College Grants for Adults

So, you’ve decided to take that brave step first step toward higher education. Congratulations! You dared to imagine the brighter future that could be yours through academics. You must now prepare to scale the many obstacles that still stand in the way of this endeavor. It’ll be hard work, but it’s more than worth it.

One of the biggest challenges you’ll expect is tuition. If you are an average American, you’re likely already carrying more debt than you wish you did. Rather than college loans, you might consider taking an alternate approach to paying for school.

Fortunately, college grants can help you cover tuition costs without incurring debt. Although most scholarship grants are aimed at high school adolescents, there are a few available for adults returning to school. You just have to know where to look.

Happy adult carrying books

Be Prepared

Preparation can help you improve your chances of qualifying for a college grant. Both public and private sources would want to know all about you, your financial position, your personal background, and your academic goals before approving your application.

What you information should you gather for college grants? If you started with the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA, available here), you will have collected much of the necessary details already. The process can be completed online.

You would need to have either your previous year’s tax returns or W-2 forms from your employers. You will be asked to report both your taxed and non-taxed income. Non-taxed income includes things like veteran’s benefits, child support, and worker’s compensation. If you are married, you will also want to have all this information for your spouse, as well.

There are plenty of calculators and worksheets on the FAFSA website to help you complete the form.

Government Grants

Given our current economy, it seems strange that now is a great time to get government grants for college. But it is. The reason behind it is simple. Over the past 50 years, our workforce needs have changed dramatically. Investing in the people’s education ensures that they stay economically competitive in a rapidly transforming world stage. The government has an interest in helping its citizens develop the skills to secure their employment now and in the future.

The most popular grant available is the Federal Pell Grant. You are eligible for a Pell Grant if are a U.S. citizen, a college student, and have yet to complete a bachelor’s degree. You must demonstrate financial need which you will do when filling out the FAFSA. Pell Grants are intended for those pursuing teacher certification or licensure.

The U.S. Department of Education can provide a list of approved colleges, universities and programs where the grant can be used.

Private Grants

Searching for books

The government isn’t your only source of grants. There are many private institutions offering education assistance for adults returning to school. The trick is how and where to search for them. If you are a worker who has been displaced by new technology or overseas outsourcing, you have the option of applying for grants from private corporations and not-for-profit organizations. There are plenty of good directories available that list these sources.

Going the private scholarship route is a gamble. The various sets of qualifications are unique to each grant source. It can be disheartening to know that you might not qualify for as many as you’d like. Eligibility for these grants is restrictive by necessity. These individual sources have limited funds to grant. Thus, they must make sure that are received by the most qualified and deserving candidates.

Fortunately, looking around may help you find several grants you qualify for. Analyze your personal situation and see what you qualify for. Displaced homemakers will also find grant money set aside just for them, as will single parents and members of certain associations, societies, or clubs.

Closer to Home

You might be surprised to find that a lot of good college grant providers are right in your own backyard. For instance, did you know that some employers offer tuition reimbursement as an employment benefit? You might still need to pay for initial tuition up front. But you may get all of it back under an employer’s reimbursement program. Many have specific grade or field-of-study requirements to qualify, but it’s worth the effort to check into it.

What about organizations you belong to? If you or a family member served in the military, you might also be eligible for veteran’s scholarship programs. Many grant programs are also awarded to specific groups. These include women, Native Americans, underrepresented minority groups, and residents of areas in critical economic need.

Many of these sources are within easy reach of your home. Check with your local chamber, library, community college, or university. You can also search for these opportunities in the web.

What Not to Do

Where there is money, there are scams. Be very careful with whom and how much you pay for information about grants and loans. The Web can give you a false sense of security when ordering catalogs, grant and scholarship searches, or other services. Moreover, it is not hard to imagine that the information you will be asked for during an application or assessment could be used for an identity fraud. Work only with reputable sources that you can verify.

How can you tell a legitimate source from a scam? The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reports that college grant scams sound very similar in their advertising. Scam sites would try to convince you that they only source of the grant and scholarship data. They also tell you that you won’t have to do any work to get it. Treat these too-good-to-be-true offers as red flags and avoid them.

The FTC even lists organizations who have been identified as scams. Before you plunk down your money for a catalog or service, check FTC.Gov for more information.

Coverage and Limitations

Check and warning sign

Most grants will be very specific about what expenses they would cover. Some grants would only cover the cost of tuition and books. Others may also cover living expenses while you study. A few may even cover the travel expenses for your studies abroad. Check each grant not only for what they cover but also if they expect documentation of the covered expenses.

The best way to avoid rude surprises is to read the documentation for your grant with care. If you do not understand the restrictions, meet with your college bursar. They could then explain the jargon to you in plainer terms.

In many cases, the grant funds will be sent directly to your college of choice. These may have extra requirements for withdrawing funds not used directly for tuition.

Grants for Specific Professions

The greater the need for talent in an industry, the more grants you may find available. For instance, the shortage of nurses and nursing related professionals has been a problem for many years. The strong demand has spurred different organizations and corporations to give generous scholarships to nursing students. If healthcare is in your area of interest, looking into nursing scholarships will be something worthwhile.

The country is also in great need of teachers. If you can see yourself teaching children in the kindergarten through twelfth grade, you will also find yourself with a lot of financial assistance.

In many cases, the benefits of choosing one of these professions extends beyond tuition grants. Many municipalities offer housing subsidies to teachers who want to own homes close to where they teach. Before pursuing a college career, first look at life outside it. What is it that people need? From there, you can find the resources you need to fund your studies and build your career.


Too often, we let practical considerations take the wind out of our sails just as we get energized by our decisions. Don’t let the challenges of funding end your collegiate ambitions before they even begin. It takes time, effort, and perseverance to get resources. Nothing worth having is easy to get. And, it’s worth it!

A college education, once achieved is something that no one can ever take away from you. It is a permanent asset to your life. Not only does it bolster your ability to earn, it also gives you the fulfillment of working at career you want.

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124 Comments on “College Grants for Adults”

  1. James Fleming wrote:

    Hello, I am a 31 year old military vet entering my final year of college. I currently am enrolled at the University of Mansfield in PA as a criminal justice major. Only being able to pay bills by collecting unempolyment while attaining my college education, I am seeking any financial help that is available to help pay for my college tuition.
    Thank You

  2. Alexander McHellon wrote:

    Greetings, My name is Alex McHellon. I am a 27 year old homeless veteran that is currently attending Tacoma Community College. I am seeking financial help to allow me to completely focus on my schoolwork. (current GPA around 3.5)

  3. Bert Parham III wrote:

    I want to complete my post-secondary educational program(MBA-Health Care Management) at Columbia Southern University online. My problem is money. I need about $6000.00 to complete this program. Can you advise me where to look for some assist in getting these funds. Used GI Bill to earn my BS degree. I am a 63 year old Black Veteran of the USAF. I have completed 16 hours toward my MBA, run out of money. Please help. Please email me as soon as possible.

  4. addison fasula wrote:

    I have recently joined Bryant and Stratton College. I am looking for some grant money to help me pay off my student loans and to help pay for my books and also to help me buy a computer so that I will be able to do my homework from home. I live around 45 miles from the college, so it is out of my way to keep going back and forth just to do my homework. If you could i would appreciate any and all help that could be given.
    Thank you very much.

  5. Dorothy Kay wrote:

    I am a middle-aged jewish widow on disability. I need immediate funds to pursue non-traditional education leading to self-employment.

  6. lauren wrote:

    i am a 55 year unemployed black female .i will embark on a new educational journey on my 56 birthday 3-5-56 ..i need all the financial help i can get. please contact me as soon as possible.
    thank you

  7. Ken Marshall wrote:

    I am a 43 year old father currently out of work and on workers compensation temporary disability. I have been out of work since March 2011. Before getting hurt I was a sales manager for a construction equipment dealership. I worked my way up to that position without having a college education. After being laid off I found I was not able to get an equivalent job due to the lack of education. I would like to have information on how to get grants to work toward a degree at the community college level in business management. THey are necessary as I am not sure when I will be able to work and earn income. Any help would be appreciated.

    THank you.

  8. Franklin Hamilton wrote:

    i am a 40 year old Farther, I have graduated from a vocational trade school in Heavy Equipment Operations and worked for a Great company, until i was laid off due to our economy. I have had a chance to use what i learned in the class room, in the feild. “That is a great feeling.”

    I am now looking to go back to school and learn more. I know with your help i could return to the company even more valuable.

  9. Kenneth Greene wrote:

    I am a 44 yr old father & husband who’s been out of work since September of 2011,looking to further my education.Since being laid off i join a program which help me obtain a certificate in facility maintence,but still need to obtain hvac license, if someone could kind enough to help it would allow this husband & father to return to work to better support my family.

  10. Wendy McGill wrote:

    I am a 33 yr old housewife and I’ve been struggling to find work and seeing how I could benefit from going back to school, it would make me more marketable right now, I am having struggles of becoming a a medical secretary/medical assistant because of the financial aspect. All I want to do is to provide my family with a good life compared to what I lived through when I was younger. I would love to receive information on scholarships, grants that would help me pay for 2 yrs of my education. I want to be the 1st in my family that I could proudly say I am a college graduate.

  11. Cathy Cunningham wrote:

    I am a 46 year old female who is about to attend her senior year of College as a Nursing student. I have worked very hard. I was committed to raising my children and now I am helping my daughter raise her two special needs sons, autistic and cerebral palsy while attending school full time. They are a true blessing, but at same time, school and boys are very time consuming. I have found myself 13, 500 short of finishing my education and I am not sure what to do. I have borrowed all the money they will allow me to borrow.

  12. Cliff Mersfelder wrote:

    I am a 40 year old. a disabled veteran and single parent. I am looking to go back to school to complete my degree in accounting. I have used up all my VA benefits and need to find help going back to school. I am also trying to start my own business in accounting and need the degree to get my business going, no one wants to go to an accounting service if you do not have a college degree. Thank you for any help you can give me.

  13. J. B. Fulgham wrote:


    I’m a 40 year father of three young children. I have a B.S. in Communications. I’m currently working in Aquatic Wildlife Management. As fun as my job is it doesn’t pay enough for me to provide for my family. I have experience in the trucking industry a driver and business owner. I need some advice on how to get grants/loans for grad. school.



  14. Karey Morgan wrote:

    Interested in grants for living expenses .

  15. Daryl Teagle wrote:

    I am currently attending ITT-Technical Institute, (candidate for Computer Electronics Engineering Degree). I have changed careers after being laid off following 20 years in the printing industry. The unemployment benefit expires at the end of 2012, leaving 2 more terms before my degree is complete. My Grade Point Average is (3.97), nearly perfect in a challenging environment. I simply need a little help for housing cost’s to get me to the end. Thank you for your consideration. -Daryl

  16. Veronica Manga wrote:

    My husband has been going to Kieser University he has no idea am posting this message on here. But yesterday I felt so sad to hear him when he told me he might have to stop going to school.We don’t have the money for him to continue going. He has been working so hard and putting all his effort into his education for almost two years. That it’s so sad to see him have to quit now. If there is someone out there that can help us. He owes around 5,000 to continue with school. He is presueing for a nursing career and has passeed all his classes with high scores. Apart from school he is a really hard working man and always receiving awards at work for his hard work and dedication and he is a great husband and father of two beautiful girls. Please if someone can help us let him reach his goal. May God Bless that person out there.

  17. rick klinger wrote:

    Im a 31 yr old male in culinary arts program and I am looking for help to find finaces to do an internship for my culinary career. The intership is over seas and I dont know where to look for help on paying the 7000 fee for the course or for funds of my living expiecnses any help would be appriated because I dont want to turn my oppurtunity to go to Ireland down because of not being able to afford it.

  18. Gary Smyth wrote:

    Hi I am a 39 year old student. The reason I went back to school is because I like many of the people in the U.S. lost my job due to the failing economy. I am in my last year and have run out of funs to complete my degree. It is going to be very disappointing to come this close to finishing and then not finish. I have a wife and three amazing children that this degree could help to support. So what I am asking is if there is some way that I can get the remaining funds I need to finish my degree so that I can finally get the job or career I have always want it would be greatly appreciated. I want this so bad not only for myself , but also so I can finally start giving my family the things they deserve. My wife is such a trooper she works so hard for all of us and I am so thankful to have her in my life. Please if there is someone out there thank can help it would not go unforgotten. Thank you and God bless.

  19. Gussie Johnson wrote:

    My name is Gussie Johnson and I am a 46 year old single black female returning back to school. I have a 4.0 grade point average and I’m asking any Company that would like to help me pay for classes and books. I know it has to be a company that could right off the money to help me. Please help I attend Ashford University and you could just pay it to them directly.

  20. Alex DeRosa wrote:

    Hi! My name is Alex DeRosa I am 25 years old and am going to Liberty University in the fall. I am going for a Masters in Christian Ministry and would like to go back and teach Youth Ministry some day. I am currently a youth pastor and do not make a lot of money. I am close to being able to go back to school and would only need $500 dollars to start back this fall. If you or your business could help out at all I would appreciate it. Thank you so much!


  21. Catherine Perret wrote:

    I am 43 unemployed with no degree. I need help finding all the recourses I can find to help me get a new career and hopefully be able to keep a stable home for myself and my children. I am a single parent who can’t handle working 2-3 jobs anymore. Please help!

  22. Thomas Murphy wrote:

    How old do you have to be for an adult grant

  23. elizabeth sapp wrote:

    how can i find a grant to cover my living expenses while attaining my bachelor degree.

  24. Shari Broughton wrote:

    My name is Shari Broughton. I am 41 years old and would like to go back to school for construction and remodeling. I am in dire need of Grant money to help me focus on my education. I have 3 children and would like to get an education to give them a better life. I am unemployed and desperately looking for employment, but haven’t found work. I have been a waitress for 20 years and really have nothing to show for it. Please help.

  25. CarLotta Mitchell wrote:

    I am 34 years of age and attended college when I was younger but got stuck in the real world and was unable to be successful at going to school FT and working FT. I am a single black female without kids and living on my own. I maintain my own household with just under 30k/year. I would love to return to school and actually finish with a college degree. I cannot receive grant money because according to FAFSA I make too much money; although I live check to check every month just to keep a roof over my head. I would like to attend an online university for Human Resources. I have worked in an Office Management/Payroll position going to agencies for many years. I am unsuccessful with finding a long term job and I would hope someone can assist me in returning to college while keeping the roof over my head.

  26. Hakeem Maturine wrote:

    22 year old single AA male,intertested in returning to school for BS in computer science or engineering.

  27. Toni Wilson Joiner wrote:

    iam 57 yrs old and would love to go back to school. can anyone tell me of any grants for senior citizens.

  28. Ivan Mitchell wrote:

    I am in my Senior year at a major college. I was told my grant monies have ran out and I cant get a personal loan to cover my last two semesters what can I do?

  29. Ronald Murrell wrote:

    I am also a 55 black male,currently rearing grandchild 4 and 8 years old boys. I work part-time while paying for classes out of my limited salary and as I go out of my pocket. That concept alone can be very challenging. Where can I get grants to paid for 20 more credits hours? Thank you for your support .

  30. Ebony M. Grant wrote:

    I am a 36 year old woman who is VERY interested in going back to school. I started my AA program in Information Technology ten years ago but became comfortable in my so-called “good job” and believed the constant reassurance that new jobs would be made available within my company that I allowed it to derail my ultimate goal/s.Now that job that I placed my good faith in has become like any other, a dead end one with no advancements in sight. My almost 15 years I’ve invested mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to them and I am VERY eager to move on. On paper I may look as if I am comfortable financially but that’s just not the case. I spend $170 a week in transportation alone and because this and other financial responsibilities I was forced back home to live with my mother (where I DO NOT want or need to be). I am looking for someone, ANYONE who can help me FINALLY help me attain my TRUE happiness in a career I would love and I can get started on a family of my own. HELP ME PLEASE!

  31. Kevin Wicker wrote:

    I am a 51 year old “late bloomer”. I am married with 2 young children — one is a special needs child. I worked hard for many years as a professional musician — 24 years as an independent producer with my own small recording studio in Nashville TN. I accomplished it all without a backer, with very little money of my own, and without a formal education.
    I came to Florida because of an opportunity to start a production company from a backer friend of mine. Unfortunately he was arrested for money laundering, and I lost my salary — as well as the means to continue doing business. I cannot afford (nor do I desire) to return back to Nashville. I have gone about as far as I want in a music career. I want to make a better life for my family. The ‘music biz’ no longer appeals to me. It’s not stable and is not what people assume it to be.
    I have considered getting my degree in Media and Communications, and was studying Web Design through an on-line college. But it got to the point where we couldn’t afford it, so I put it on hold.
    Although I am highly experienced in audio and video production, radio and jingle production, audio design and studio management, no one will hire me without some sort of degree.
    We are like a boat in the middle of an ocean at this point. No one is hiring me. I can’t even get a job as a forklift operator because I don’t have enough experience. (Although I’ve worked in many warehouses in the past trying to supplement my business). Whatever job I can find is at a labor force daily pay, and most times they give these little jobs to guys they’ve had an ongoing relationship with.
    It’s come to a dead end. We are living off food stamps and social security, and most times don’t have the money for gas or our other expenses.
    I am better than this, and I deserve a chance. I know my chances would greatly improve with a degree of some kind, in the field where I know I can thrive. It takes more than just ‘knowing someone’. I played that game for many years when I was trying to survive in the music world.
    I just want to make life better for us. I paid a lot of dues in the music biz, and it got me here. I’m sad because I worked so hard and made many sacrifices, but I’m determined to do things differently this time, and trade my guitar for a degree. I’m no stranger to hard work.
    When I attended the on-line college, I was making good grades, and receiving praise from my tutors. I was dedicated to it. But I just couldn’t afford it.
    I’ve never gotten a grant of any kind, so I don’t even know where to star. Any kind of advice, or prayer, would be appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read this…

  32. Cynthia Jordan wrote:

    I am a 37yr old single mother who is proud to say my son is getting ready to complete his first semester of college. I would like to know where i can get funding for my self to go back to school. I really need to get out of the food service industry and make a better life for my self. I have many son on the right track now it’s my turn.

  33. zainab wrote:

    hi m 25 years old married women and have one 4 years old family condition was very poor so i left the school from 6 std..but now i want to complte my studys and want to be somthing in lfe for my kid bright codition is not good to make my dream true and request u to help me in that so that i vll do somthing for my kid and family…thank u very much

  34. Rebecca Russell wrote:

    My name is Rebecca and I have always been in the education arena. I suffered a stroke four years ago but through hard work and determination I am ready to get back to my love for teaching. However, I need a few classes now. Since I am disabled I would like to find a grant to help me complete this dream. My appreciation for all considerations for my request.

  35. Phyllis Montenegro wrote:

    I am a mother of 4 children. I put off my education to finish college to maintain a home for my children and make sure they did what they were suppose to while in school. My children have gone through college and I am ready to get back into finishing my career. I have been in the healthcare for 25 years and would like to advance in my field. I want to finish my education before I leave this earth and wanted to know if I can get some assistance.

    Thank you

  36. Willie Rivers wrote:

    I am a 39yr old father of 6 looking to further my education. My background is less than stellar but extremely old. I did well in high school always taking college prep classes but made some poor decisions in my late teens. I would like to get the education I once dreamed of so that I can provide for my children’s future so that they can focus on their studies when the time comes. I would like any information that may help with this. I did attempt to go to community college once a few years back but was told I could not get a pell grant due to the fact I never signed up for selective service. I never even knew what it was until they mentioned it. I was hit by a car my senior year of high school so I never signed up. I was told this is typically when one would sign up. Anyway, any information on grants, how to obtain an exemption for the Pell grant would be greatly appreciated.

  37. Myron Lee wrote:

    I am a 29 year old Grad Student at Grand Canyon Uniuversity and I am seeking financial assistance in order for me to complete my my masters in criminal justice with an emphasis in Law Enforcement. I live in Minnesota but attend Grand Canyon via their long distance program. I have hit a financial road block and need help. I have 3 kids 1 daughter and twin boys. I am also engaged to be married in June of 2015. I currently work at the public defenders office and with unexpected financial strains I`m facing, it has put a barrier in the way of me completing my degree. Any Information at all on how I can pay for my education would be greatly appreciated. God Bless You.

  38. Folau Lauaki wrote:

    Hi i am a 28 year old father of two boys who is looking to become a certified electrician, and need help with paying for school. i currently work two jobs just to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. I want to give my boys the world and more, but i am confined to a check to check lifestyle. My sons ages are 1 year old and a 2 month. We would appreciate it a lot if we could get some help.

  39. Christopher Boyd wrote:

    I am a 43 year old man that will be attending college next month. I need to get either a grant or scholarship to pay for my tuition of 1200 dollars. I need to know where and how to apply for either scholarships or grants badly.

  40. janiya roby wrote:

    Hey my name is janiya Roby I am 11 years old I go to ashburn school in Chicago and we are doing a project about black catholic university and I was hoping that u can send me a brochure,photos of the school information about your HBCU(name of the school)banners, bumper stickers,catalog,Greek life on campus(sororities and fraternities and what your best known for,personal thoughts and famous graduates and the date it was found if u send this thank u very much and please have it before January 5th that’s when my project is due thank u

  41. Sharon Daniel wrote:

    I am a 56 yr old adult and will like to complete my Master’s degree, but being a single parent I am not able to afford it. Due to me wanting to get back in the workforce my age is a hindrance. Obtaining a Master’s degree is a plus and will expedite the process. Also I want to be a role model for my son, and to give him full encouragement. I am the first in my generation attending college. Presently, it’s difficult keeping a roof over my head and food on the table. I desperately need your help to make this dream happen for me.

  42. Dorethea Allmon wrote:

    I am looking to re-enter college to achieve my Masters of Art degree in Marriage and Family Counseling in a Christian setting. I am 63 years old and receiving a monthly check. I definitely need a grant to accomplish this. I live in Louisiana and is seeking all financial assistance. Please contact me if you can help. Thank you and God bless.

  43. jean willis wrote:

    Hello I’m 62 yr old female adult who lost her job in 2014, from a non-profit org. I’m now looking to go back to school so that I can maintain my career. I’t been really hard lately, I’m one of the baby boomer’s who stayed in a career for awhile and was hoping to retire by 70 or later. I’m in the telecommunication field, and I LOVE what I do and have done. I’ve always go the extra mile. When I was laid off, I set a letter to Obama, and wanted to know why we as baby boomers, and so many of of lost our jobs. We always paid high taxes no matter what, now I’m in a position that I’m trying to hold on to whatever I accomplished throughout those many years, and again it’s getting so hard, so if I can get or some hope of a grant, so I can give back to those also in need by paying taxes again. At the moment I’m at the community college in my town, and I’m taking Cisco courses to help me get back to work. I think for the first 8 months I cried everyday. It’s just me, and I have every limited help. So if someone can steer me in the right direction I will be forever grateful. Thank you in advance for you help

  44. Isauro wrote:

    Hi i’m a 49 years old man,father of 3 kids the older one is in the navy,and i have a 15 years old daughter in high school and a 14 years old son going to high school next year,i did two years of college in criminal justice when i was young,i’m current truck driver,barely making it trough,and i wish i could go back to school and get a master degree on computer or electronic engineering but i know i can’t afford it,i’m just so tired of always been short with money it is so frustrating especially when there is still young kids depending on u.does any body knows how could i make my dreams come true without jeopardizing my kids need for college in a near future?

  45. Navel De Reuck wrote:

    Hi my name is Navel and I’m 39 yrs old. I am from South Africa in the Northern Cape. I would like to know if you could help me with funding to go and do a BAA training course. I’m married with 2 kids please.

  46. Jake Movez wrote:

    Im A Published artist, Hyundai Equus, Project Eos, R.O.C.D.D. I Need School for These Subjects.

  47. Joni Dean wrote:

    I am a 53 year old black female. I never earned a degree. I was a stay at home mom for over 13 years when my kids were old enough to go to school I returned to full time work. I lacked skills, so the only jobs I was able to get were minimum wage. In order to make more money I need to go to college to position myself to earn more than minimum wage. I am interested in education. If you are able to give me any help or advise, I appreciate it greatly. Thank you.

  48. Jennifer Skiman wrote:

    Hi I am a 43 year old single woman who would like to finish her undergraduate degree. I quit school to work and also to care for several family members who suffer from mental illnesses. I have 33-36 units left to earn my BA in humanities. At this rate, I’m considering re-routing to earn a BS in Nutrition. Please help! Thank you in advance!

  49. Larry G. Gray wrote:

    Hello. I am a 56 year old starting a new job at Wal-Mart. I have been told many times I would make a great teacher. I have taught at community colleges in the fields of history and religion ( I have an M.A. in History) I would like to go back to school to seek credentials in higher education, but I do not know where to start. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  50. Donald Fredette wrote:

    Hi,my name is Don I’m 52 and disabled not military. I have a GED from when I was 24 since I was injured in 06 I have been mentoring troubled stay busy.but living alone on disability I barely get by.I would like to take some college courses to be able to better help the teens I work with..but I need financial help to do this..can you please help. I live near concord new Hampshire.

    Thank you Don

  51. Gary wrote:

    I’m a 46 year old single father in Orlando, Fl. that’s just about to finish my bachelor degree in Computer Science Information , but I have reached my limit with FasFa and I really would like to finish and show my son it does not matter how old you are or what take place in life you can complete and achieve and goals in your life if you apply yourself whole heartily. I really would like to reach this goal one for myself and son, but also I would be the first one in my family to finish college with a degree. Are there any one that can help assist me in finding a scholarships or grants that will help me make it through. I’m already in school, but my classes starts up in September but all I’ve been getting is people wanting me to come to there schools.

  52. AJ wrote:

    I am 24 years old I’m a hispanic female. I attend my local community college in Austin, Tx and I plan to transfer to a University soon. Working full time makes it really dificult to get ahead on my classes. I’m looking for something that would help me financially (rent) that way I can focus mainly on my undergraduate degree. My GPA is 3.5. Thanks!

  53. Jeff wrote:

    I am a 47 year old male that has just lost my job. With todays job market my options are extremely limited with a BA in Liberal Arts. Sounded like a good degree when I went to college according to my counselor. Anyway. I have been a supervisor in a manufacturing plant and in several school maintenance departments. I am interested in Social Services. A grant to attend a Masters program would be great. Anyone know how to get one???

  54. Juus wrote:

    Can someone help me to receive financial assistance for school and living expenses. I desire to complete my BA Degree in Psychology with continuing education to become a certified Behavior Analysis and Counselor, but I lack the finances and income. I desire to return to school full-time, if at all possible.

  55. Wilford short wrote:

    I am 62 year old an need a grant to go back to school an need money to help . I will be traveling 200 miles each day four days a week for (9) nine months to complete. I need money for school an travel because they do offer living quarters for students so I have to commute each. I need help

  56. BAKARI RAMADHAN wrote:

    I am a Kenyan adult aged 36 years ,who failed to pursue my education to university level. I belong to squatters in western Kenya.
    I would like to take a degree course in law; this would help me advocate for justice for people who have suffered from abuse due to lack of legal fees.

  57. Rich Forbes wrote:

    I am a 48 year old single income family, I have lost my job, and due to changes in hiring procedures find I am unable to find work in my field without having a degree. Would there be help for hearing disability people?

  58. Marc K wrote:

    Hello my name is Marc. I am a 36 year old disabled parent with sole custody. I am looking to continue my education. Currently looking at pursuing an associates but more willingly wanting to pursue a bachelor’s degree in either American History, Political Science, Public Policy, etc. I currently live in New Jersey and am on Social Security Disability. Being on Social Security I figured it would be quite easy to pursue an education. I haven’t found that to be the case. What grant’s besides Pell, scholarships, & Awards would I be able to pursue to fully fund my education/degree?

  59. Mike wrote:

    Hello, I am a 45 year old vet. Last year I suffered a heart attack with a triple bypass. Because of this, I had to leave my, great, paying job and take one at a third of what I was making.

    I am looking to return to school on-line, and finally obtain my bachelors degree(s) in Safety Management, Emergency Management, or both. I am looking for funding for various expenses ie; books, fees.

    The last time I attended attended college I maintained a 3.25 GPA and also made the Presidents list. Thank you, in advance, for any consideration on this venture.

  60. Kara Franzen wrote:

    I am a 44 year old single female who was just laid off her job. I would love more than anything to go to school and find something I love to do. Unfortunately I don’t have the financial means to do this. Wondering what my options are and where to turn. Thank you so much.

  61. Lonna Stevens wrote:

    I am a 46 year old female that is on SSI. I have decided to go back to school and am enrolled at Kaplan University for medical coding an billing. I am in search of more financial aide to help me with books, supplies, an the classes. I need help please and thank you.

  62. Jermaine Smith wrote:

    I am 36 years old and I am seeking financial assistance to go back to school to futher my education. At this time I am unable to pay for school. I need help badly.

  63. Wig wrote:

    I would love to go back to school to get Bachelor, I am 52, looking for grant money to help for cost.

  64. Diana W wrote:

    I am a 56 year old woman having to reinvent myself. I need money for living expenses as I go through nine months of school to get my diploma in medical assisting. It’s just me and I have no one else to ask or depend on. Please help! Thank you….

  65. Oscar wrote:

    I am a 25 year old male who is disabled for 2+ years not receiving any income as I’m waiting for the determination to receive some government funds. I’m trying to attend all of my classes online because of my medical conditions restricitng me quite a bit to be able to attend on site campus but if a couple or so are needed i will make the sacrifice and take the pain and discomfort just so i can get ny degree and be the person who i want to be whom i already feel like at heart and its to be a physical therapist and shoot for the start and become a doctor, please help me achieve my goal all i need is the help in funds please email me as soon as possible.

  66. Frederick wrote:

    Hello. I’m a 43 yr old that was once on the Dean’s List at a local community college. Due to some mental issues I ended up dropping out. Have since got help with my issues and I’m seeking to continue my education. I’m not currently working and not getting any funds from the government. Seeking grant assistance to continue my education. Thanks.

  67. Martina Byrd wrote:

    I’m 55years old German ( got Green Card) and want to go back to College. I’m a single mom with no income. I need help for living, gas and books. What do I need to do?

  68. Sharon wrote:

    Helping daughter get back into college. Husband works but no second car, or money to go back to even a community college in MS. Young couples try so hard and just get pushed back down..

  69. Terry Jessop wrote:

    I am a retired handicapped senior citizen with 2 masters degrees. One of the degrees is in Education Administration. This allows me to teach teachers at a college level but I don’t have a license certification in the state of Utah to teach. I am retired and working as a substitute school teacher to keep from starving. I would like to get a grant to get certified! Where can I go to get the help for certification? 801-889-0929 Terry.

  70. Ashley wrote:

    I am looking for grants or scholarships to help pay for my play therapy certification courses. I am not finding anything to help out. I really need to assistance in being able to get this certification. Thank you.

  71. Willie sims wrote:

    Im a student at national Aviation, need help with school and school is in concord mass.just want to be able to be in school everyday.

  72. JAMES DOWELL wrote:

    I’m 45 years old and simply want to return to school but it’s just not in my budget. If I could get this assistance it would be heaven for me.

  73. Farnaz Hassan wrote:

    I am a school administrator/teacher. I love my profession but I need to do two more years of education to get a US degree, before I can work in schools . I am 57 years old. I enrolled in school and got some subsidised loans but I am working full time and its very difficult to pursue a degree while working full time. I need help with expenses so I can take some time off.

  74. Kyaira R Jumper wrote:

    “TODAY” … 5 years from today I lost it. My house, car, career, hobby, friends, loved ones, dignity, dreams, and most importantly me. I was diagnose with an mentle disorder that ensalved me to think my life was over. “I thought my life was over” but I still show and give thanks to the girl that stole my ANTM audition tape an actually made the cut. To the sister that commit other illegal crimes while using my name in custody, the high school girls that still bully me today into thinking I’m the reason why they still have in house family problems that they took out on other people so they get me fired from every job I “interviewed” for, to the parents I lost at 13 that left because they wanted to and not because they had to. To the high school principal that verbally tarnish my name to make a black man look horrible to make hisself can feel good about life, was a selfish sin. To the stranger that stalk me for 4 years because of a sexual attraction. To every single people that left when I develop disorder, I’ll see you in court. 10 years later and I’m still moving, still standing. So the people I named anonymously thank you for showing me “I’m a real baby”. What is life? When the list can go on about the things that happens to me. Anyway I’m happy I’m alive, I thought I’ll join the sob story billboard. So, how did I do? I never been in a gang before and I’m 27. I really don’t blend it much. Grants and scholarships, scholarships and grants. I need them both and would gratefully appreciate the opportunity to even be one of the candidates to be selected for these opportunities.

  75. Gerthrude Karu wrote:

    I am looking for a scholarship to study Indonesia language in 2018

  76. kevin jackson wrote:

    I am a disabled vet who is looking for assistance to supplement my 60 percent scholarship

  77. SueAnn Shell wrote:

    I am in need of a Clinical remediation course to reinstate my RN license in Florida. My total need is 7000. I’m 60, female,indigent and this is my only hope to support myself.
    Thank you kindly,
    SueAnn Shell

  78. David Padilla wrote:

    I am 30 years old and a single Dad.I need a grant to go back to school an need money to help . I will be traveling 150 miles each day four days a week for 11 months to complete. I need money for school and travel because they do not offer living quarters for students so I have to commute each. I need help but know we’re to turn in this dark situation.

  79. Anthony P. Bettencourt wrote:

    Hello My name is Anthony I am a 25 year old man from wa state who is looking to further his education to help build a better life me and my family and in doing so helping my community in return I have big dreams and asperations just need a little help to fulfill them with a degree I can be the person and mentor for others that i always wanted to be and that because of your help with a grant, thank you

  80. Sam wrote:

    I’m a 42 yr old white male looking for grant/scholarship money to continue my studies in college, it is my greatest passion and desire to Coach young people in the game of football, I presently intern/volunteer at a nearby high school. I pay child support for three boys and have had diabetes since I was Fifteen yrs old, I have a blue collar job but my situation leaves me zero funds for college, I also receive a small amount of food stamps assistance for my boys. I live in Northwest Florida. I hope you can help.

  81. Jannice Walker wrote:

    Hi, my name is Jannice Perodomo-Walker.A Hispanic female, I am 36 years old and what to go to college finally to help my photography business out , to improve my skills, and give me and edge. But need lots of financial help. I homeschool my 4 kids and we just bought a new house, and our van broke down. How can I get help, where do I start. I have already been trying to fill out my FASA, but it will not pay for all of my tuition at the Art Institute of Pittsburg. I just feel like the harder I try to go to college something horrible always happens.
    First time my own mother stole my money, and then kept stealing my money until I moved out. The second the school was not accredited and wasted my time and money, the third the school closed down on the second semester and was taking a lot of people’s money. I really need this for myself for my kids. Please help. I need to find something that will help me pay for all my tuition.
    Thanks for any and all help

  82. Jasmine wrote:

    I am an upcoming sophomore at UMASS Dartmouth, and my invoice balance is over $4,000, due to me becoming a resident on campus for an emergency reason. I have to pay for college myself, and because of the invoice exceeding $1,000, I cannot enroll for any classes in the fall. I would really love some extra help to pay this invoice off so I can be able to go back to school in the fall as a commuter again. Thank you.

  83. Lawanna Paulk wrote:

    Hello im 25 and i havent had the best of luck with school i tried to go back in march 2015 and fell very ill while trying to get my GED i have 2 kids and a disabled husband i would really like to find a place that is willing to help me pay to go back and finish my dream of one day becoming a doctor please somebody point me in the right direction of finding the help i need Thank You in advance and God Bless

  84. Sinfree Mbazangi wrote:

    I am a 47 yr old Zimbabwean wanting to study for a Diploma in Architecture or Quantity Surveying. I am married, got four kids and On an annual salary below USD12000. Badly need sponsorship.

  85. Ofulue uzordinma Dennis wrote:

    I am an African,a Nigerian.I discovered few years ago that I have a flair for writing.I also want to be a freelance writer. Not for money, but to impart my idea to humanity. Please how can you help me become a better writer?

  86. Lamin Cham wrote:

    I am a 41 year old man whose only dream is to have at least a bachelors degree. i have tried all that i can but still to no avail. I am looking for some one or an institution that will sponsor me to get to my dream.

  87. Reney wrote:

    Oh my goodness, all these stories of struggles, can anyone update me, at all? Im very concerned to know how things have been going. Please don’t hesitate to comment. I only ask bc I’m genuinely interested and I care.
    Thanks for your time.

  88. Carlos Martinez wrote:

    I am a 29yr old father and full-time employee for an electronic company. I am currently attending Pasadena City College for my last 1 1/2 year there and then transfer to a Cal State University, but I currently need the finances to help me get through school and I’ll also continue to need it when I proceed into transferring to a Cal State. Being a father of two kids and husband, my education wasn’t always a priority, but I know there is more to life then what I am currently doing at work so I want going to pursue my education and graduate and transfer right after that. Any advice as to how to acquire a grant or scholarship will really help me at this point. Thank you

  89. Falisha L Brown wrote:

    My name is falisha im 27 im just ready to get my life together i have a 7 year old lil girl dat im trying to do my best for can yall just plez help me out so i can go to college so i can have a better job plez.

  90. Sheldon Waters wrote:

    Do you have any information regarding adults over 50 needing funds to continue school.

  91. Kathy wrote:

    Hello, I am a 44 year old married lady, and mother of three wonderful children. As my children are now more self sufficiant, I want to further my career. Currently and the past 4 years i work as a cook in a school kitchen, I chose this because of the hours, knowing that i would always be off work in time to fulfill my duties as a mother, wife and homemaker. I love my job, but want to move further up the ladder and become a School Food Service Director. We are not a low income family but we do struggle making ends meet. Therefor i need assistance with school funding, so that can help my family’s needs, and finally get an education. Where can i find legitamate help for a married mother without a low household income

  92. Edward wrote:

    I’m a 40 year old male without a degree and I need to go back to school with minimal savings is there anything I can do? I live on the east coast currently but I’m willing to move.

  93. callyster lusava khayule wrote:

    I am 36 years old Kenyan man , I would like to go back to school to pursue a diploma in hospital cleaning program and I really don’t have tuition fee and am a family man , kindly assist to achieve this goal. thank you

  94. Alissa L Morris wrote:

    Going to school for Dental Hygiene and I am a single mom. I travel an hr and a half 1 way 4 days a week. I am only able to work about 15 hrs a week with my schedule and travel time. FAFSFA has covered my classes but I am needing a grant that will help cover living expenses and travel. Thank You

  95. Robert L Keener wrote:

    Hello my name is Robert Keener I am a 52 year old white man who is currently on Disability . I am applying at GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY as a first year student online seeking any Grant available today . I want to become a councillor.PTSD . Abuse of any kind. Thank you for your kind attention . Mr Robert Lee Keener Sr

  96. Ahmed Abdalazeez wrote:

    My name is Ahmad from Sudan. I am 35 years old. I am looking for a free bachelor degree.

  97. kingsley wrote:

    I am a 24 year old guy who has been working for 8 years after secondary school without having gone to the university.
    Please I need financial support as I am planning on going back to school for theatre art.

  98. Vicky wrote:

    My name is Vicky, I was born in the United States, I completed my 4 years of Hogh School on 1990 at Dominican Republic. I got marry very young and never went to college. I have ; grown children and one 5 year old. I’m interested in going to school and i have no idea where to start.

  99. Maur Scott wrote:

    I am 64. I am looking for a career in facial revonstruction or other law enforcement areas. I have a B.S. in acvounting. Please tell me what is wvailable.

  100. Robinette Jones wrote:

    I’m 21 years old looking to get back into school for nursing, need money for classes interested in grants that do not require to be paid back if possible. Thanks in advance

  101. Jessica Megan Landis wrote:

    I am a 30 year old survivor of an abusive marriage. I have spent all of my money to get divorced after enduring 5 years of trauma. I am slowly on the path to divorce and have lost 10K in the process. I cannot afford ACA healthcare because it combines my exes income and my bachelors level student debt will increase soon because of my exes income. I ended up homeless for 6 months while paying off lawyer bills and work 3 jobs to pay for my car and loans. My background is in the behavioral field but due to the trauma I endured in my marriage my field is re-exposing me to triggers and I have been unable to heal. I want to work in a medical field and need help getting my associates in Physical therapy. This will allow me to help others but with a lower level of emotional stress.

  102. Lucinda Graham wrote:

    Hello Im 45 years old. Im looking for scholarship or grant money to go back to school. I want to pursue a career in healthcare. I already went to school for 2years and I have an Associate of Science Degree in Health Care Information Technology.But like most I have not been able to acquire a job with no experience.I have many years of Security Experience But over the past year I have encountered many health issues that have.kept me doing this type of work. So now I feel lost. But I feel like I definitely need to go back to school and acquire some new skills. I can’t afford to take out a loan to go to school.So I’m looking for as much info as possible about grants Thanks

  103. Sheri Royer wrote:

    Hello I am a mother of 4 and I am currently disabled with no funds to speak of to attend college. I would like information on grants to help me become a Kindergarten teacher. I home school my own children and find it very enjoyable. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much

  104. Opiyo Elizabeth wrote:

    I am a 56 year old lady…I have a strong desire to take a degree ciurse in Public Relations International. Financial status has incapacitated me.kindly enable me achieve this dream.I don’t want to be statistics of buried unfulfilled dreams.I am ready to study in any university where you will sponsor me.please respond.I am desperate.

  105. Velma Johnson wrote:

    Wanting to start school and need help

  106. Teche jairus nyambi wrote:

    I am 27 years old I want a scholarship to study

  107. Wisfom wrote:

    Pls pain.. Am 24 now and I had dreams going to school.. But nothing is working.. Have tried working to save up but I never meet up.. Am giving up. Pls I need help to go to school. It will be great if I can get help and I will forever be greatful. Pls

  108. George wrote:

    Helo,am yearning to go back to finish my o level my dream is to be a doctor but am currently having no way of paying my fees please help me out.

  109. Purity wrote:

    I am a 33 year old widow and mother of two. I lost my husband a year ago and can barely meet our basic needs hence why I need to go back to school to pursue an undergraduate degree in Forensic Psychology. I already have two diplomas though. I have noted with great concern the increased number of suicide cases in my country Kenya, (I have been affected directly with my husband’s suicide)as well as a shortage of Forensic Psychologists in the country, and so I am keen on getting the knowledge I need to help alleviate this problem. Any help will be highly appreciated. Thank you.

  110. Diana DiCarlo wrote:

    I am 61 yr.old disabled female trying to complete my associates degree at a My FAFSA has run out and I am 8 credits away from graduation. I plan on attending a 4 yr college to obtain a bachelors and or Masters to become a licensed clinical counselor. There is a real need in my area. I was devastated when I found out that I could not return to classes this semester.

  111. Jess wrote:


    I am a 37 year old single female who wants to improve my life for the better. I have my bachelor’s degree and work in Advertising, however, I am not happy. I have been wanting to go back to school for years, however, not sure how to afford it. I need to take prerequisites before I can take the GREs to apply for PT programs. I know I can apply for grants, scholarships and loans once I get into the program, however, am not sure if I can get help with the prerequisites. Can you please assist?

    Thanks in advance!

  112. Deshinet Hooker wrote:

    Hi, i’m a 26 year old single mother needing information about grants and scholarships.I’m in need of help paying for the classes and childcare expenses. Any help would be beneficial. Thank you.

  113. kedibone links wrote:

    I’m 40 with no degree all I want is to go back to school I’m a single mother of 5, 2 have finished school I can’t even help them to further their education.I want to start a daycare center.can you please help me with grants

  114. Markos wrote:

    I have a dream to extend my education up to my death

  115. Elizabeth A Ellerby wrote:

    I am 39 looking for grants and scholarships to help complete my BA in Business. It will cost around 8500 to finish. Mother of 4 and want to start my own business. Who can point in the right direction to complete my mission??

  116. Marian wrote:

    I’m 71 years old. Laid off at age 60 having no college degree. Following this I lost my home, filed bankruptcy & got cancer. I’ve recovered valiantly from the above, keeping my sense of humor intact.

    I’ve learned a lot about myself & others by becoming poor. I’d now like to go back to school to earn a degree in order to make an impact for good in this world & become independent again. I, like everyone, don’t know when I’ll leave this life (in my family we live well into our 90’s.) I certainly don’t want my life to be a wasted one.

    I’d like very much to add as many grants as possible. Is there any chance for an eager lady of my age?

  117. Phumzile wrote:

    Im looking for something I can do I want to study

  118. Gerald Melvin wrote:

    I am 53 yr old white male that is needing a grant to seek a Tooling engineer manager degree. I already have 30 yrs exp as a Tool & die maker/Tool room Machinist. Is there any way I may qualify to get a college grant? Thank you for your time. Jerry Melvin

  119. Steven Sheldon wrote:


    I am a 40yr old father of 3. I am going back to complete my Bachelor’s Degree this year at UMASS. I am in hopes of finding a grant to help with educational costs. I completed my AS Degree top of my class and the loans have piled up for schooling. I took a break due to being diagnosed with a genetic disease. I’ve worked very hard to get where I’m at today and I would appreciate anyone willing to invest in me to continue moving forward. References and grades available upon request. Thank you.

  120. Hoang H Dao wrote:

    Hi Dear College Grant Support Team
    My name is Hoang H Dao. A US Citizen and a College Student. I am 60 years old now and I have almost done my Management Information System BS Degree at California State University of Los Angeles but I am out of money and just got a minimum wage job and not be able to pay school fee. I have only few more semesters to get the degree done. I have stopped my school time in 2008 since my Parents, my biggest supporter had passed away at the same time and the recession year in 2008 cost me to loose the job. So I have struggle with my life for several years and delayed my education up to today. I really need help to complete my degree which I have passed 2/3 of the road and almost get to the destination. Please help me out since I don’t want to loose the effort I have spend for so many years. Thanks so much.

  121. Michelle Cocroft wrote:


    I’m 43 years old and almost done with school. Unfortunately, FASFA will no longer cover my tuition as I’ve been in school for a while. I was taking one or two classes while working, and keeping to my volunteer commitments, and I didn’t realize there’s an expiration on government grants. I only have five courses left to get my Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. I’m hoping to graduate this year, but it’s challenging to pay out of pocket. I also have a daughter in college. My GPA is 4.0, and I’m looking forward to pursuing a career as a witness victim advocate. If anyone could please direct me toward legitimate grants I could apply, I would be extremely grateful.

  122. YAKOB ALLEN wrote:

    I am in hopes of finding a grant to help with educational costs.

  123. Jackie Keith wrote:

    I am a 57 year old black female wanting to complete a Bachelors degree in Education/ English as a 2nd Language. I competed my Associates many years ago and want to transfer most of those credits. I am looking for grants to assist me I have a part time job but can not pay out of pocket. With this degree I can change the trajectory of my life. I would be grateful for your help.

  124. Melissa Bamburg wrote:

    My name is Melissa Bamburg and I am a graduate with my Associates degree trying to continue pursuing my bachelors but need help with my living and housing exspenses in Louisiana. Any info where I can recieve any would be helpful. Thanks

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