in high school, I want to start college in fall of 2013, after I graduate, but college is so expensive. Money is really tight my mother is a single parent. I don’t wanna have to take out loans, because I know I can’t afford to pay back. If you could help it would be greatly appreciated

  70. Charliss Waggoner wrote:

    I am a licensed journeyman electrician. I have worked in the electrical construction field for the past 16 years. I have a three year old son, and I am married. I am the bread winner for my family, but would like to become an electrical engineer to advance my career, and my family. Is there any help out there for a woman like me?

  71. Amanda wrote:

    Hello. I am 24, divorced, and trying to afford school to become a teacher. I am having difficulty finding grants and scholarships and came across this site. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Please help me.

  72. Agnieszka Motyka wrote:

    31 year old single female, looking for sponsorship to return to roosevelt university fall 2012 program to start her certification for paralegal program. The program lasts 4.5 months, I need $10,650.00 to do the program, I hold currently a Masters degree in criminal social justice. I also lost my job 9 months ago and cant afford to take out any student loans. Please if you can help and are real please email me

  73. judith hampton wrote:

    I am trying to complete my BA in information technology and all of my financial aid has been used up. I have also been turned down by SallieMae for some reason. I need $2000.00 to complete my studies. Any help that I can get wold be greatly appreciated.

  74. Kelly wrote:

    I am 42 and I have a bad back from working as a CNA for 21 years. I have wanted to go to school for Cosmetology ever since I can remember but I was a single mom of 3 and not much child support coming in at all. I had to leave the abusive relationship I was in so I struggled and worked hard to raise my kids. Now that the youngest one is 16 I have been trying to figure out a way for me to go to school. PLEASE HELP!!!! My body just can’t take it anymore.
    Thank you and God Bless!

  75. Deborah Dail wrote:

    I’m a single 59 year old black women in need of grant(s) to assist me financially to pursue my christian studies classes. My goal is to obtain a doctrine degree in theology. Directional assistance; where I can apply is appreciated also. Thank you in advance.

  76. Sky Kuchera wrote:

    I am the mother of an amazing 36 year old woman who is raising 3 girls (15, 11, & 7), trying to work full time and is going to school full time carrying a 4.0 for over 2 years. It is getting so very difficult for her to stay in school and supply the needs of a happy healthy home for her and her children. I cannot help her like I would because of an auto accident in my own life. I would give her anything to support through this amazing commitment she has made. I am so proud of her, but the only thing I can do to help her is tokeep looking for scholarships, grants, a benefactor, someone or something who could help her to achieve her goals for her and her family. A 4.0 is not easy to keep when you are a post-partum doula, or labor doula. You never know when your work will arrive, what day, what time of night. But she hangs in there. Please, if there is anyone or anything I can do to help her to remain in school fulltime and get through her graduate degree, let me know. Her time is so limited she doesen’t even have time to look for help, so she just keeps trying to make it on her own. PLEASE, help me to help her!! With all my thanks and hopes and wishes….

  77. Janine wrote:

    I am 25 year old WHITE woman, who works a full time job, has $45,000 in student loans out, who lives on my own, and who barely gets by on what I make at my job. I am in desperate need of a grant/scholarship in order to continue my education. I can no longer take anymore student loans, and yet I can not afford school. I was denied financial aid because I make a little more than the required amount in order to receive aid. However, the government does not take into consideration bills, and everyday expenses. I can not afford to pay my loans back at this time, nor can I afford tuition. I am having a hard time grasping the fact that these grants are mostly in favor of minorities and non US citizens. Are there any grant or scholarship programs that are out there that can help a non minority American in the ways that minorities and non US citizens receive help?

  78. Crystal Maharaj wrote:

    I’m a Trinidadian woman, that is also a US Navy veteran and I am Searching for any help i can get by means of financial-aid. Your help would be Greatly appreciated.

  79. Vanessa Suares wrote:

    Hello im a mother of two and have found it really hard to pay for school and am currently enrolled in college and I am finding any way I can get a grant to pay for school. Any kind of assistance would be highly appreciated. Thank you

  80. Kristen wrote:

    My name is Kristen Cooper a hard working nursing student. Have goin layed off and don’t have much income. Hard time bill ANYTHING at the momnet. I have a dream and a calling to help others in ways many others can’t with the heart that god gave to me, I want to follow his path to complete this and do gods work. Money wise I will not be able to after this sumster if i don’t get support. My # is 770-880-9429. Thank you GOD BLESS!

  81. LeTisha wrote:

    I am a single working mom and this is my second year of school. Applying to the RN program in January if I can afford to continue after this semester. I am having a hard time finding how to apply for a grant. All the websites I keep getting forwarded to ask for all your information to connect you to a school. I already have a school I am enrolled in, I just need help paying for it. Any ideas or information would be greatly appreciated.

  82. Kate C wrote:

    I am a 26 year old white female and I work full-time. I’m going back to school to get bachelors in biology. I have about 28k in student loans already and have plenty of other bills that I have to pay every month. I was denied financial aid because I’m not currently making “Satisfactory Academic Progress”. I can’t afford tuition in addition to my other loans and bills. Are there any grant or scholarship programs I can apply for as a part-time student?

  83. Debbie wrote:


    I am a 56 year old soon to be divorced female. I have 1 year left to complete my BS in Business Management and left college 8 years ago after a sudden death in my family. My GPA was a 3.9 at the time I left school. I can barely make ends meet and am unemployed. I desperately need to finish my schooling so I can find a job that will allow me to be self-supporting. I have no income, own nothing and have poor credit as a result of my divorce. Any suggestions or support is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

  84. Lori Souhtwell wrote:

    I am currently pursuing a degree in education. I am a Hispanic and Irish twenty-nine year old woman. I am looking for additional funding for my college degree as to not have to take out any more student loans, I currently owe over $30,000. It would be a tremendous help to find grants that would aid me in finishing my degree and paying back some student loans. If you have any information please send it to my email. Thank you for your time and help.

  85. Ashley wrote:

    I am a 25 year old female living in Norman, OK. I have about two and a half years of college experience, but was unable to finish school due to financial inabilities. I was unable to get any financial aid because of my step father’s income and tried to pay cash for my last semester which put me in debt on top of some students loans which have now gone into default. This has made me ineligible for any financial help through FAFSA. Any advice or opportunities would be greatly appreciated!

  86. Leslie Friedman wrote:

    Hi, I am a 56 yr.old with some college in the mid 1970’s. I do have some technical training in the jewelry field also the Fine Art at the college level. I am Interested in completing an AA or certification for CAD Jewelry design using these specific software programs Rhino, Rhino Gold, ‘V’ray, Brazil Render Studio for Rhino. I’ve raised 4 children I say, ‘I have’ even though I’m married because my husband has been seriously ill for more than 19 yrs. lots of times unable to work so it has been more like being a single mom for me. I’ve worked a lot in jewelry retail but in all kinds of jobs, blue collar, white collar, and pink collar too. For over the past 2 years I haven’t been able to find a job because of age discrimination. We have an 18 yr. old daughter the youngest at home in college herself on a small scholarship. My husband is disabled for a little over 2 + yrs.and terminally ill with kidney and vascular disease. His Drs. give him maybe 6 mo. to a year more to live. He has incurred a mid.+ 6 figures of medical debt in the last 2 years. I’m sole caretaker to him and his needs he requires pretty much constant care. I also have a sweat equity job (no pay) and caretake the property we are living on which is next to a church, for reduced rent. The casita we are in was meant for 2 people. My husband has the one bedroom, there is a small den my daughter uses that as a small bed room. I sleep in the living room, no door no privacy. The front door is about 8 ft. away from where I sleep, we get visitors up here knocking at the door ..I’m on call 24/7 and I clean the church hall, take care of the yard and the grounds,fruit trees, water,Rake etc.,let visitors in see the church, act as a go between for the priest and visitors and parishioners. I’m saying this because the only way I could attend classes is online… I guess that makes me a non-traditional student. But I am motivated to do this and re-train considering I am looking at widowhood soon, sadly. But at least I know in advance.I want to start working on Jewelry CAD drafting classes sooner than later. We are well below the poverty line for 3 people we live on my husband disability check a little over $1,000 a month. do you have any any educational opportunities for someone in my particular situation? Thanks in advance for your help.

  87. Gloria Jordan wrote:

    I am a 61 year old woman who, has studied hard after returning to school after a number of years. Lost my source of income due to buget cuts in 2010, and having been searching for employment since that time. I decieded to return to school, and am at the end of my studies for a BS degree in Substance Abuse Counseling, the last class which is my pracitum is the only thing I have left to complete, which I have no funds to do it. Can anyone help?

  88. elizabeth wrote:

    I’m 21 and have a injured ankle and cannot use my cosmetologist liscense to do hair anymore so I am stuck doing nails which makes very little money and is impossible to live off of. My parents make a decent amount but have other children and to many bills. I have a strong desire to be able to live alone and one day be able to get married and have a child but i will never be able to afford it so I would love to find some help to go to dental hygeinist school at a community college here where I live. I have so many Dr bills I can’t even figure out how to pay them off from all my surgries after my wreck. Interest rates are crazy here and I would dp anything to find a way to go to school! 9188120200

  89. xenia wrote:

    Send some imformation on going to school for physical therapy and i have no where to live. so please help me. Xenia Carter

  90. Debra wrote:

    I am a woman over 50 and have never been to college, i wanted to try for Medical Billing and Coding on line, i tried for a Pell Grant but i was denied, i make to much money for one person, but i don’t. I get paid once a month and don’t bring home enough to make it though the month. I need some help

  91. Devan Mayfield wrote:

    I am really looking forward to furthering my education, but due to the high costs of college, its harder to achieve. I come from a low income household. My father has a brain injury and was the bread winner of our house. So now it’s a struggle to get all the bills paid. I would love to prove to myself that I can accomplish anything. This grant is a great way to help out all women.
    Thank you for reading, I look forward to hearing from you.

  92. Jessica wrote:

    I am a single woman of 24 who works a full time job and goies to school part time paying for it all by working over time. However I can no longer be permitted to work overtime and need help paying for school. I do not have parents to help me for I was pulled out of my home by the state at age 12. I have been on my own paying my own bills (and never late let me mind you) since I was 16. I am determined to et my degree to make something of myself after growing up being told I would never amount to anything.

  93. Ashley Mars wrote:

    Hello, im a 23 year old mother of a 3 year old, looking to do an online college program. I have no income of my own, my daughters father pays all the bills, and after that there is nothing left. I would love more than anything to go into the criminal justice field. I have no idea where to start on getting any grants, financial aid, etc. Any advice, grant direction, or financial aid direction would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your time.

  94. Joy Wood wrote:

    I’m a 20 year old white woman; I’m a U.S. citizen, I’m married, I work full time, and I come from a low income household. It’s dissapointing to me that I can’t find any grants for women that fit my description. I just can’t cover the costs for my education.

  95. Jennifer wrote:

    I am a 50 year old woman feeling very stuck. I am in an verbally and emotionally abusive marriage that I need to get out of but need a job that pays enough for me to make it on my own. I have worked part time as a sales rep. for roadshows for the past 3 years but that does not pay the bills. My husband lost his job of 21 years 3 months ago so things are spiralling downhill fast. Before we lose everything I would love to go to Rocky Mountain Laser Tech College to become a certified technician and then on to get my aesthetician license. I need to become financially independent so I can get out from under all this stress and despair. Life seems hopeless right now. Thank you.

  96. Sadie wrote:

    I am a 22 year old single woman in college. I am living on my own and trying to pay all of my bills while going to school full time and only working part time is EXTREMELY difficult! I NEED HELP! Does anyone know of any grants or living assistance that I might qualify for? If so please let me know! Thank you so much

  97. Cristie wrote:

    My name is Cristie, I am a single mother of seven children, son 20yrs., twins son and daughter 17yrs., a daughter who is 15yrs., daughter who is 8yrs., daughter who is 3yrs. and a son who is 16 months. I am attending college for my G. E. D. and I am registered for Brake Systems in Auto four credits, at Casper College, And I am interested in info, on Finacial Aid, and Scholarships, for me to attend for General Education. Thank you, Hope to hear from you soon!:)

  98. stephanie wrote:

    I am 30, mother of 2. I had my first son at 18 decided as a family that I would stay home and teach our baby while my husband went to work at an underground mine. We are 30 and my husband has worked non stop in a very hazardous environment that is actually being ridiculed and forced into lay offset across the country by those who are against coal. I don’t have the money for college but I don’t want my husband to work himself physically into ground. I would like to go into physical therapy. Can anyone help me find a full scholarship grant?

  99. Crystal Roberts wrote:

    I am 38 year old female graduate student who has recently is trying to finish graduate school but has run into financial problems. I have not been able to work while in school as my mother wanted me to go full time and do my best. I have tried to get a job but most places tell me I have too much education or I don’t have a teaching credential.I can’t afford to take the test let alone my books for school. Since the recession, my mother has lost her job and it has gotten so bad, that we may end up on the street and me dropping out of school, with only 3 classes left to graduation. I really need help. We can’t afford gas to go to the pharmacy to buy our diabetic medications and we can’t buy food and no food banks near us. So I wanted to find a scholarship that will help me with my schooling and help keep us from the street. i really want to finish my education so I can teach history and revive the importance of education.

  100. Stormy Rigdon wrote:

    I am 17 years old, a high school graduate, and in desperate need of grants to pay for medical assisting school. I grew up visiting my father in prison and watching my mom go from job to job because she never finished school or got her GED. I knew I would be the only sibling to go to college or make anything of myself. I graduated high school a year early to be able to start school and have my life together before my dad’s release in 2016. I never ask for help so doing so over a public site takes all of my humility. I work hard in school and life. I am not a waste, I am an investment. Any and all help is appreciated.
    subject: investment.
    God Bless you all.

  101. Holly Reitz wrote:

    I’m 22 years old, living and trying to help my mother take care of my 18 year old autistic sister. I need help and advice to get into college. We’ve been living off government assistance and I can’t take the hand to mouth lives we’ve been leading. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!

  102. ANNETTE wrote:


  103. Geeta wrote:

    Hi my name is Geeta, i am 27 years old. i have not been to college since 2005, i was just a freshman. I had to drop out. In the indian culture we are suppose to take care of our parents as age and sickness sets in. My father had 2 heartattacks the same year. he could no longer work. as the only child still living at home and unmarried it was my job to take care of him. finally years later still unmarried i discided it was time for me to get my education and start on my career path. However when i had dropped out of college in 2005 i used the rest of my college fund to pay out the mortage on our house. I finally convinced my parents that i needed my education so that i to could provide for a family of my own one day. In the indian culture and being a women moving out of your parents house unmarried is a 3 month battle. haha. well anyways i am now in a smaller city of the same state, no family or friends unless i drive 3 hours. there are not any indians or asian community up here. However there is and ideal college i have been accepted into. this is the 1st time im on my own, there is no way i can pay for school on my own, i can barely afford to buy food. If there is any grants or scholarships out there please i need some help.
    thank you,

  104. Danielle Harootian wrote:

    My name is Danielle, I am 31 year old returning back to college after 10 years. I was laid off due to the economic re-session and have had no choice but to do a career change. I am going back to school for a BA in plant and soil science so I can teach vocational students about plants and soil sciences. Due to being laid off for sometime I am returning back to school solely based on loans from the government. I am at the point of signing up for fall 2013 and realizing my government loans are running out. I am searching for help! If anyone can direct me in the right way of getting grants for people of my age, sex, degree, or career interest I would be much obliged. I can be reached at 508-340-5912 or via email
    Thank you for your time.

  105. Samantha Hancox wrote:

    Hi i was a single mother for almost 5 years i just got married and work a full time job as a corrections officer. i am now pregnant with my second child and this career is not what i wanted to do with my life and it makes it hard for me to go back because my schedule at work leaves no time for the classes i enjoyed biology and i wish to continue with it i want to further my self for me and my family i have always wanted to go into forensics or biology they both kind of team together id like to be able work in a crime lab or something to do with biology if any one can help me my email is

  106. Sila wrote:

    Hi, my name is Sila, i am 26 years old from Indonesia, single . I work on Trading Agent Company now with very small income, I can’t continue to study because the cost for study is so high my money is not good enough. I have got Second Degree in Business Administration. I just need and really want to study again without troublous my family that have in difficulty economy. i live with my family now, I realy want have a better job to survive my life self that why i want to completing my own with more knowledge and have a good career. If there any opportunity for any grants or scholarships out there please i need your help and your kind .

  107. Whitney Voutour wrote:

    Hello I am 26 years old and on my second year of college. Last semester I earned a 4.0 Grade point average. The semester before I had a 3.6. I was just denied Financial Aid and I am unable to pay for my classes. I was living on my student loans and pellgrant. I am a waitress and full time student, and now I’m afraid I can’t pay my bills or my tuition. The only thing I have ever been good at is school and it has given me more self-confidence and a purpose for life. My goal is to get a degree in Social work and Counceling. To help addicts recover and children who were raped. My goal is to help people who have the same story I have. please help! Thank you!

  108. Starrlyn Friedman wrote:

    I am a high school early graduate. I live away from my parent’s home, and have a lot of bills, as well as trying to save for college. I am wanting to enroll in my local community college for the spring of 2014, so I’m getting a head start. If anyone is available to assist me, all is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for your consideration.

  109. eunice wrote:

    I am a 40 year old mother with little income but so desirous to pursue msc public health promotion that will equip me to contribute to health of society especially for women and children. I have gain admission at Leed Metropolitan University but have not the resources. I need scholarship/grant to enable me achieve this laudable desire. I will appreciate all support no matter the amount as I can pull them together to achieve my goal for the betterment of society

  110. Crystal McDonald wrote:

    Hi my name is Crystal an i am 21 years old i currently attend school after i graduated high school in 2010 but unfortunalteky i didnt get a chance to finish because i was having financial problems back at home while i was away in school and now im working a part time job and trying to pay for me to go back to school this fall 2013 and my mom in disabled so if i could get just a little help i would greatly appreicated thank you so much .

  111. Mary Sorgi wrote:

    Hello I was a victim of domestic violence, left my ex husband it will be three years in September, divorced two years in April. I live in low income housing,single, no children. I work in a veterinary office cleaning from 11:00am to 4:00pm. I would like to go to school to become a veterinary technician. I fear with my work schedule I can only do an online school. Which I don’t know if I can get financial aid for. I have to go to school. I can’t make it too much more on $7.35 an hour twenty-five hours a week,and four hours on a weekend job at $8.00 an hour. I need to go to school to make substantially more then I don’t have to worry about Food share anymore. You just a little more they take away food stamps and you have to use cash which you really can’t use because you need that for bills. I need aid to go to a school like Penn Foster online so I can still work. I need help Please! Thank you!!!

  112. anastasia morozyuk wrote:

    Hi I really want to finish college but can’t do it without the high school diploma, I’m married already and have a baby and can’t go to high school all over again and can’t afford to take high school online I have a husband but we don’t get enough of money to pay for it all. When I was younger someone told me and my mom to drop out and get GED it will make our life easier but when I decided to take HE’s I realized that I can’t do it because I know math bad and never got to finish it. If there is any way I can go to college without it please help I need to get my education and help my family I need this for my little one if you can contact me at 413_210_7657 Thank you

  113. Wilda Maymi wrote:

    I am a single mother with a dream , I was going to school for Dental Assistant at ATA Career Education but the school fail me and now I have to pay back my student loan and I have 52 credits that I can not do a thing with this is what fast pace school are doing. I wanted to become a Dentist for HIV and Aids patients. that is my dream, I first have to become a Dental assistant and then a Dental Hygienist and the a Dentist but this dream can not become true unless , I continue my education with some scholarships. If anyone out there who believe in me and wants to help me I would appreciated, I been struggling all my life so hard work and hanging in there that is one thing I have learn. If you find it in your heart to help me accomplish my goal Wow ! that would be great , because I am up in age and even though a I still believe I can become what I long to be. Sincerely a single mom with a dream.

  114. Linda Haury wrote:

    I am a 59 yr. old woman of Hispanic descent. I was laid off two years ago from a major corporation I worked for for 12 years. I currently have no income and am attending college with a 4.0 GPA thus far. I would like to continue with school to attain a degree in Business Administration. I would like to start my own business someday and make my 8 grandchildren proud. I need assistance to pay for rent and bills so I can stay in school.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

  115. Amanda T wrote:

    I am wondering how to apply for grants and scholarships. I’ve never done it before and need a little help. Wondering what things they have for veterans, mothers, and business information!

  116. Sharaine Scales wrote:

    I am the caregiver of elderly parents. I began pursuing my post-graduate degree in 2010. I lost my job and had been unemployed for over two years, so I have obtained tremendous debt. I found out I didn’t qualify for financial aid. My parents’ health has improved, but financially I am unable to fund my education. I would be the most appreciative human being for any type of assistance that is provided. For more information to be provided, you can contact me by e-mail-

    Thank you, in advance for your cooperation in this matter.

  117. Iza Igot wrote:

    I just graduated high school being homeless. Living on my own with the help of some of my friends that had help me though the whole thing. I do not have a penny on me. All my money thay I make goes to paying the bills. I don’t have internet nor a computer. I have not gotten my license because I don’t have a car. And it is difficult for me to even go anywhere or apply somewhere with better pay because I cannot show my identity. I would really really love to go to college and become a a doctor. But I can’t even do that. I can’t do anything because I do not have any resources. I am very hand working and smart girl. That’s all I wanna do is go to college so please contact me. 5862099446

  118. Kimberly Lomick wrote:

    I am an african american mother of four who is looking for aide with books and gas. I’ve been accepted into Gardner webb university ADN nursing program any help would be greatly appreciate as I make this grand transition in my life

  119. Tammy Rhodes wrote:

    I am 47 yrs. old, I am currently in school with a 4.0 average. I am taking nursing, and need help for books and tuition.I am disabled and between the rent and the bills, there just isn’t any thing left over for school! I would appreciate any help you could provide.

  120. Julie wrote:

    I’m 17 and will be graduating from high school this year, I won’t be 18 till 2 months after I graduate, so being this young in high school I haven’t really had the chance to work and make money for college. Most the time I’m doing volunteer work with animals, I’ve wanted to be a veterinarian before I was even in kindergarden. My whole life I’m school I’ve been working my way to be able to become a vet. The only problem is there is no vet schools by me and I’ll have to move out of town or even state! If I move out my parents won’t help pay for college because they think it’s best I just give up on what I want to do since it’s so expensive for school and it’s so far away, but I haven’t dreamt of becoming a vet to just give up on it. I’ve taken care of so many animals and couldn’t imagine being anything else. I need the grants to be able to go to a vet school since my parents won’t support what I want to do.

  121. Jody wrote:

    My name is Jody and I am looking for what type of grants I can apply for according to my needs. My personal situation has left me needing money to finish a degree. During my marriage after 21 years, I was left with having no real skills and not financially stable. My life changed in a way that it is hard to be on my own. Back in 1999, I became disabled and I have worked some off and on but I have not been able to work for several years now. I am trying to change my future by going back to school to get a four year degree. I am lacking just a few more credits to graduate. I wanted to find grants to help me finish school. I am up to my eyeballs in student loads and I cannot get any more loads. Please let me know how I can apply for a grant.

  122. Brandi Cage wrote:

    I am a wife and a mother. Our daughter is 7 months old and very active. I have been to college before in 2011 and 2012. For a very short time. I believe I only have 1-2 credits because I chose not to put school first. Which was the biggest mistake I have made. I want to go back to college so I can help my husband provide the best for our daughter. I made really good grades in all schooling. I need help with paying for college a daycare for my daughter because my husband is the only one working. I do help very little with paying bills with the babysitting I do. But it is only enough to get us by with all bills and items we need to care for us as a family. I want to be able to show my daughter that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. The only thing to bring you down is yourself and if you let others tell you, you can not do that. I was told by my mother that she would not help with anything for my daughter. And that my marriage would last a year. I have been married for almost 2 years and have no signs of that changing. We are trying to grow our family but still no excuse for me not going to college. That has been my excuse for the past year. Others I was to into my boyfriend and I had a miscarriage and I became depressed and let everything get to me. I wasn’t myself for a long time after that. But it is time for me to drop the excuses and do what is right for my families future . I would really appreciate your help to get me to my goal .

  123. Olivia Burns wrote:

    I am just beginning High school, and have started to look for college grants early. I am finding it difficult to find a grant i may qualify for, since i am not a minority and my family does not fall in the financial need bracket. (although they most likely won’t help with my college tuition.) Is there any grants I may qualify for in the future? Thank you.

  124. Tiffany Mendoza wrote:

    I am a 32 year-old African-American female. I have served my country for 13 years so the GI/Post-911 bills are how I got through undergrad. However, I am looking for aide with completing my Master’s in Human Relations. I don’t want to take on student loans, my family cannot help and my place of employment requires me to be on site for three years. However, I have only been here for nine months. I am determined to accomplishes this so that I maybe a testimony to another little African-American girl. A testimony to those children raised in foster care, survivors of physical and sexual abuse, etc. Please contact me at 4054144550.

  125. Zelda McCullers wrote:

    I am currently looking to go back to school a mom and a wife and unemployed. Seeking a free grant and Scholarship, so I can persue my goal to oneday opening up my restaurant. I wanted to take Culinary Arts and Business class.I would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.Or help me find the free grant and Scholarship I am looking for.If you or someone can help me please email me at you, so much!

  126. CAROLINE WAWIRA wrote:

    Dear sir/madam
    Am looking for a scholarship in your 23 years old ,Kenyan woman working in a flower farm to struggle for my school a student in Kenya institute of my o-lever i scored a B-having grown in a nomadic area(samburu district)my parent to not value education.I world like to fulfill my dream.Please assist me where possible.

  127. Lena Lavarias wrote:

    I am 50yrs old. Arrived here in US as an immigrant with my husband and three daughters (18,16,11)for about 2yrs now from the Philippines. Me and my husband work as Caregiver with a low income. My eldest daughter graduated high school with highest honors last June 21,2013. Fortunately, my daughter received a scholarship grant to pursue college because of her highest academic achievement. I like to give best education to my children but with our low income it is impossible. I am seeking help that I can go to school again which is related to my degree in the Philippines.I finished Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering but I can not use here in US so I decided to take another course. I would appreciate if someone will tell me what will be the right course. Please help me to have a free grant and scholarship. I am decided to go school to help my family and help others . God bless you!!! My email address:

  128. Ashley wrote:

    Hello I have attentend collge already once before I only completed one semester I recieved 13 credits, recently I’ve realized what’s best for me is to persue a career in the military I feel like that would suite my family and me very well. I hope to get in as soon as possible from all I have Learnt so far is that in order to get these 2 credits I am required to pay up front in cash and that is just not a option, I have some of the money but not much I found this website and in my high hopes that it may be able to help me, I won’t give up no matter what just hoping for some financial help.

  129. Jacqueline Boyle wrote:

    I’m 18 years old in SC with a 2 1/2 year old son. I graduated from High School in Ohio in January, 2013. Right now, my son and I live with my mom and dad and they take care of both of us since I don’t work. The ONLY way I can go to school is with financial aid. My mom and dad claim me, my baby, my sister (in HS) and my brother (3rd year of college) as dependents and fully support us. FAFSA says because of their income, they should be contributing up to 100% of our college costs (huh?) so I can’t get federal financial aid and the college says we haven’t established intent for residency after 14 months so I’m out of the running for State aid. I was forced to drop all but one class. 🙁 My parents have two kids in college, 6 mouths to feed, clothe and provide for and two mortgage payments (our old home has been on the market for over a year). They can’t afford more and are already accumulating debt just to keep my brother enrolled. I need some serious help.

  130. Beverly Stone wrote:

    I am 60 years old and have been, in the jewelry industry for the last 7 years. I am currently holding a full time job in another industry, entirely, but I want to learn every aspect of jewelry making, metal smithing, forging, forming, lapidary, stone identification, setting, EVERYTHING. There is a local school, here in Miami. Do you know how I could possibly get help to attend, if you know of anything in this field?
    Thank you.

  131. lea wrote:

    Would like to know how to get a grant for college in Ohio?
    Thank you

  132. Willie mae wrote:

    Hi: I looknig for money to finish me education in nursing I had to retire early to take care of a sepcial needs child my money pell grant ran out so I need money to finish I have one year left.I really like to finish. I have never been this close in finishing nursing school. please any help would do. thanks very much.

  133. Constance Dunham wrote:

    I am a single mom with two boys. I have been working on getting my BA in Forensic Psychology and am currently enrolled in Walden University. However my Financial aid is about to run out and I have 10 classes left. I really need help in being able to finish and show my boys that anything is possible.

  134. Tiffany wrote:

    I am a single mother living at home with my parents due to the fact i cant afford a place of my own. I work full time and trying to go to college to get a degree. I am finding it very hard to study and get homework and such done with my two year old at me every 5 mins. I was told that some people a few years ago somehow got financial assistance where they got enough money to cover their bills and pay for college so they didn’t have to work. If this is true and there is a way of this I would really like to know how this can be done. I am really needing the extra time away from work to really concentrate on my studies so i can get a degree and support my child on our own. I do not receive any child support either to help me out. Please let me know if you can if there is a such way to go to school and not have to work so a degree can be achieved for a single mom. Thanks

  135. Genet wrote:

    Hello am civil & urban engineering student and i graduate this year.i have good grad.i want to study more & to make my dream true!
    Thank you

  136. tonia thola wrote:

    Iam 34 years old and working on my bachlors degree with a major in psychology and minor in criminal justice at this time in my career I have maxed out all my loans and I have no more money for living expenses or my bills even more important I am a single mom of a 7 year old boy who is my life I am going to school to better both our lives and now I’m ready to give up because I do not have money for gas and my bills to even get to school anymore. I have worked so hard to get this far and now I have no idea what I am going to do without any money.

  137. Cozette Schomaker wrote:

    I am a mother of 5 and we are a 1 income family. I want to return to school to get my bachelor’s and help out finaincially in the home. I am wanting to do online courses to be able to still get everything with the kids done. If there is any assistance it would be great to be able to actually find it!

  138. emyjo nemes wrote:

    I am a single mother of 1. I am on unemployment due to career change. I want to go to nursing school. I just need to be able to pay my bills while i go to school. How can i do that? 330 609 9228

  139. Trish wrote:

    I am really confused.

    I just read all the comments from women who would love nothing more than the opportunity to be educated to qualify for careers that pay rough to cover life expenses and give them security.

    Masses of capable disadvantaged women! There are far more people , men and women desiring to be educated than actual jobs available.

    The cost of education for these positions is outrageous, thus eliminating a large portion of the already poor and stressed people who long for a better life. People who are portrayed as lazy and free loaders. Nothing could be farther from the truth!

    What are we going to do about this?

  140. Santa Anna Soto wrote:

    Hello, I am a Bachelor of Science in Legal Studies at South University, in Columbia, South Carolina.

    I am almost finished with my courses, and now have been accepted with the Solicitor’s office for internship.

    I lost my job in 2011 and have not been able to find a job. I have sent out many resumes, and have done some interviewing. Since I lost my job, I was able to hold on to my apartment, car, and kept going to school. Money ran out, lost my apartment, lost my car and had to move to another state to live with family due to no place to live here in South Carolina where I had been attending school. I managed to connect with an ex co-worker who was gracious enough to say she would rent me a room so I may come back to Columbia, South Carolina and continue school. Again, I am coming to the end of my program, and funds from Fafsa are just about up. I am a single woman, divorced and raised my family. I am now struggling to stay in school so I may receive my degree and be able to support myself. My dream to work in the legal world is almost accomplished, with the intership with the Solicitor’s office.
    I have worked and paid taxes all my adult life, and now trying to follow the American dream with a Bachelor Degree which I am almost done with.
    I am asking is there any monies any where to help me pay the school for these last few courses.

    Very much appreciated!!
    Ms.Santa Anna Soto

  141. sunita sharma wrote:

    I am an International student and currently have no job.I have just two classes left to graduate , but unable to pay my tuition and my college is going to terminate my Visa on 15th Nov. I do not have anybody to support and I am an independent . Please help me out if you could support for me for my education and help me out to complete my just two classes.


  142. Rucole wrote:

    need help applying for grants for the jan2014 semester. email me someone

  143. Netice L. Davis wrote:

    I’m a mother of 3 daughters youngest is 16 years old. I never attended college. I’ve been taking care of my girls being a working mother and full time mother at the same time. Never really knew what I wanted in terms of a degree. But now I finally know what my is in life after all these years. I’m afraid to attend college, not sure if I can keep up with today’s schooling. Not to mentioned that I don’t have funds to pay for classes. If you can help me with this matter PLEASE feel free to contact me. I’d be greatly appreciative. THANK YOU FOR READING MY REQUEST

  144. Melinda Flores wrote:

    Hello my name Melinda I’m 32 with 3 teen age girls I work but never went to college I’m wanting to go and need help making if anybody could help please contact me

  145. Alexandria Perkins wrote:

    I am a Junior at the University of Cincinnati. I am looking for grants to cover my final year of college expenses. I have been doing research on Grants and Scholarships for current enrolled college students for the past week. My dad has been active duty for the past 22 years and is moving away from being near me and finally retiring, leaving me with having my final year on my own. I am an adult now and believe that the best way to come out of college in less debt is Grants and Scholarships. With myself being this close to graduating, I’d love to get any help that’s recommended to lead my down the right road. I appreciate it!

    Alexandria Perkins
    UC 15′

  146. Ofel Joy Faith A. Lupogan wrote:

    Hi. I’m feeling a bit down because I would really like to continue my studies but sad to say, I don’t have enough money to support myself. My father died when I was young, so I was left supported by my mother but I have 3 sibling making it harder for us. But I’m always thankful for their support, I just hoped that someone out there may be willing to help me.
    Please if you know of any scholarship that I might avail, I would really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.
    Here is my yahoo mail:
    Thank you so much! 🙂

  147. Lesia Rose wrote:

    I am an Afro-American female, single mother, minority, adult, total monthly income of $190.00 a month welfare, food stamps, and a psychiatric disability. My story I lost my job of 13 years after reporting my employer to the EEOC for discrimination/retaliation. After terminating me they blocked my unemployment benefits,(9) months later our home of 16 years was foreclosed on. Our current home has no heat and the roof leaks. Though I suffer with M.D.D. I am still human, a mother, and have to try to live a normal life. I have called upon many local organizations to help my son and I with heat or repairing the roof but no help has come nor been offered. I am trying to help my self and now being told that since I already have a B.S. in criminal justice though I have no experience in the field I cant apply for the W.I.A program which was designed to help welfare mothers??? I am in a very dire need situation I am having to start my entire life all over I’ve lost all I worked so hard for my email-

  148. zainab s k wrote:

    dear sir
    iam an Indian student.iam serching for grants to continue my further studies.i have completed my 2 puc and have secured 84%in my board exam.i had also appeared for karnataka cet 2014,and my medical ranking is aim is to go for mbbs,but unfortunately iam finring it very much father’s income is too low to meet my admission cost. my mother is also house wife. i have 4 younger sisters and 1 younger brother. i had got free education in my high school and also i my college.know our financial condition is very much worst.but i have belief in god ,he will help me in some or th other way .so please if you can help me out then do and my sisters life solely depends on my studies. thank contact no is 8147489017 and my email ID is ,once again thank you.remember in your prayers.

  149. Florence Okonkwo wrote:

    My name is Florence Okonkwo, and I am a Senior at the University of Phoenix on line (School of Psychology. My GPA is 3.74; and I graduate with my BS in Psychology, I received my AA in Psychology from the same school in 2013. I am looking to pursue my Psyd or the least Counselor. I have worked with children for over thirty five years; first teaching African Dancing and Discipline; then teaching at an Academy teaching at risk youth math and science; then facilitating group sessions life skills; and now because of the demand for Qualified Mental Health Providers, I am pursing degrees in this area. I am fifty seven as of June 19th. I need grants and scholarships to continue my education; I pay partial from pocket by taking a portion of my rent, electric bill, water bill or food to pay for courses out of pocket – I have a deferred loan however, I still have to pay several thousands. I need financial help, I was laid off of my job July 2014, lack of work. I’ve been with this organization for over ten years. Prayerfully, they will call me back when business pick up. That mean more children in the program. My phone number is 757 239 0358 email address or Please contact me with any help available. Thank you so much~~~~~

  150. Maggie Sillero wrote:

    Hello my name is Maggie, I am a undergraduate student. This is my sophmore year I am 3 months pregnant and my parents aren’t supporting me anymore. I need help paying my college. And i am unaware of the scholarships that are out there. I really need help paying my college. I am wanting to go to school and finish. I want my child to have a good life and I want to be able to provide for my baby. Please if theres any grants or help i should know of please let me know. My phone number is 8327872203

  151. Christie Rubin wrote:

    I am looking for information on grants for women. I am a SAHM of 3 small children and have a disabled husband. What kind of financial help do I qualify for? I need to start school asap. Thank you in advance.

  152. John wrote:

    Okay, so let me get this straight… Women are considered a “minority” (sorry, this is the term that is used online to excuse this) in many of these cases, yet 58% to 42% women to men ratio exists in the college education system. And somehow, the men… errr, excuse me, the non-minority men, aka, the white guys, have no such support system such as this? I think this is sexist and not politically correct. This is embarrassing and holding the (non-minority) men back. Yet somehow, this is okay to everyone?!?!?! I did no one an injustice. I believe people are people, yet this sort of thing continues to perpetuate some sort of race or gender gap that truly doesn’t exist anymore. An example of a rebuttal that will be (or now would have been) the first out of the first five responses is the so called pay gap. I run a company. If I could get a female who is twice as qualified to do the job for half as much, I would. I could care less if you are male or female; black, red, yellow, or white; gay or straight; 7′ 4″ or 4′ 7″. I really don’t care, and many others feel the same way. We will take the most qualified person who will take the pay regardless.

    So my question to you is: Where are the college grants for men? IF this was truly a fair and just society, based on equality, why do you not offer a program for men? Why can’t I leave my job and get a grant to become a Dentist — because I am a man and not a woman?

    Seems like the tide for equality has gone too far to right a wrong, especially one I am being punished for, considering I had zero to do with it. I believe all humans are created equal, and all should have basic rights, notwithstanding, a site such as yours. I see on the bar to the left, women, women, mothers, grants, low income, etc. So men and women can apply for the general grants, but only women can apply for the top three listed. Double standard. One day, the shunning of men in this country, in this way, will haunt our future generations and history will show in the future textbooks why this was wrong.



    PS: If I change my name to Joan, do you think I could apply for one of the top two?

  153. Iam Afraid wrote:

    I am a victim of family violence. Why wont I leave? Because my parents refuse to give me their tax-returns so my FAFSA application is never complete. Per my financial aid officers: I have to get married or wait until I am 24 to be “non-dependent”. Is this legal? Absolutely.

  154. Ondrea wrote:

    I’m in an emotionally abusive relationship and I currently have a temp job working for the state but it’s barely enough to pay all of my bills. I’ve been searching RELENTLESSLY for college funds/grants so that I can go back to school and earn a degree.

    My concentration is in Clinical Social Work because I feel I have so much to give to the community! I’ve been through so much in my life and I know I can help someone else in a similar situation. I just need the funds to do it!

    Please if u know or run across anything PLEASE give me a call. My number is (832) 891-5127 . I’m 34 years old with a 17 year old son who needs me to be financially independent and stable. I just need to get back in school! Thank u and praying to hear something soon…

  155. Lilian wrote:

    I am a mother of three, two teenage girl and boy and one pre-teen. I am married. I decided to go back to college to finish my undergraduate degree in Leadership & Management with the hope that will be able to find a better job to support my husband who is a pastor. I had a lady who had agreed to pay my college fees but recently said she was not able to continue doing so. I complete college in December this year but need financial support to pay the balance of my tuition fee which comes to $2,289. I am studying in my home country but I am enrolled at the DePaul university of Chicago. If you would be able to help me, I would really appreciate it.

  156. Iresha E. Spears wrote:

    I am 20 years old, homeless, and pregnant I am enrolled in school and need scholarships!!! email if you know any resources

  157. Shayla wrote:

    I was a victim of physical abuse… while it was not from a husband or boyfriend, it was by a family member. I was enrolled at a community college when my father held me hostage with a loaded gun and was arrested after hours of emotional abuse… I had no transportation to school after that, I was unable to drop my classes (it was after the drop out date) and I was so unstable I couldnt return… Now I am ready to go back! I cannot receive financial assistance from FASFA until I make up the credits I failed to complete and I have to pay out of pocket. I feel like this is a never ending battle and I will never be able to go back to school and I am so desperate for help… Please email me if something or someone can help me or point me in the right direction… thank you

  158. Natosha wrote:

    I am a single parent of two children, one of which has autism. Decided to go back to school in 2011. I have maintained a 3.75 GPA throughout my studies. I have one class left and have run out of financial aide funds leaving me with $1000 of tuition left unpaid. I was recently laid off from my job and have no way of even paying for my capstone textbook that is $240. If you know of anyone who can help me financially or just by providing me with the book, I would be grateful

  159. nina wrote:

    I am a 40 year old with four children at home under 16. My husband is emotionally and mentally abusive and I cant stand anymore. I want to get away but need to be able to support my children first. My husband makes to much and refuses to give me the money to return to school to get my RN. Are there any grants or programs that I may qualify for.

  160. Shanikque wrote:

    I am a single mom and want to know if there are pell grants that I can apply for

  161. Ms.Cooper wrote:

    I’am a young woman, age 23. I attended Community College of Baltimore County in 2013. i was supposed to gradute in june of 2015 with an associates degree in law. Unfortunately I didnt graduate. I couldnt go back to school because i have to pay $3000. i have a part time job. I cannot afford it. I still live with my mom in a household of 5 children and 2 grand children. I tried so many places to help but so many places turn me down because i dont have any children. I really need help. I live in the city of Baltimore where i struggled my whole life. Even if i wanted to get a better job by getting my certificate in something, that would be hard too because alot of places in baltimore only help out with school if you have children. I would do anything to further my education but its so hard and so expensive. I dont want to give up. I’m one of the less fortunate women living in the city. I dont want to live the rest of my life this way. I;m so detirmined to go back to college. I just need help. if anyone could please help me. I will gladly appreciate it. Even if its just pointing me to where i could find a grant or scholarship. It just hurts to know that i have big dreams and its to expensive to follow them. I dont want to give up….. email.

  162. Carol wrote:

    Hi! I have been pursing a career in the medical field but due to financial constraints, it has taken me longer that expected. I Only have 11 classes left to finish my program and would appreciate any help I can get toward my tuition.

  163. Augusta Aka wrote:

    I am a victim of domestic violence, battered, rejected and abused, no body to help me. Please i need financial Aid to further my education

  164. Stormy wrote:

    I am not a minority, or a battered woman, or anything that stands out, but I am having a hard time figuring out how I will pay for my education.
    I’m happily married, with two beautiful little boys, but I need to go back to school. My husband is successful in his position and makes too much money for me to qualify for aid. However, he refuses to help me pay for my degree because my chosen profession (parole officer) doesn’t make enough money to meet his standards. I don’t even know where to begin my journey.

  165. 1,october,2015 wrote:

    Hello, my name is DONOZIO,iam 25 years old, ifeel ican return back to college.ihave finished 6years after iwas laid off due to the economic re-session and have had no chance to do my carreer course in accountancy. Iwoud go back to school for a diploma in accountancy and finance.Due to being laid off for sometime.ihave agreat feeling to return back to school. Iam at the point of signing up my dream because ihave no finance.Iam searching for help ! If any one can direct me in the right way of geting grants to do adiploma course iwould be much obliged. I can be reached at +256787954535 or via E-mail. Thank you for your thme. sincerely SATURDAY DONOZIO

  166. Tamanda wrote:

    Am a Malawian young woman who want to continue with my education. Unfortunately, in my clan, people don’t believe in supporting women in their education. They culturally think our duty is to get married and be a house wife. I want to learn but unfortunately don’t have school fees for University education. Please help

  167. kate wrote:

    Hello, I am an unemployed mom and married to a verbally abusive and controlling man. I used to be employed but not for 3 years now. I have severe PTSD,Panic D/O, ADD, Depression, and I havent been able to get the courage to seek out a program that will enable me to care for my 8 month old son, gain financial independence, and achievable in a very short time…the catch is it;s bartending school with guaranteed placement, Its 2 weeks long and for the first time I see the light at the end of the tunnel but I have to pay the amount upfront before attending. It’s only 500$ but I have nothing. We have lived with my father in law in a crowded room as he helps us with shelter I also provide full time care assistance and household chores. I have no idea if theres anything that is out there that would help pay for this. I have no credit and no family and really no way to earn the money as my husband makes any work I try to find impossible to complete hes controlling. I am 37 and feel like my life has been over for so long its been my son that has brought me back to the light and determined to fight for a chance and this would give us financial independence as well as give me a sense of self worth and ability to pursue more endevours in the future. I just want us to have a car and money for gas and clothes to buy…does anyone know of ANY assistance in this type of course work or any other suggestions regarding a way for me to come up with the $ asap so I can just complete the program? Thanks for any advice anyone has.

  168. Sandi Floyd wrote:

    I want to that you for the opportunity through these programs! I have applied for a few as I am a non-trad with 2 children who will be college bound in the next 2 years. My oldest and I will be in college at the same time…
    My kids are Native and I am very pleased to see that they may have an opportunity to gain some financial assistance through your programs as well. We can use all the help we can get. It takes a village… Thank you for everything you do!

  169. mary jane wrote:

    Hi, I’m Mary. I am here because I would like to study about computer lesson which really need now in our new world but I can’t support my self to study if somebody read and wanted to help pls tell and contact me.

    Any way, my email add is

    Thank you and hope God touch your heart.

  170. MK Pod wrote:

    November 2011 our daughter was a freshman in college on a partial volleyball scholarship at Regis University in Denver. While at a “friends” house with other teammates she was violently raped by a basketball player. The next day was spent in the hospital. We reported the rape but the school put her in counseling and condemned her. She was then ostracized by her coach. She tried to stay in school but was tormented by the rapist and his friends. She couldn’t go to class and was having a difficult time functioning. five years later she was wanting to go back to school but with her 11,000. In back loans she was denied.
    My question… any scholarships for victims or any waivers on past student loans? By the way the rapist graduated with his masters

  171. Katelyn Lenhart wrote:

    I’m currently a senior in high school and my parents have a drug abuse problem. My mother is in North Dakota somewhere (homeless) and my dad is facing prison charges for beating my mother all the while I am in California living with my grandmother who is retired and collecting social security. I have one sister and one brother (both who never went to college.) I’m the youngest and the first who is attempting to make it out of my situation by trying to further my education. I want to either be a nurse or marine biologist and have been accepted to multiple different colleges but I know even with work based study and loans I won’t be able to afford any of it. I’m trying to get a job but I live in overpopulated California where everyone else is trying to get a job as well. I want to be different and I want to be able to support my family by getting a degree and a stable job. No one in my family has been to college so I have no idea how grants or loans work. I am completely devastated and desperate and any information will help. Please email me at ( you have any advice. Even if it is on how to apply for federal grants or loans. Anything helps. God bless.

  172. Renee Williams wrote:

    I am a woman who is in her 50’s looking for a grant that would allow me to take a Dog Grooming School course. The school I am interested in takes grants as well. Can someone please tell me how to apply? I am also a minority black woman. I would need from $3000 to $4500 for the complete course tuition.

  173. Teasia wrote:

    Hello, I’m attending Claflin University in 4 weeks , I have a total of 5,514 left to pay for my tuition, we don’t make enough to pay that rest by August 14th , I would appreciate from the bottom of my heart if you’re able to give me something to it , I’d really appreciate it .

    THANK You!

  174. Tawanda wrote:

    I’ve been in attending Strayer University White Marsh since 2005, with some hardships that took away from school and now trying my hardest to graduate. I was finally at the step of putting one foot on the stage of completing my classes to graduate, which I was notified after these classes by my college that my FASFA wasn’t applied during my semesters and I wasn’t allowed to take anymore classes until I furnish the college with my husbands IR Documentation. It took much time to gather these documents of my husband being on Disability Retirement, due to us filing separately. I couldn’t get into his business due to us filing separately. I finally was given the requested information from the IRS and gave information to Strayer, who informed me that it was to late. I received an invoice 5 months later stating I had to pay cash of $5669.92 for the four classes that I had taken the winter and spring of 2016 and be prepared that I would be given more classes added to me, because their syllabus changes every year. I’ve tried all aspects of gaining these finances, which resulted in no resolutions for resolving this matter to graduate. If I can gain this money I can finish my classes and prayfully graduate in April of 2018.

  175. Kizzy Butler wrote:

    I’m a 39 year old unemployed mother of 3 who needs some help with college.I am at a standstill and i feel hopeless.This is the worst feeling in the world, when you need something so bad and money is holding you back! I’m attending Mississippi College in Clinton, Ms and I need this so bad! Please help me.

  176. nadeem shafi wrote:

    hello, my name is nadeem shafi and i am the chairman of united church ministries and we are also working on helping poor children in studying and give them free scolarship and now i have seen your work and hope that you people can help us so,i invite you to work with us.

  177. Larren Henderson wrote:

    Hi, I am single parent and I was just accepted into USC for the Masters program in HR. I have a full time job, but it is definitely not enough to pay for school and I need a cosigner for a student loan which I do not have. What assistance do I have available to me, that I can apply for now and hopefully qualify for? I have also set up a GoFund me page, but since I do not have as a friend said a “gimic” people are not donating. This degree is my last and it is truly important to me and advancing my career. I would love so help and advice.

  178. LaDawn Milton wrote:

    I am a 50 year old woman trying to finish her MBA. I am struggling to pay for the tuition and would like to find grants or scholarships. Due to bad credit, I don’t qualify for some financial aid.

  179. Sarah C wrote:

    Hello, I am a 25 year old female about to start grad school to become a physician assistant. I have worked most of my academic life full time, I started in middle school when I was 15 and I am now 25. I currently have put myself through college by working full time while attending school full time through very intense programs. I fear that when I start my graduate program I will not be able to work (because of the demands of classes and scheduling conflicts). I have never been unemployed before and do not know what to do for income if I cannot work at my current job while in school. I already have worked straight over nights and weekends for the past two years in order to put myself through school. Please email

  180. Lisa wrote:

    After reading all of the comments from these women, I admire their strength for sharing personal issues and financial concerns. Being single without children and no unemployment or financial aid I am struggling as well. I am caucasian and only have myself to depend on and would like to finish my education and re-enter the workforce.

  181. Imecia Holt wrote:

    I am imecia holt and I’m 17 looking for money to attend college in Fall of 2018. My mom is a single mom and can’t do it by herself please contact me at (813) 508-2806 thank you!

  182. Vickie Johnson wrote:

    I am a 52 yr old white woman. The thing that really irritates me is the fact that my ancestors were in every possible war this country has ever had, including the Revolutionary war and I can’t get help with education, but people who aren’t even from this country have a free ride! This is wrong! It is called reverse discrimination!!!

  183. Tracy Kappell wrote:

    I am a 30 year old female and have been attending college since I was about 23. I have had to take semesters off here and there because of my bipolar. Some days I don’t have the effort to get out of bed to attend class. I think I have finally been on the correct doses of medication along with exercise and the right diet which has been able to motivate me to get up in order to attend class. I also work 60-70 hours a week at a full time job that doesn’t pay as much as I need which is why I have to work so much. I am maxed out on government loans so either have to pay for the rest of my school out of pocket or get private loans which I don’t want to do which is why I would like to receive grants and scholarships to go to school.

  184. Brittany Thornton wrote:

    Hi, I am an African American young lady living in Detroit, MI. I am currently taking my prerequisite courses to pursue the nursing program at Eastern Michigan. I am in need of funds to continue my last two courses before applying to the nursing program.

  185. Mekdes abraham wrote:

    Hi! my name is mekdes abraham I’ve just completed my dgeer in clinical Nursing and I would like to get amasters in this nursing career.Please if there are any grants out there!

  186. Brenda Harris wrote:

    Hey I’m a single mom looking to finish school. It was hard for me in the past to go because I had to help my disabled mom and sister. Plus I’ve always had to work and wasn’t able to save money for school. I’m now working in the retail/food business and would love to use my smarts instead of my body to make money. Plus I want to be a good example for my son.

  187. Michelle White wrote:

    Hi, My name is Michelle white and I am reaching out because I too am among my dear sisters who wants to go back to school.I have come all the way through college and get to the end and can not go back because I owe 5300.00. I have been devastated because of this. I have exhausted all my means and only have 3 classes left. So hurtful. Nobody will help. I have searched and searched and search. No body will give that kind of money. That is alot of money.

    Please help me.

  188. Alexis Gailes wrote:

    Hello, I am currently enrolled into my MBA program majoring in Human Resources Management. It is a 2 year program and the cost of attendance is very expensive. I am looking for some grants or scholarships that is available so that I wont have to apply for a loan. Please contact me at my email,!

    Thank you so much!

  189. sana wrote:

    Hello,i am 26 years old and a monther of 3 year old daughter. after 6 years now i want to continue my eductaion. i moved here from pakistan 6 years ago. i already got my transcripts from pakistan now just need any scholarship or grant for furthur eduction. my husband cant afford my eduction. he is the only one who is taking care of all the expenses.i already applied for the fafsa but my husband he did not file his taxes so i cant get anything from fafsa. please help me .i just want to finish my studies asap so i can start working here.thanks

  190. John wrote:

    I am a financial aid administrator. When searching for grants and/or scholarships, I always recommend starting off with the Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Almost all accredited post-secondary schools are eligible to receive federal funds whether it be in the form of grants or loans. While I don’t recommend loans unless absolutely necessary, at least the interest rates are low. From there, you need to do some research on your own or ask the financial aid administrator of the the school your interested in for guidance. Some scholarships require an essay submission but if your writing skills are weak, I suggest going to a local community college for help polishing your essay.

  191. Jenna Hensley wrote:

    My name is Jenna Hensley and I’m a 17 year old female, currently attending Rio Rancho High School in New Mexico. After I graduate in May of 2019 I plan to go on to college at NMSU to get my bachelor’s in animal science and move up to Colorado and attend vet school to get my doctorate in veterinary medicine. I’ve wanted to be a vet since I was around 6 years old and It’s always been a dream of mine to work with animals. On all of the TV shows on animal planet, and in any clinic that I’ve seen, there is never a female veterinarian. I want to prove society that women can make it up there into the medical field. I will not stop until I get to the point where I want to be in my life. I have the mind set of never giving up. I will do everything within my power to get my doctorate in veterinary medicine and begin my life long journey.

  192. Heather Stephens wrote:

    Hi, I am 38 years old and am trying to pursue my law degree. I am currently in the Masters program at Vermont Law School, and will be moving to Vermont for school. I am a survivor of physical and mental abuse since I was a little girl. I am a women who has had many hardships. After many years of abuse, I was later in a car accident that almost killed me. I had to learn how to walk again and it put me many years behind. However, I am a fighter and did not give up. I proudly served my country as well. I am a Veteran and am now going after my dreams of becoming a lawyer. I need help in achieving this goal. I have attached my gofundme and my email is:

  193. Tammy wrote:

    Hello,i’m a high school senior I’ve applied to the college I want to attend and got accepted.But with all of the my moms health problem i’m paying for my college so i plan to get a job and pay what I can. And I still have to live at home so I can help with my mother and my older sister who got into a bad motor vehicle wreck and cant walk yet.If theirs any grant available please let me know.

  194. Ana wrote:

    Hi I’m Ana 2 years ago i was ready to attend college but do to a car accident i had to stop everything. My life got paused and it became really difficult for me to do almost anything. I broked my shoulder n clavicle and my back n neck got pretty messed up, and Finally after those 2 years I am to start school continue with my career. I basically have no money for school, was able to get FASFA but they won’t cover everything. I’m really in need of help to pay for my school. If any know how I can do it pls let me know. Thank you and God bless u!

  195. Ashley Fox wrote:

    Hello. I am currently enrolled in school but I am unable to get my license until I can pay my school off in full. I am 19 years old, getting very minimal help from FAFSA due to the fact that my mothers previous tax records show that she was making enough to cover school, even though she just lost her job of 25 years. I only have a few weeks left of school and I am trying to find anything to help! PLEASE contact me with any information!

  196. Hannah Kim wrote:


    I have been on my own since I turned 18 years old, I will be 27 this July. My parents declared bankruptcy when I was 17 and went back to South Korea pulling m out of school and I was unable to start and complete my 12 grade in high school, I should have graduated when I was 17 in 2010.
    I came back after I turned 18 I worked continuously for 8 years supporting myself gathering skills in multiple fields of expertise. In 2012 I earned my GED.
    I decided I would no longer be worried I cant make my rent and I’ll start college this year. My parents didn’t graduate so this is a huge feat for myself. I just took an accuplacer exam to see where my education level would be at and the Proctor told me my scores were really good for someone out of school for almost ten years. I felt so proud of myself.
    I found out that I am not eligible for the Pell Grant and would am putting myself out here if any person, or organization would have compassion on someone who has been adopted, homeless, and aggressively supporting myself.
    Someone that has known only hardship and going through the mud.
    My dream is to be a lawyer.
    Thank you.

  197. Anna Huff wrote:

    My name is Anna Huff. I am a single mother of a Child with special needs. I’m currently working full time for non-profit. I’m looking for financial help to pay for books and class studies. to complete my Masters in social work.
    Any help or guidance wold be greatly appreciated.
    Anna Huff

  198. Melissa Rightenour wrote:

    Hello, I am a single going back to school to attain my bachelors in graphic design. My schooling taken care of but now i have no income to pay bills and assistance does not offer enough help. I babysit my grandson so my daughter can finish school. I am 43 and single mother, please help me

  199. Katina wrote:

    I’m a 45 year old mom with a daughter that is in her senior year in college. I’ve been going to an online college at POST University where I have been attending since 2016 when I decided to go back to school, however I am just eight classes away from getting my Business Analytics degree. The financial aid that I receive is not enough to cover my tuition, I’ve just been doing the classes trying to finish until the school discontinue my classes in the middle of the term say that owing 13,000. I’ve been trying for two years for scholarship, and grants so that I may continue what I started. nothing is made available for me even at this online school . I cannot finish because I have a balance. Ive comes so far just to get to the end and I can’t because I have no financial assistant. I’ve gone from a 3.5 to a 2.57 gpa trying to stay afloat with taking care of the need of my daughters need for her college and mind. I just want to finished what I’ve started . One of my ultimately goal is to walk across the stage receiving my bachelor degree at the age of 45. Please send any information for i need financial Aid to further my education

  200. Hannah wrote:

    Hi my name is Hannah and I wanted to retrieve more information on receiving a grant. I am currently a student at Santa Monica College but plan to transfer to Creighton University in the fall. I am in need of a grant because I plan to pay for school and my apartment myself and a grant would help a lot with my situation. My dream school was taken away from me after I was raped and now I would just like to go back and do this without anything in my way this time so it would be greatly appreciated if you could help me get to my dream school. Thank you

  201. Taleece wrote:

    To whom this may concern I am a warehouse manager and a single mom of one ready looking for information on getting a grant or scholarship to finish school. I work usually over 60 hours a week to keep a good home over my daughters head and I know i can finish school with all the hard hours i put into work. Any information or help will greatly be appreciated.

  202. Mahmooda Aftab wrote:

    I am a single parent of 3 sweet children. My daughter graduated from University College Lahore (UCL) in 2018 with Upper Second Class Honours with 2 distinctions and 8 merits. She was awarded the Academic Roll of Honour for academic excellence. Currently, she is working as a Research Associate at an organization called Musawi. During the past one year, She has worked on projects pertaining to exploratory research, impact assessment, advocacy, capacity building, training assessment and development in collaboration with multiple organizations, with a special focus on human rights. She is also working as a part-time tutor for Contract Law at UCL. She intends to pursue a career in the field of human rights. This year, She applied to various universities in the US for her Masters. She got admitted to Harvard Law School. The cost of attendance at Harvard is $102900. She has been granted an award of $78500. However, She has to manage the remaining $24400 on her own. I request you to contribute generously to help my daughter.

  203. titilayo ikediashi wrote:

    Titilayo Wrote,
    Hi my name is Titilayo, I am a Nursing student at Long Island University Brooklyn Campus, and I am in my second semester, and I am not qualified to get financial aid and scholarship from both the school and government just because l have my first degree from Africa before coming to the United State Of America, it was so tough to pay $20,0000 every semester, therefore, please I am seriously in need of help so that I can graduate by next year spring, you could reach me through this Thanks.

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